November 2016 Newsletter

Thank you for all your responses to our recent Questionnaire concerning your Club. We received a large number of replies, which was very gratifying, and we shall be using the findings to guide our planning for future events. For instance, we are looking at organising a theatre party to Sidmouth next season.

Talking of Sidmouth, details and booking-form for the ever-popular Christmas Lunch at the Victoria Hotel are in this issue. The Victoria is always decked out sumptuously for the festive season, and those decorations alone make the event well worth attending.

Les Rendell has, at our request, produced another brain-teasing Quiz for members (click here). Prompt entries are invited, so that we may present a garden voucher prize to the winner at the lunch (or by post if you are not at the lunch). Answers to Les please by Monday, 28th November either by email: or snail mail: 11 Aubyns Wood Rise, Tiverton EX16 5DG.

We were discussing our website at the recent Committee meeting (have you looked at it yet? Ray Cavill, who heads up our Welfare team and is always very diligent, claimed there was a missing full-stop on the Welfare page. I could not find it, but see if you can! We would love some more photographs of Club activities, so do bring your camera along to an event and we might use one of your pictures on the Website, or on our FaceBook page.

Ray was recently pleased to welcome David and Eleanor Jenkins, new members to the area, onto the Welfare team. David has reminded us that there was an upcoming change in Barclays Probate Service that the Club might be unaware of, and so the details of this are enclosed.

We shall be handing out name-badges again at the lunch, so if you come along and cannot quite remember an old colleague’s name, help will be at hand. I know that I shall find it very useful. I do hope that I see you there, on Thursday 1st December at any time from eleven o’clock.

Andrew Green, Hon. Secretary


The next lunch is the Christmas Lunch on Thursday, 1st December 2016 at the Victoria Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth EX10 8RY at 1pm.

Menu/booking form is attached (click here) and should be returned to me with your cheque by 14th November 2016. Cheques will be banked on that day. No refunds will be given after this date.

The cost per head for members and carers, if members require assistance, is £12.00 or £25.00 per head for non-members. The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.

Please also let me know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

For those who like to make this event more of an occasion, you can arrive from 11.00am to purchase tea/coffee and the bar will be open from 12 noon.

Should you wish to sit with particular friends would you please indicate on the Booking Form so that I can complete the Seating Plan. Please check the Seating Plan when you arrive to see where you are seated.

Lynne Ring, Committee Member

Future dates for your diary

Thursday, 9th March 2017 Annual General Meeting and Lunch at Exeter Golf & Country Club.

Tuesday, 11th April 2017 Free Coffee Morning at Froginwell Vineyard.

Further details will be included in the next Newsletter. Do please try to come to at least one event in the year. If getting to an event is difficult for you, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Committee and we will do our best to arrange transport for you. We would like to see you – and it helps our finances!

Lynne Ring, Committee Member

Barclays Probate Service
2016 Discretionary Concession

From 1st January 2012 until 31st December 2016 in estates where the residue is to pass to a surviving spouse, civil partner or other dependant (an ‘eligible estate’):

The Bank will waive the entire Discounted Service Fee for administering eligible estates for those who die on or before 31st December 2016.

When someone dies after 31st December 2016 and the Bank is still appointed as their executor, the administration of the estate will attract the Discounted Fee (currently 70% of our standard rate). If all the beneficiaries of the estate request it the bank will step aside and renounce its appointment as executor allowing another person or organisation to take on these duties. There would be no charge for this and no other fee would be payable to Barclays.

Estates which are not eligible are estates where the residue passes to independent adult children, remoter relatives, friends or charities. In these estates the 30% discounted fee would still apply from 1st January 2012.

And finally ….

Your Committee takes this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry festive season and a healthy New Year.