Newsletter October 2024

Another year seems to have shot by and here we are announcing in this edition the 2024 Christmas luncheon at the superb Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth on Thursday, 5th December. Do come and join us there to enjoy the wonderful decorations as well as our lovely company!

Since our last Newsletter, we have enjoyed “Looking Good Dead” at the Sidmouth Theatre where 25 of us survived the evening. In early September a bumper number of 37 lapped up a scrumptious cream tea with massive scones at King’s Garden Centre and then a month later 26 of us enjoyed an excellent Pub Lunch at the White Horse Inn.

Next up is a coffee morning (with some lovely tray-bakes) at Bickleigh Mill with time for some Christmas gift shopping at the boutique areas found there. That is on Tuesday, 12th November from 10.30am. Please see later in this edition as you need to tell Barbara Johnson if you can make it.

And then it is Christmas time at the Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth for our 50th Anniversary luncheon.

Into the New Year we will plan a coffee morning for February followed by our AGM on Thursday, 13th March at the Swan’s Nest, Exminster where we have been for our past 2 AGMs, and with a speaker to be arranged, but more on that and those events in the January Newsletter.

Please do remember to take a look at our Website for up-to-date information and reports on our activities ( and also on our Facebook page which Les Rendell is kindly keeping up to date.


Whilst we do have funds available and will continue to run a deficit each year to use up our surplus balance, costs have been rising and none more so than at the major lunches which we so enjoy. Your subsidy for this

Christmas at the Victoria will be 55% despite the increased contribution being asked of members. Details are later in this Newsletter. I look forward to your continued support of our various events.

Finally, should I not see you at either the November or December events I wish you all a lovely Christmas and a Safe, Healthy and Happy New Year! (yes, I know, it’s a bit early).

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer

Secretary’s Notes

The weeks seem to be flying by and don’t forget to change your clocks on Saturday night, 26th October. At least then we will have lighter mornings but the downside is that it will get darker earlier in the evenings! It is definitely the time to close the curtains and ‘hunker-down’.

The Club outing to watch the thriller play at Sidmouth Theatre was a great story with the usual twist to the ending. Peter and I went to some of the other plays including the final one of the Summer Season: ‘Ben Hur’ featuring four actors playing numerous parts. I have vague memories of a film with Charlton Heston but couldn’t remember much of the story other than a dramatic chariot race. At Sidmouth we had the actors rowing in a boat with some audience participation and then a chariot race with two mobile scooters mocked up as chariots with shields on the sides and when they reversed, we had the ‘blipping’ – very funny and so clever. The actors worked really hard with swift role and costume changes and it was a real fun evening.

It is a busy time in the garden at the moment with winter pruning and planting some spring bulbs in my pots and it is lovely to see the bright colours of the dahlias and even some roses.

Post continues to be costly so if you acquire an email address or have any other changes, please don’t forget to let me know so I can update our records. Thank you.

Also, some of our members do not drive and if you know any of them, perhaps you could give them a lift to an event? The more the merrier, as the saying goes!

I look forward to seeing you at some of the events, especially at the Christmas Lunch for the celebration of the Club’s 50 years as well as having a scrumptious meal.

Take care and keep warm and cosy.

Barbara Johnson, Secretary


Autumn already and that must mean – amongst other things – even more jabs! My still outstanding heart surgery has focused my mind on several matters and leads me to mention these varied issues:

Winter Fuel Payment/Pension Credit

The Government is encouraging all pensioners to check if they qualify for Pension Credit and if so, to apply for it in order to receive the Winter Fuel Payment. The deadline for a backdated claim is December 21st. Nearly 40% of eligible pensioners are NOT claiming. Full details are on the Government website, or phone: 0800 99 1234.

Winter Jabs

In addition to the Covid and Flu jabs, there is an additional winter virus jab – Respiratory Synctial Virus (RSV). This is, however, restricted to those aged 75 – 79. Contact your GP Surgery for further information and advice.

Contact Details for Willis Towers Watson

WTW are the administrators for the Barclays Bank Retirement Fund. They moved earlier this year and although their details are updated on the latest communications, including this year’s pension increase letter, it might be wise to check your Email and postal contact details to ensure that it is all up to date. To this end, attached to this Newsletter is a revised general contact list giving the updated WTW details. (Click here)

Lifts to Club Events

This is not a new subject, but is an increasing issue. The Committee and Wellbeing Officers always try and arrange support for those unable to drive themselves and we shall forever be grateful to those who can help. Do not be surprised to receive a call asking you for a lift!

Sincerely hope that I see you all at the Victoria for our Christmas celebrations!

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Officer


Tuesday, 12th November, 10.30am – Free Coffee Morning, BICKLEIGH MILL EX16 8RG.

We are returning to Bickleigh Mill again for our special morning event and they will be providing free tray bakes to accompany coffees/teas. To help with their catering it would be helpful if you could let us know whether you are intending to join us for this event. Please contact Peter or Barbara Johnson by email – – or telephone 01297 599086, by Monday, 4th November. Thank you.

Also, if you know you will be staying on for a lunch (at your own expense) please tell us. Last year 20 people stayed on which was great and the staff were able to accommodate us all together at large tables. However, if you haven’t decided yet, it shouldn’t be a problem.

Thursday, 5th December, 12.30pm – Christmas Lunch at Victoria Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth EX10 8RY

Please complete and return the attached booking form (click here) to Barbara & Peter Johnson by 18th November at the latest with your cheque or confirmation of BACS transfer.

Account name: Exeter Spread Eagle Club

Account number: 10138878

Sort code: 20-30-47

Reference: Your surname

The cost per head for members is £20.00 and £45.00 per head for non-members. The cost includes a glass of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.

Please advise any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

Should you wish to sit with particular friends would you please indicate on the Booking Form so that an appropriate Seating Plan can be drawn up. Please check the Seating Plan when you arrive to see where you are seated.

For those who like to make this event more of an occasion, you can arrive from 11.00am to purchase tea/coffee and the bar will be open from 12 Noon.

Future date for your diary:

Thursday, 13th March 2025 Annual General Meeting and lunch at Swan’s Nest, Exminster

Look out for full details of this and other events in subsequent