Newsletter – October 2023


Welcome to our Autumn Newsletter.

Another year seems to have shot by and here we are announcing in this
edition the 2023 Christmas Luncheon at the superb Victoria Hotel,
Sidmouth on Thursday, 7th December. Do come and join us there to enjoy
the wonderful decorations as well as our lovely company!

By now most, if not all of you, should have had your booster Covid and
the latest ‘flu jabs, so I hope you are feeling safer to come out and play.

Since our last Newsletter we had 33 at a wonderful cream tea at the
Powderham Castle Orangery on a sunny day to also enjoy the

Our Autumn lunch is in the form of a casual pub lunch at The White Horse
near Aylesbeare on the Sidmouth Road where our maximum capacity of
34 are booked in for Tuesday, 17th October. The pub always make us most

Next up is a coffee morning (with some lovely tray-bakes) at Bickleigh Mill
with time for some Christmas gift shopping at the boutique areas found
there. That is on Wednesday, 15th November from 10.30am.

Into the New Year, we plan a coffee morning for Wednesday, 14th
February – yes I know, it’s Valentines Day – again at The White Horse.

Our AGM is currently set for Tuesday, 12th March 2024 at The Swans Nest,
Exminster where we were for our AGM in 2023, with an entertaining
speaker in Rose Chanin, but more on that in the January newsletter.

Please do remember to take a look at our website for up-to-date
information and reports on our activities (
and also on our Facebook page which Les Rendell is kindly keeping up to


We have plenty of funds in our coffers as the Bank continues to support
the Retirement Clubs with the annual grant. It was £3,748 in 2023 and
our total income with subscriptions is £4,670. As a result, we can offer
generous subsidies to members at lunches whilst continuing to keep
coffee mornings and cream tea events “free” to members. For example
the Victoria Christmas luncheon will attract a 66% subsidy this time with
members paying just £14 each. Great value for your £5 Sub!!
Our numbers have increased this year, despite sadly some losses, and in
the past two months we welcome Paula Faulkner, Sandie Williams and
Paul Callan as new active members.

Finally, should I not see you at either the November or December events;
I wish you all a lovely Christmas and a safe, healthy New Year! (yes, I
know, it’s a bit early).

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer


Secretary’s Notes

The final quarter of the year has arrived after a few mixed summer
months and yet we are currently experiencing some nice warm weather
despite the shorter days.

One of the great things about belonging to our Exeter Spread Eagle
friendly Bank pensioners’ Club is the opportunity to meet up at our various
social events with fellow bankers and their spouses/partners (who may/or
not have worked in the Bank). From a personal point of view I have made
some great new friends through the Club. It is so nice to reminisce about
the ‘good old days’, talk about the challenges and current changes of
banking and also get to know about other careers that our members and
spouses/partners have had. Added into the mix of lively conversation at
all our events is what retirement has given us: Maybe the chance to travel
or pursue another job or get involved with charity work, the list is endless
and very varied. Having taken early retirement I worked on a goat farm
for a couple of years! Admittedly, it was in the accounts department but I
learned all about food distribution for example and was encouraged to use
goats’ milk and cheese. I still use some of the recipes.

As we head into the winter months, the gardening becomes more of a
‘tidy-up’ challenge and Devon Wildlife Trust do remind us to leave some
seed heads, especially on plants such as sunflowers as you’ll help give
birds a boost as they build up reserves for the cold months ahead. Also
let some vegetation, like leaf piles, to die back naturally, as they can help
creatures great and small.

Whatever you are planning I look forward to seeing some of you at future
events and in the meantime, take care and keep warm and cosy. Best

Barbara Johnson, Secretary



Wednesday, 15th November, 10.30am – Free Coffee
Morning, Bickleigh Mill EX16 8RG.

As Bickleigh Mill will be providing free tray bakes to accompany
coffees/teas, to help with their catering it would be helpful if you could let
us know whether you are intending to join us for this event. Please
contact Lyn Green by email – – or
telephone 01884 855340, by 5th November. Thank you.

Thursday, 7th December, 12.30pm – Christmas Lunch at
Victoria Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth EX10 8RY

Please complete and return the booking form (click here) to Barbara &
Peter Johnson by 21st November
at the latest with your cheque or
confirmation of BACS transfer.

Account name: Exeter Spread Eagle Club
Account number: 10138878
Sort code: 20-30-47
Reference: Your surname

The cost per head for members is £14.00 and £34.00 per head for non-members.
The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of
orange, apple or grapefruit juice.

Please advise any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you
do not want sauces or gravy.

Should you wish to sit with particular friends would you please indicate on
the Booking Form so that a Seating Plan may be drawn up. Please check
the Seating Plan when you arrive to see where you are seated.

For those who like to make this event more of an occasion, you can arrive
from 11.00am to purchase tea/coffee and the bar will be open from 12

Future dates for your diary:

14th February 2024 Free Coffee Morning, White Horse
Inn, Woodbury Salterton

12th March 2024 Annual General Meeting and lunch
at Swan’s Nest, Exminster

April 2024 (date to be confirmed) Free Cream Tea (venue to be confirmed)

Look out for full details of these events in subsequent Newsletters