Newsletter – November 2021

Welcome to our Autumn Newsletter.

Another year seems to have shot by and here we are announcing in this edition the 2021 Christmas luncheon at the superb Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth on Tuesday, 14th December. Do come and join us there to enjoy the wonderful decorations as well as our lovely company!

By now most, if not all, of you should have had your booster Covid and the latest flu jabs, so I hope you are feeling safer to come out and play. Since our last newsletter we had 36 at a wonderful cream tea at the Powderham Castle Orangery on a sunny day to also enjoy the surroundings.

Our Autumn lunch on 14th October at the Tiverton Hotel saw 35 of us enjoy a superb meal in a widespread, super safe, room which could seat a 100. There really was room for more of you.

Next up is a coffee morning at Bickleigh Mill with time for some Christmas gift shopping at the boutique areas found there. That is on Tuesday, 16th November from 10.30am. No need to book, just turn up.

Into the New Year, we plan a coffee morning for Thursday, 3rd February at the White Horse on the Sidmouth Road near Aylesbeare. Our AGM is currently set for Thursday, 10th March at a venue yet to be confirmed, with an entertaining speaker, but more on that in the January newsletter.  

Please do remember to take a look at our Website for up-to-date information and reports on our activities ( and also on our Facebook page which Les Rendell is kindly keeping up to date.


We have plenty of funds in our coffers as the Bank generously gave us a full grant for 2021, at the same level as 2020, despite us not being able to run a proper programme of events. As a result, we can offer generous subsidies to members at lunches whilst continuing to keep coffee mornings and cream tea events “free” to members. For example the Tiverton lunch attracted a 55% subsidy for the meal and wine, whilst the Christmas lunch subsidy will be a whopping 57%!!

Our numbers have remained steady this year, despite sadly some losses, notably very recently Fred Rice and John Chittenden. On a positive note we have welcomed in Tim and Julie Wilkinson and Catherine Ollerhead as active members.

Finally, should I not see you at either the November or December events; I wish you all a lovely Christmas and a safe, Healthy New Year! (yes, I know, it‟s a bit early).

Garry Adams Chairman and Treasurer

No Quiz this time, but here are the answers to the “Colours” quiz from the August newsletter:-


VIOLET/ LILAC/BLUE/GREEN. The last one will be a mystery to you as question 15 got accidently missed off the question list. So your test this time is to make up the question, to match mine!!

Secretary’s Notes

The weeks seem to be flying by and it has been a more social time (at long last) for us all especially with the delicious cream tea in the restaurant by the Farm shop at Powderham Castle. Then on Thursday 14th October we enjoyed a lovely lunch at The Tiverton Hotel. Hopefully, those of you who were able to come along enjoyed them as well. We certainly will be returning to both venues in the future. We were also delighted to be able to welcome (in person) our three new members – Tim & Julie and Catherine at both events.

The winter „tidy up‟ in our garden continues and we have been lucky with the (mostly) fine weather over the last two months but there is still plenty to do!

Enjoy the rest of 2021 and please continue to keep safe as the virus is still around.

Barbara Johnson, Secretary


Vacancy for Wellbeing Officer

We‟re STILL hiring!

We still have a vacancy for the Exeter area; although you can cover this from wherever you live.

PLEASE let me know if you are interested in joining our team.


Les has overseen our presence on this, and if you are connected, it is worth a look!


Delighted to say that the Bank Workers Charity has again assisted our membership, and please do not hesitate to contact them directly, or one of the Wellbeing Officers.

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Coordinator


Our next function on Tuesday, 16th November is a free Coffee Morning at Bickleigh Mill, Bickleigh, EX16 8RG from 10.30am-11.30am. This is another new venue for us, with the bonus of lots of Christmas gift shopping at hand and the possibility of staying on for lunch (NOT free, unfortunately!). No booking is necessary, and there is an adjoining large car park, accessed from the Exeter-Tiverton valley road, A396.

The Menu/Booking Form is attached (click here) and should be returned to us with your cheque by Friday, 26thNovember. No refunds will be given after this date. The cost per head for members is £15.00 per head, or £32.00 for non-members. The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.

Our Christmas lunch is on Tuesday, 14th December at Victoria Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth EX10 8RY at 1pm. This is always a very special event, with spectacular hotel decorations and the spirit of the festive season all around.

Please also let us know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

We do hope to see you at both events.

Future dates for your diary

Thursday, 3rd February 2022 free Coffee Morning at White Horse Inn, Sidmouth Road, Woodbury Salterton, Exeter EX5 1EP,10.15am-12 noon.

Thursday, 10th March 2022 Club AGM, with Guest Speaker and Lunch

AGM date is currently provisional, see the next Newsletter for more


Andrew & Lyn Green, Committee Members

Tel: 01884 855340

A Message from the Bank Workers Charity