Newsletter – November 2020

Dear Members, Friends, Colleagues,

This is the final Newsletter of 2020, a most peculiar year.

Socially it started well enough with a February coffee morning and our March AGM with the wonderful entertainment of the Rev‟d Alan Dodds, but quickly went downhill after that as the Covid virus took hold.

After six months of no events, we tried a social lunch in October at the Tiverton Hotel where 28 were booked in, socially distanced in pods of up to 6 and safely looked after by the hotel staff. Not quite the same as a normal function, but the food was excellent and it was lovely to see some of our people again. Thank you to those who ventured out.

Sadly, as the second wave of Covid strikes, regulations have been tightened and the interpretation of guidelines has changed to the extent that we are unable to hold the Christmas luncheon at the Victoria Hotel in Sidmouth. This will be the first time that we have not been able to hold a Christmas celebration together as a Club. Similar venues have also not been available to put together large social gatherings at this time. My apologies therefore to all those who so look forward to this annual function.

As to 2021, who knows what will happen and when we will be able to socially mix again. I think it safe to assume there will be nothing before the end of March, unless a super vaccine comes along.

ZOOM TIME. Your committee continues to meet by Zoom and our next meeting is on Thursday, 3rd December at 6.30pm. If you would like to join us for a chat and some Christmas goodwill, then please advise Lyn Green on and she will send you the link to join us. You would be most welcome. It is easy to do!!

I have run out of new golf terms, but did come across the Irish medical Dictionary with some examples here:-

Artery = the study of paintings

Bacteria = back door to cafeteria

Benign = what you be, after you be eight

Cauterize = made eye contact with her

Colic = a sheepdog

Coma = a punctuation mark

Dilate = to live long

Impotent = to be well known

Fester = to be quicker

Urine = opposite of „you‟re out‟

Fibula = a small lie

Tablet = a small table !!!!!

At the end of this relatively short newsletter, with sadly no invite to a Christmas lunch, you will find the answers to the September fun quiz and a new Christmas themed fun quiz from our own redoubtable Les Rendell. Do have a go at your leisure and keep those “little grey cells” working.

Finally, I wish you all a Happy Christmas and a safe, healthy New Year. Let us hope it will not be too long “before we meet again ……some sunny day”.

Best wishes.

Your Chairman, Garry Adams


Secretary’s Notes

Well, the clocks have just changed and now we have lighter mornings but darker evenings and as the year draws to a close I think we will all be glad to look forward to a happier and hopefully healthy year in 2021.

We do look forward to planning, organising and holding events for our club and we would welcome any suggestions you can offer. Variety is the spice of life! Also if you have changed any of your details e.g. address, email or telephone numbers, do please let me know so that I can update our records.

As I write this on 25th October we are recovering from Storm Barbara (my namesake and apologies for the rain!) earlier last week. By the time you read this, we may well have experienced a few “events‟ like Halloween, Bonfire Night and, more importantly, Armistice Day on 11th November. I’m sure that, like me, you have family members and friends who were involved in wars and sadly for many, their ultimate sacrifice. We will always remember them.

May I also take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Christmas and “All the Best for 2021‟.

Most importantly keep well and stay safe.

Barbara Johnson, Secretary



A timely reminder from the Bank Workers Charity!

Winter is fast approaching, so it’s important you prepare for the colder months ahead to stay well and look after your wellbeing. Here are some simple things you can do to make sure you and your home are prepared for winter:

Food and medicine – keep extra supplies of long-life foods and basic medicines in your cupboards. If you’re not able to leave your home, ask for support from a family member or friend, or get in touch with your local council for help.

Keeping active – move regularly – it’s good for your physical and mental wellbeing. If you’re unable to get out of the house for a short walk, just getting up to make a cup of tea will do you good.

Safety – ensure your smoke and carbon dioxide alarms are in working order. Get in touch with a local Engineer or the Gas Safe Register to check your heating and gas are safe too.

Insulation – check if you’re eligible for support with insulating your home under the Energy Energy Company Obligation scheme. A more energy efficient home could reduce your bills.

Schemes and grants – look into whether you’re eligible for the Warm Home Discount or Green Home Grant schemes or other schemes that could reduce costs over winter.

To find out more, read the Bank Workers Charity‟s guide on “How to prepare for winter‟. If you’d like more advice and guidance, call their free and confidential Helpline on 0800 0234 834 – they’re open 9.00am-5.00pm, Monday to Friday.

As ever, your Wellbeing Officers are always available to talk with you and please contact us as and when you wish.

Seasonal Greetings from us all!

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Co-ordinator


Initially it’s Christmas

No prizes – it‟s just for fun!

The following are the initials of the words of the first line of Christmas carols and songs, e.g. AIAM = Away in a Manger





















Les Rendell, Committee Member


Fun Quiz Answers from September

Name the film

1. Intergalactic struggles STAR WARS

2. Burning conveyances of old CHARIOTS of FIRE

3. Many spotted dogs 101 DALMATIANS

4. Elevated musician FIDDLER on the ROOF

5. A Garrett ROOM at the TOP

6. A valuable digit GOLDFINGER

7. Dangerous amphibian on Tayside CROCODILE DUNDEE

8. What you hear from an Orchestra THE SOUND of MUSIC

9. A trip on the P & O Line, perhaps PASSAGE TO INDIA

10. Reds dispatch with affection FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE

11. Waltzing in the pigsty DIRTY DANCING

12. Louis Armstrong or Ella Fitzgerald THE JAZZ SINGER

13. Busy day at the church 4 WEDDINGS and A FUNERAL

14. The Glittering Set HIGH SOCIETY

15. At least 14 attended this wedding 7 BRIDES for 7 BROTHERS

16. Roundabout CAROUSEL

17. Top of the Clock HIGH NOON


19. A short meeting BRIEF ENCOUNTER

20. Everybody Out! EXODUS