Newsletter November 2017

Peter and Barbara Johnson were getting very excited at our last Committee meeting. They had managed to get Julia Tremlett, from the National Gardens Scheme, to be our guest speaker at our AGM in March. The famous Yellow Book from the NGS features gardens nationwide, all opened to the public to raise money for good causes. Julia, and her husband John, have a wonderful garden of their own at Bickham House, Kenn which they regularly open in aid of the NGS. Even those of us who are “horticulturally challenged” are looking forward to hearing a really fascinating talk. Do make sure that the date is in your diaries.

Also, in this issue, we give details of how you, as a Barclays’ pensioner, can now download a copy of the latest Microsoft Office software for a mere £9.95, a very significant saving.

Where did 2017 go? Once again, it is time to be sending out the details, in this Newsletter, of the Christmas Lunch at the Victoria, your Club’s grand finale for the year! If there is one event to attend in the year, this is it, so do get your booking in early. We hope to see you there.

Andrew Green, Hon. Secretary



A View from the Chair and your Finances

Since our last Newsletter, we have had a very successful cream tea at Froginwell (38 attendees), the theatre trip at Sidmouth and a second delightful cream tea at the Hartnoll Hotel (near Tiverton), where the most amazing scones were on offer.

Our next venture is the free coffee morning at the Halfway Inn on the Sidmouth Road, near Aylesbeare.  You should just get this Newsletter in time, as the coffee morning is on Thursday, 2nd November, although the date should have already been in your diaries.  Do come along to swell our numbers.

To finish our year, the Christmas lunch on Thursday, 7th December is, as usual, at the Victoria in Sidmouth, where we are offering a fantastic 60% discount on the overall price: Just £12 for members to enjoy a great Christmas meal and friendly atmosphere.

We can offer this reduced price to you as our finances remain healthily in credit!

See you there!

Although it seems a little early, for those of you not able to join us for our two remaining events, I wish you the Season’s Greetings and hope to see you in 2018.

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer



The first thing you will have noticed – already updated on our website – is our change of name. At our Welfare/Wellbeing meeting in the summer, it was felt that Wellbeing more accurately reflects the present day support that we offer.

          Ongoing Membership

When one of our (Bank employee) members loses a spouse/partner, the survivor automatically qualifies to remain as a member of the Club. This is obviously optional, but we sincerely hope that those affected will wish to remain with us. As ever, your Wellbeing officer will be only too pleased to talk further.

         Blue Rewards

This is something that I have mentioned before, but is worth a repeat advert! Whilst there are Bank requirements to be met each month, you will receive a net £4/month JUST for taking the time to register. I shall be very pleased to discuss with anyone who may be interested.

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Officer




Thursday, 2nd November  free Coffee Morning at the White Horse Inn, Woodbury Salterton.  The White Horse Inn is on the main A3052 Exeter to Sidmouth road – next to the Froginwell Vineyard where we have previously held coffee mornings.  There is a large car park and easy access.

The next lunch is the Christmas Lunch on Thursday, 7th December 2017 at the Victoria Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth  EX10 8RY at 1pm.

View and print the Menu/booking form and return to me with your cheque by 20th November 2017.  Cheques will be banked on 30th November.  No refunds will be given after this date.

The cost per head for members and carers, if members require assistance, is £12.00 or £25.00 per head for non-members.  The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.

Please also let me know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

For those who like to make this event more of an occasion, you can arrive from 11.00am to purchase tea/coffee and the bar will be open from 12 noon.

Should you wish to sit with particular friends would you please indicate on the Booking Form so that I can complete the Seating Plan.  Please check the Seating Plan when you arrive to see where you are seated.

           Future Event:

 Thursday, 8th March 2018   Annual General Meeting and lunch at Exeter Golf & Country Club, 10.30am for Coffee; 11am for AGM; 1pm for lunch

  Speaker: Julia Tremlett, National Gardens Scheme, 11.45am    

Lynne Ring, Committee Member

01392 879446


Microsoft Office software offer

It’s likely that many of you are using use Microsoft Office 2007 software, but you may not know that Microsoft withdrew its support for the product from 10 October 2017.  This means that no more security updates will be issued, which potentially makes users’ PCs more vulnerable.

Barclays’ Pensioners, however, now have a valuable opportunity.

If you are registered with My Rewards Discounts, a download of MS Office 2016 Pro+ (the full bells and whistles version) is being offered for a mere £9.95!

Offers like this don’t last for ever, so it’s as well to get in quick.  If any of your members aren’t registered, it’s a straightforward process using the details below from connection magazine.

Once you’ve registered, go to the home page of the website and hover your cursor over “Electronics” in the menu bar.

An expanded “drop down” menu will appear.  Click on the link for Microsoft Office and, on the page which appears, follow the instructions to purchase your copy (only one per Pensioner, I’m afraid).

You can then either install the software straight away or save it as a download for installation later.

Many of our Club Members have already successfully taken advantage of the offer, and I hope it will benefit you as well.



I remember, I remember the house where I was born,

But I wonder where the shears went last time I mowed the lawn?

I remember clothing coupons and the rationing of food,

But what I did two hours ago my memory eludes!

Sound familiar?!

Some thoughts from Committee members, Barbara and Peter Johnson


Here is a fun quiz which requires a little thought. There is a prize for the first all-correct answer (or, if none, next highest score) drawn at the Victoria Hotel Christmas Lunch. The closing date for receipt of entries is Tuesday 5th December.

You can enter by email if you wish – or send your answers to Les Rendell, 11 Aubyns Wood Rise, Tiverton EX16 5DG. Even if you cannot make the Christmas Lunch please have a go.

Answers will be published in our next Newsletter.  Good luck!

What do the initials stand for, e.g. 12 = D of C (Days of Christmas)?  All clues have an association with Christmas.

 1.  5 = GR

 2. 1 = HOS

 3. 26 = BD

 4.  9 = N of L in the W ‘C’

 5.  1ce = IRDC

 6.  56 = C in P of SCS on a CC

 7.  2 = US in the P “C”

 8.  2017 = Y S the B of J

 9.  3 = SCSB

 10.  5 = D in J of TN


Name: ……………………………………………………………..