Newsletter – January 2020

Welcome to 2020

Here is your first Newsletter of the year and a warm welcome to you all.
Once again we will prepare for you a full programme of events to include 4 lunches, coffee mornings, cream teas and theatre visits during the year.

To begin with, we have an early coffee morning on Tuesday, 4th
….just days away from you receiving this Newsletter. It will be at The White Horse Inn on the main A3052 Sidmouth road near Aylesbeare, commencing at 10.15am. As usual, it will be free to members.

That will be followed by our AGM on Tuesday, 10th March at the Exeter Golf & Country Club, meeting from 10.30am for coffee with the business part from 11.00am. That usually takes about half-an-hour and will be followed by our speaker, The Rev’d Alan Dodds. He says that he will need 10 minutes to set up his speakers, amplifiers and video kit….so stand by for a special treat!

Alan was a musician with David Bowie before “taking up the Cloth” as a country Vicar: expect his tales to be of two very different lifestyles.
Amusement abounds! Do come and join us.

We expect to break after the talk/entertainment for drinks at the bar from 12.30pm, with lunch being served at 1.00pm. See you there!

After this welcome note from me, you will find a little more detail about our speaker.

Booking details for the AGM are attached to this Newsletter with the menu choices and reply slips. (see below)

Dates and venues for other future events will be announced at the AGM and in our Spring Newsletter.

With my other hat on, I can confirm that our finances remain in good health and we have submitted our annual grant claim to HO which should see us maintain our lunch subsidies at 50% or better, with coffee mornings and cream teas free to members. The annual accounts will be available at the AGM along with budget proposals for 2020.

Finally, please do visit our website for latest news and pictures from recent events. By the way, if there are any keen photographers out there
do take pics at our events and send them to Les Rendell ( for inclusion on the website.

Although it seems a little late, I wish you all a very happy and healthy new year, and look forward to seeing you at one or more of our events in 2020.

Garry Adams, Chairman & Treasurer

Our Speaker: Rev’d Alan Dodds

There will be few of us at the AGM who do not remember the fifties and sixties with affection and the music of that era, with such as Lonnie Donegan, the Beatles and, of course, David Bowie, resonating with most of us.

Alan, formerly Rector of Uffculme, has an amazing story to tell. He started Bowie’s first band, the Konrads, and wrote his first recorded song. Alan will share his experience through the performance of rock ‘n’ roll covers, photos, stories, inside information and will happily answer your questions about his involvement in the developing music industry of the time.

Through a blind date in 1964, Alan’s life was changed and led him to a Christian faith. If time allows he may well relate some anecdotes from his alternative presentation which he calls “Confessions of a Country Vicar”.
Les Rendell, Committee Member

Annual General Meeting

The Club‟s Annual General Meeting takes place on Tuesday, 10th March 2020 at 11.00am in the Duckworth Suite at the Exeter Golf and
Country Club, Topsham Road, Exeter EX2 7AE. There is plenty of parking available in the two car parks situated in the grounds and disabled parking is at the entrance to the second parking area – you can take your car to the entrance (paved area) and then have it moved to a suitable bay. If you would like to come but need a lift, please contact one of our Wellbeing Officers who will do their best to find a lift for you.

Access will be available for (free) coffee/tea and biscuits from 10.30am and we would ask that you are in your seats prior to the start of the meeting at 11.00am so that there is no distraction whilst we remember those who are no longer with us.

We have saved some costs by not including the Agenda with this newsletter, planning to distribute on the day, but if any would wish for a copy prior to this, in print or electronically, we shall be happy to oblige.


AGM Luncheon

The Annual General Meeting will be followed by lunch. Menu/booking form is attached (Click Here) and should be returned to me with your cheque by Friday, 21st February 2020. No refunds will be given after this date. The cost per head for members is £14.50 or £27.00 per head for non-members.
The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice. Please also let me know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

The lunch will also be in the Duckworth Suite. Please try to collect your booking form from me, showing your food choice, if possible before the AGM, to place on your chosen table; remember we do not have a seating plan for this event. Should you be coming only to the Luncheon, would you please indicate on your booking form with whom you wish to sit if you have a preference. Thank you.

The restaurant staff will take a note of your food selection around
12.30pm so please do not move your place setting after this time.
The bar in the Duckworth Suite will be available from approximately
12.30pm. Lunch will be served at 1.00pm.

Future dates for your diary:

Tuesday, 4th February 2020 free Coffee Morning, White Horse Inn,
Woodbury Salterton EX5 1EP (on the A3052 Exeter to Sidmouth road), 10.15am-12noon
Thursday, 14th May 2020 Lunch, Sidmouth Harbour Hotel, Manor Road, Sidmouth EX10 8RU (Venue to be confirmed)
Tuesday, 23rd June 2020 free Cream Tea (scone, jam, cream,
tea/coffee), (The Orangery, Powderham Castle)

Menu and booking form for the May Lunch and further details regarding the free Cream Tea will be in the next Newsletter. Details of functions beyond June will be in future Newsletters.

Lynne Ring, Committee Member
01392 879446

Concert in aid of Devon Air Ambulance

Les Rendell is organising a concert at St Michael and All Angels Church in Bampton, near Tiverton on Sunday, 17th May 2020 at 3.00pm. Les organised a similar concert in 2019 in Tiverton. Several members attended and thoroughly enjoyed the concert: An excellent recommendation for this year’s concert.

There will be a variety of music including the Nankersey Male
Voice Choir from Cornwall. Look out for further details in the next Newsletter.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Just a reminder that we are bound by the above regulation so far as your personal data is concerned. The Committee obviously holds this data to enable us to contact you with details of our activities and in case we need to be in touch in relation to any other matter connected with your membership of the Exeter Spread Eagle Club.

The Committee members will not use the information we have about you for any other purpose than that indicated above.

If, however, you would prefer that we do not hold this information about you then you will need to advise us by email or in writing. Deletion of your data will, of course, mean that you will not receive any further information directly from us including our regular Newsletters.

If we do not hear from you then we will assume we have your permission to keep your data in whichever form is convenient to individual members of the Committee.

Our Privacy Statement is shown on our website (click here). For those members without a computer you may obtain a copy of the Privacy Statement by writing to Committee Member, Les Rendell at 11 Aubyns Wood Rise, Tiverton EX16 5DG.

Keeping in touch – A postscript

Hopefully you have enjoyed this Newsletter and being kept abreast of your Club’s activities. In this issue there are plenty of events planned for your enjoyment in the coming months BUT you can only know this if you have kept us up-to-date with your home and/or email address! If you move home or change internet provider, please do keep us informed. We would hate to lose touch.

The majority of Newsletters are now sent out by email, saving the Club considerable costs in paper, printing and stamps. So, if you are now able to receive your copy electronically, do let us know. Similarly, have you looked at our Website or Facebook pages recently? You might find a photograph of yourself taken at a recent event.

Andrew Green, Hon. Secretary