Newsletter – February 2021

A Happy New Year to you All or more precisely may you have a peaceful and healthy lockdown. If you are struggling a bit at this time please feel free to speak to your Wellbeing officer for a friendly chat. You will find a contact sheet attached to this newsletter with post codes allocated for each of our Wellbeing team. Many of you will have had the first vaccinations by now, so there is light at the end of the tunnel for us all and I hope that by the summer we can resume some meetings or events.

There is nothing planned at present for obvious reasons, but I do hope that by May or June we can resume some events , starting with a lunch, perhaps with an entertaining speaker to make up for the loss of our usual March AGM meeting with speaker and lunch.

You will find attached to this newsletter (click here), details of our first virtual AGM by Zoom to take place on the 10th March at 1100hrs. All you need to do is have a device, whether desktop computer, laptop, tablet etc. or mobile phone, with a camera and microphone included. Details in the note from Lyn Green, our Zoom guru! The meeting will last less than 40 minutes and will get us through the usual reports, formalities of voting people in, confirming our committee set up and the financial situation. Some of the AGM reports are enclosed here along with the 2020 accounts summary. Do have these to hand when joining us for the Zoom AGM. Go on, give it a go!!

That’s all for now and I look forward to seeing some of you at our Zoom AGM. Keep safe and healthy.

Garry Adams, Chairman & Treasurer

A thought for lockdown:- Two things to make your day better (1) Do not watch the News and (2) Stay off the bathroom scales!

A recent observation from an out-of-work actor attending an audition:- Director “ Well done. You‟re being offered a role as a husband who‟s been married for 30 odd years.” Actor “Oh. I was hoping for a speaking part”.

Secretary’s Note

We do like to keep you well-informed of your Club’s activities – even in these difficult times of being currently unable to plan events! BUT you can only know this if you have kept us up-to-date with your home and/or email address. Please do keep us informed if you move home or change internet provider as we would hate to lose touch.

The majority of Newsletters are now sent out by email, saving the Club considerable costs in paper, printing and stamps. So, if you are now able to receive your copy electronically, do let us know.

Until life begins to return to a new normal, please keep well and stay safe.

Barbara Johnson, Hon. Secretary


I suspect that like most of you, you are counting the days until we can emerge from cowering from Covid. By the time that you read this, I hope that the vaccination programme will be in full swing, and we can once again look forward to seeing our friends and family. As I know all too well, it could be another 12 months before we are able to return to some sort of normal, but sincerely hope that we can get to see all of you at one of our events that we expect to hold as things relent. This is especially the case with those members that the Wellbeing Team spoke with in Lockdown.

In the interim, please do not hesitate to give any one of us a ring, as we shall be only too pleased to help!

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Coordinator

PostcodesOfficerContact Details
EX1-5Lynne Ring01392 879446
EX6-9Ray Cavill01395 275265
EX10-13Barbara & Peter Johnson01297 599086 or
EX14-19Lyn Green01884 855340
EX20-24 + TQ and All OthersChris Leigh01884 855368
Wellbeing Officers as at 1st February 2021


Willis Towers Watson Tel: 01737 273149


Bank Workers’ Charity Tel: 0800 0234 834

Annual General Meeting

The Committee of the Exeter Spread Eagle Club invite you to join our AGM via Zoom at 11 am on Wednesday 10th March. (click here)

 It is really EASY to do! All you need to do is have a device, whether desktop computer, laptop, tablet etc, or mobile phone, with a camera (so you can see us and we can see you), and a microphone. You will need to download the Zoom app/programme, but you do not need to have a Zoom account yourself.

Just before 11 a.m. on Wednesday 10th March, click on the link below, the screen should then say something like ‘wait for the host to start the meeting‘. After a little while, there should be a window which says ‘connecting‘, after which with a bit of luck and a fair wind, you should be able to see us!

At the bottom of your screen, you should see symbols for “start audio and video”. Make sure these do not have a red line on them by clicking on each – then you should be flying!

You should also click on “Gallery View” and then you will be able to see multiple participants. If you have a problem, give us a ring on 01884 855340. The meeting will last no more than 40 minutes before we all get logged out.

Lyn Green is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting by clicking on this link, if reading on a device,

OR enter these details when prompted in the app:

Meeting ID: 751 2816 9366

Passcode: Please contact Lyn Green

The Committee are looking forward to seeing you all!!

From the November Newsletter here are the Christmas Quiz answers from Les Rendell

Quiz Answers

1. OLTOB = O Little Town of Bethlehem

2. AGAMW = A Great and Mighty Wonder

3. BTGCM = Behold, the Great Creator Makes (himself a house of clay)

4. ISMKSC = I Saw Mummy Kissing Santa Claus

5. CASTHM = Christians Awake, Salute the Happy Morn

6. HTHAS = Hark the Herald Angels Sing

7. RTR-NR = Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

8. ICUTMC = It Came Upon the Midnight Clear

9. JBJBJATW = Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the Way

10. OCAYF = O Come All Ye Faithful

11. GKWLO = Good King Wenceslas Looked Out

12. IDOAWC = I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas

13. WSWTFBN = While Shepherds Watched their Flocks by Night

14. ISTSCSB = I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing By

15. WTKOOA = We Three Kings of Orient Are

16. WWYAMC = We Wish You a Merry Christmas

17. AWGMOO = As With Gladness Men of Old

18. OTFDOCMTLSTM = On the First Day of Christmas my True Love sent to me

19. DTHWBOH = Deck the Hall with Boughs of Holly

20. THATI = The Holly and the Ivy