Newsletter – August 2021

Welcome to our Summer 2021 newsletter. I hope you have survived and enjoyed our brief heatwave, as I write this missive during one of those dreary, drizzly days waiting for the sun to return. A real mixed bag of weather this year.

There is good news on the horizon with a full programme of monthly events for you to enjoy with your fellow Pensioners Club members. In this edition we are inviting you to join us for a free September Cream Tea at The Orangery at Powderham estate (Tuesday, 21st September) and to the October lunch at The Tiverton Hotel (Thursday, 14th October). Please reply to these invites asap, lest you forget later!

With the “new normal” enabling us to hold events again, we need to embrace these opportunities to meet and therefore look forward expectantly to seeing you. Beyond October, we have plans laid for a free November coffee morning and shopping experience at Bickleigh Mill (Tuesday, 16th November) followed by our December lunch at The Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth (Tuesday,14th December). Details will be in our Autumn newsletter, but please put those dates in your diary now!

Your committee will be working on a full programme of events for 2022 as we have the funds to continue with decent subsidies into all of next year.

Please keep healthy and stay safe

Toodle pip!

And now for something completely different!
A teaser quiz to test the little grey matter, but no prizes!
All the answers to the clues are colours

40th Wedding Anniversary

Moira‟s Shoes?

Capable Gardener

A D-Day Beach

Paul Hogan‟s Nectar?

The Cluedo’s Colonel

Atomic number 47

Heraldic Black

Capital City of Yamoussoukro?

He was Private Pike

The Top Cycling Jersey

Flower for a Shy Person

Syringa Vulgaris

Radio’s Famous Rabbi

Garry Adams, Chairman & Treasurer


Secretary’s Note

I don’t know where the days go but here we are in mid-August and the nights are definitely ‘drawing-in’ as we seem to need to put the lights on earlier each evening!

Apart from the blistering heat of the heatwave a few weeks ago and phew, that was hot, we have had a mixed bag of weather and the rain has helped our weeds grow along with our plants and shrubs. We have a good show of colour in the garden and the large tubs of flowers around Seaton town are glorious and are an inviting and welcoming sight to our visitors and tourists.

It was wonderful to be able to hold our first social event with the coffee morning at The White Horse Inn, Sidmouth Road and to be able to see and talk with ‘real people’ in a face-to-face environment in the pub’s new seated and partly-covered outside area. How we did take things for granted pre-Covid and we are looking forward to being able attend more social events in the months ahead.

Peter and I have been going to the Manor Pavilion Theatre in Sidmouth to see their 2021 Summer Season Plays and so far, we have been to four performances – all very different and we have thoroughly enjoyed our evenings out and now the café is open before the play starts. We can certainly recommend them and if you want to book direct, either visit their website on or telephone their Booking Office on 01395 514413. The tickets are £19 each.

I have received a request from Jonathan Watson who used to work at Barclays Exeter, St Thomas branch between 1978/1981 and also at Sidmouth between 1981/1984 as he is trying to make contact with ‘old’colleagues. If you worked there during this period, and are happy to make contact with him, his email address is

Also there is a request to any members who are ex Woolwich staff – asking to be ‘linked up’ with you from Robin Johnson. If you are happy to make contact with him, his email address is

Enjoy the rest of summer and please continue to keep safe as the virus is still around.

Barbara Johnson, Hon Secretary



Whatever next!

We may have thought that the various Lockdowns were strange, but the supposed ‘Freedom Day’ has seen us having to deal with even more challenges: Masks – to be or not to be – as someone once uttered. Similarly, are we confident enough to venture out to the pub/theatre/cinema? This assumes that there are enough staff for them to open!

Whatever your thoughts and position on these issues, please feel free to share them with your Wellbeing Officer. Our small and friendly team are always ready for a chat. That said, we still have an opening for another officer,
If you are interested, please let me know, and we can have an informal chat.

A Missive from The Bank Workers Charity – Carers

This has recently been sent to me, and no apology for once again putting the offering from BWC before you. As ever, you can also talk to one of us, or use BWC for an independent view.

“Caring for a loved one can be an incredibly rewarding experience, whether you’re new to it, or have been looking after someone for a while. But quite often, we don’t think of ourselves as having caring responsibilities and so, don’t identify ourselves as carers.

“As a carer, we want to make sure you’re well equipped with the right information and support to help you in your caring role, and ensure you’re looking after your own wellbeing too.

“We wanted to take this opportunity to remind you of the support that we provide for carers:

 Accessing benefits – we can provide information and support to help you access welfare benefits you may be entitled to.
 Looking after your mental health – we can offer you support and, in some cases, counselling or other therapies to help you look after your mental wellbeing.
 Identifying technology and devices – we’ll help identify technology that can make life easier for both you and the person you care for. This may include lighting control, voice activated systems or fall detection devices.
 Accessing legal support – we can offer you a telephone consultation with legal experts who can advise you on most aspects of British law, such as power of attorney.
 Getting financial support – we may be able to provide you with financial support with general living expenses such as disability aids or home adaptations.

“If you’re a carer looking for support, read our guide to caring for more information. Alternatively, if you’d like to speak to an adviser, you can call our free and confidential Helpline on 0800 0234 834, or head to our website to access LiveChat; we‟re available Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm (except Bank Holidays).”

Enjoy the rest of the summer, and hope to see you at one of our functions!

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Coordinator



Our next function on Tuesday, 21st September is a free Cream Tea (scone, jam, cream and tea or coffee) at the Orangery Café and Bistro, Powderham Estate, EX6 8JE at 3.00pm-4.00pm. This is a new venue for us with other shops on site and wonderful views of the River Exe. There is an adjoining large car park accessed from the A379 Dawlish road. Numbers are required for this event, so please let us know by Friday, 10th September if you intend to come. We hope to see you there.

Our next lunch is on Thursday, 14th October at Tiverton Hotel, Blundells Road, Tiverton EX16 4DB at 1pm. This Hotel regularly produces an excellent meal for us. There is plenty of parking, and entry is all on the level.

Menu/booking form is here and should be returned to us with your cheque by Wednesday, 29th September. Your cheques will be banked on Thursday, 7th October. No refunds will be given after this date. The cost per head for members is £14.00 or £30.00 per head for non-members. The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.

Please also let us know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

Please collect your menu choices form from us and place on your chosen table by 12.40pm. Please do not move them after this time.

Future dates for your diary

Tuesday, 16th November 2021 free Coffee Morning at Bickleigh Mill, Bickleigh, Tiverton EX16 8RG 10.15am-12 noon.
Tuesday, 14th December 2021
Christmas Lunch, Victoria Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth

Andrew & Lyn Green, Committee Members
Tel: 01884 855340