April 2017 Newsletter

Isn’t it wonderful when a plan comes together? Your Committee had resolved that our Club AGM should be a “not-to-be missed” affair. In recent years we have had some very good guest speakers, but this time, judging by the response of those there, we really hit the bullseye! Have a look at this page on the internet, or, if you are reading this on-line, just click on this link:

Of course, now we have the challenge to follow on from that success for the next time. Well, Lynne Ring has already booked the Exeter Golf and Country Club for Thursday 8th March 2018, and we have a couple of possible speakers, so watch this space.

Inside this issue: Peter and Barbara Johnson, our newest Committee members, discuss a possible theatre trip to Sidmouth and Garry gives a resume of our year just past, and then explains how he can fund, for you, a lunch at the prestigious Deer Park Hotel at a very modest cost, and two FREE Cream Teas.

It’s time to get the Diary out, let Lynne know that you are coming, and enjoy these events, all generously subsidised by your Club. I do hope to see you there.

Andrew Green, Hon Secretary


A view from the Chair and AGM comments

The past year has been a bit mixed with membership and attendances at functions slightly down. We now have 207 qualifying pensioners, plus 90 spouses, giving a total of 297 members across 193 addresses. As a result, our grant funds are lower by £56 between 2016 and 2017.

With regard to events, our 2016 AGM saw 69 members enjoy an excellent meal at the Exeter Golf and Country Club with an interesting speaker in local auctioneer Chris Hampton. This March, with 74 attending, we had another lovely meal and a wonderful speaker in Dr John Searle OBE talking about his early years at Guy’s Hospital with many comparisons made to modern medicinal practices. He was widely acclaimed by all present. We will try to find another top quality speaker for March 2018.

Last May saw us at The Sidmouth Harbour Hotel with 58 present (12 down on the previous year), followed by a very poor turn-out at The Tiverton Hotel in September (only 35 members), but where we had a super meal from an award winning chef! The Victoria in December was as good as ever for the 87 attendees; the first time we have had less than 90 to a Christmas function. Perhaps this is a sign of the times and our ageing profile.

On the positive side, the 2 coffee mornings and the trial Cream Tea afternoon saw 110 attend those 3 free events. With this in mind, your committee has agreed and the AGM accepted that we will run 3 lunches this year plus 2 coffee mornings and 2 cream tea afternoons; still giving you 7 subsidised or free functions. We have also welcomed Peter and Barbara Johnson to our committee and they are actively looking at setting up a local Theatre (Sidmouth) trip during this year.

In early 2016 we had Ron Powell set up for us a Website and Facebook page where you can read about current and future events, as well as other useful information –please take a look as some new photos have been added. We do thank Ron for his continuing efforts here.

A surprise addition to the AGM was seen when a long lost metal Spread Eagle (from the old Exeter Bedford Street circular Banking Hall) re-appeared. I won’t say who had it in their garage for the past 25 years , but it is now to be restored by members Mick and Sandra Mabbutt who will act as its custodians, bringing it to future AGMs. A memory from the past before plastic took over our Banking Halls!

Finally, I thank all those on your committee for their continued work and support with regard to meetings, events, newsletters, welfare and administration of the Club. We cannot exist without these volunteers. Thank you!

Garry Adams, Chairman


Financial matters

With my other hat on, I am pleased to report that once again it was a positive year with a surplus of £628 achieved, mainly because there was no Head Office Forum to fund in 2016 (saving £350) and with low numbers at the September lunch saving £250 of planned subsidy. Thus an unexpected surplus achieved!

Subscriptions have held up quite well, but will fall this year, and general expenses remain under control. Subsidies for events averaged 52% in 2016 and we paid a one-off charge of £200 for the website and licences etc. Grant income was £4512. Our final year-end balance being £3718.

For 2017, I have budgeted for a £700 deficit to reduce our final balance to £3000 going forward into 2018. We will subsidise 3 lunches at an average of 56% and provide 4 free events (2 coffee mornings and 2 cream teas). Your subscription remains at £5 per head. By offering larger subsidies at the 3 lunches we can keep prices down for members at superior venues and hopefully encourage attendance. We have also taken note of comments from the recent questionnaires and have moved more events to Thursdays.

Finally, if you attend all 7 planned functions this year, then you will enjoy £65 of subsidy for your £5 subscription. “You’ve never had it so good”!!


I would like to formally thank Eric Watts for Examining and signing off the final accounts, and can confirm that he is continuing in this capacity for another year.

Garry Adams, Hon Treasurer



Notifications of a Death

We shall make every endeavour to inform you of a member’s death as soon as we are aware. Realistically, it will only be possible for us to do this for those on email. In any event, we would ask that you inform the relevant Welfare Officer, or any member of the committee, as soon as possible. We would rather be told twice, than not at all.


We do like to see as many of you as possible attend our events. If you are unable to get there under your own steam, please contact your Welfare Officer to see if they are able to find someone to take you. Many of you already help us with this, and this is really appreciated. Others may yet be contacted to assist us in the future!
Pension Cuts?

Some of you will be aware that the Government is considering the way company pensions are protected against inflation.

There is a consultation document that raises various questions where Pensions are paid under a Defined Benefit Scheme; which is the majority of ours. They will consider changing the index – from RPI to CPI, reducing or suspending indexation, or if the scheme is in trouble, cancelling annual rises at all.

You can have your say on this by going to www.gov.uk and search ‘security and sustainability’. Go to pages 65/66 and the key questions are: 4 (f), (g), (h), and (i). Then email your views to defined.benefit@dwp.gsi.gov.uk by 14 May 2017.

Ray Cavill, Welfare Co-ordinator



Our next function is a free Coffee Morning on Tuesday, 11th April 2017 at Froginwell Vineyard, Sidmouth Road, Woodbury Salterton EX5 1EP on the A3052 Exeter to Sidmouth Road, 10.15am–12 noon. This is a very pleasant venue we have used before. It is on the level with plenty of car parking space. The Vineyard has a small menu for those wishing to stay on for lunch (at your own cost of course). We hope to see you there.

Following the coffee morning is our next lunch which is on Thursday, 11th May 2017 at the Deer Park Hotel, Weston, Honiton EX14 3PG. Directions: from Exeter, A30 towards Honiton. Take the slip road at Patterson Cross, signposted Fairmile, Fenny Bridges and Feniton. At the next T-junction, turn right, signposted Fenny Bridges and Feniton. At the next T-junction, turn left, signposted Fenny Bridges. Go through the village of Fenny Bridges under the old iron bridge, under the new bridge and then take the left-hand road to Weston. At the T-junction by the bridge turn right into Weston Village, then turn left at Weston Cross to Buckerell. Turn left after approximately 200 yards into Deer Park drive.

Menu/booking form is attached (click here) and should be returned to me with your cheque by Monday, 24th April 2017. Cheques will be banked on Thursday, 27th April. No refunds will be given after this date. The cost per head for members is £15.00 or £35.00 per head for non-members. The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.
Please also let me know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

Please collect your menu choices form from me and place on your chosen table by 12.40pm. Please do not move them after this time.

Future dates for your diary

Thursday, 29th June 2017 free Afternoon Cream Tea
(scone, jam, cream and tea/coffee)
at Froginwell Vineyard, 3pm-4.30pm
Numbers attending are required for this event. Please let me know by
Wednesday, 21st June if you intend to come or Carole Searle (tel: 01392 873295, email: csearle2009@hotmail.co.uk) for any changes after that date.

Further details of the following events will be included in subsequent Newsletters

Tuesday, 3rd October 2017 free Afternoon Cream Tea at
Hartnoll Hotel, Bolham, Tiverton, 3pm-4.30pm

Thursday, 2nd November 2017 free Coffee Morning at Halfway Inn, 10.15am-12noon

Thursday, 7th December 2017 Christmas Lunch at Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth, 1pm

Thursday, 8th March 2018 Annual General Meeting and lunch
at Exeter Golf and Country Club, 11am for AGM, 1pm for lunch

Lynne Ring, Functions Co-ordinator
(Tel: 01392 879446, email: lynne_ring@hotmail.com)


Barclays Probate Service
2016 Discretionary Concession

Further to the article in the last Newsletter, I have received from the Bank the detailed fee structure now applicable incorporating the concession. It is important to note that the fees are inclusive of VAT. If anyone is still unsure about the revised arrangements please phone me or, if you would like a copy of the Bank’s letter to me then I can send an email copy on request or a hard copy if you send me a SAE.

It is always advisable, if you are using a solicitor instead of the Bank to act as your Executor or to assist family executors, to determine the solicitor’s costs for so acting. Their fees will be subject to VAT.

Les Rendell, Committee Member


Theatre Visit

We are considering offering an additional event in the club’s annual calendar and are investigating the suggestion of a visit to the theatre, taking up a block booking.

Our initial research has focussed on the Manor Pavilion in Sidmouth which offers a variety of entertainment throughout the year, including a three month summer season of twelve weekly Professional Repertory productions.

We will also make enquiries of other suitable venues, but at this stage we would like to gauge the level of potential interest and support. It would also be useful to know what type of entertainment would be the favourite choice.

A short response form is attached for those who may be interested, which please complete and return to us (we will be attending the next coffee morning at Froginwell).

Peter and Barbara Johnson, Committee Members


Peter & Barbara Johnson or e-mail to: peteraj@talktalk.net
Fairways, 98 Beer Road
Seaton, EX12 2PU


I/We would be interested in attending a theatre outing.
(Please indicate the type of entertainment you would prefer to see)

Play (Serious Drama, Comedy, Farce)
Sole Artist

Name …………………………………………………………………………