July 2015 Newsletter

Family traction engine

Do you like to watch “Bargain Hunt” on BBC1 TV at lunch-time? I certainly do. As I eat my sandwiches and read the paper, I keep one eye on the eager contestants. In a recent episode, the objects for sale, in Bearne’s Exeter saleroom, were being held up for view by none other than Lynne Ring. Yes, Lynne, who goes to such tremendous lengths to ensure our functions run smoothly, also doubles as the glamorous assistant in the local auction-room! Hopefully, Lynne will be putting her connections to further good use by getting an auctioneer along to our next AGM as the guest speaker.
But there is more! A feature film, starring Colin Firth and Rachel Weisz, telling the true story of 1960s yachtsman Donald Crowhurst, is currently being shot on location in Teignmouth. Who should be playing a small part as a newspaper reporter but our dedicated Treasurer, Garry Adams!
Is there no end to the many and varied pursuits our members take part in? Who said retirement was boring?

This Newsletter is being published shortly before our next free Coffee Morning, which is at Froginwell Vineyard, Sidmouth Road, Woodbury Salterton  EX5 1EP  on Tuesday, 7th July from 10.00am. It was a popular choice on the last occasion and is to be found just off the A3052 Exeter – Sidmouth road, near the White Horse pub, our most recent venue. The Vineyard has a small menu for those wishing to stay on for lunch (at your own cost, of course).  There is a large car park on level ground.
I do hope that we see you at Froginwell. You might like to bring your autograph book along for our high-profile colleagues to sign!
At our latest Committee meeting at Westpoint, Ray Cavill mentioned that he had taken advantage of a recent account change. Blue Rewards is only available to those who have Internet Banking, but for a monthly fee of £3, you receive £7, and other benefits. There are certain criteria, but the process only takes a minute or two, and will see you make an annualised profit of £48. Have a word with Ray when you next see him, and he will be pleased to explain further. Nothing to lose!

By the way, your Committee are able to meet regularly at Westpoint, the Devon County Show offices at no cost whatsoever to the Club, thanks to the long-standing and continuing friendship of Chris and Di Moss with Ollie Allen, the Show Secretary. Thankfully, Ollie was very pleased with the success of this year’s Show, after last year’s disappointments.
We have received the following communication from Barclays Welfare and felt our members might appreciate seeing the whole text, rather than just a summary:-
“In the September 2014 edition of connection magazine, pensioners were advised that the content of www.barclayspensions.co.uk would be transitioned to ePA, to provide a single point of reference for all information relating to the UKRF.  This included the obituaries information, which provides an important reference point for the Pensioners’ Clubs in particular, to enable Clubs to pay their respects and support the families of former colleagues.
As you may be aware, we launched the new obituaries site in January with real time information being updated on a daily basis.  We recognise there have been some teething problems with this transition onto ePA and we apologise for the inconvenience this has caused and are looking to put this right.
In parallel, we held our first Pensioners’ Clubs Forum in January which consisted of a small number of Pensioners’ Clubs, with the objective of developing an ongoing dialogue with pensioners. One of the areas of discussion was the content of the obituaries information and the possibilities to enhance the functionality of the ePA site.  Ideas for the additional functionality are shown below:
An ability to sort the information (this would be an enhancement to the current functionality);
Including the date on which the information was last updated, date left Barclays and job role;
Development of an archive of previous notifications.
Taking all your feedback into account, we believe that it would be in the best interests of our pensioners to re-instate the obituaries information on the www.barclayspensions.co.uk site. With immediate effect the www.barclayspensions.co.uk site will be made available and the information will be posted every Friday with effect from Friday 20th March.  The backdated information is due to be loaded on the site today.
At the same time, analysis will commence to determine the possibilities for the future development of the additional features on ePA.  We will be reaching out to some of you to help us test the new functionality to ensure it more fully meets your needs.”
Andrew Green, Hon Secretary

Hope that you are now enjoying the (delayed) summer weather….
Relatively quiet on the Welfare front.
Delighted to see so many of you at the recent lunch and coffee events, and a special thank you to those who are now providing lifts on an ongoing basis. As ever, if you would like to attend, and can no longer do so under your own steam, please contact your appointed Welfare Officer.
We are still looking for someone to oversee the Sidmouth region, hence:
Another plea/advert!
I will provide support – and a handbook – although ‘Life Experience’ is the main qualification!
If you think that you can support us, ring me, or if you will be at the forthcoming coffee morning, please talk to me then.
Breaking News!
Grant Applications


You may recall that historically, there have been two organisations that provide financial support – Spread Eagle Foundation (SEF) and Bank Workers Charity (BWC). SEF has now transferred the administration to BWC with revised contact details:
Telephone: 0800 028 2238 or

Email SEF@bwcharity.org.uk

For more information: www.bwcharity.org.uk

A full merger is expected within the next 6 months, and full details will be included in the July edition of Connection.

Applications for Christmas Grants will need to be submitted by 30th September.

Ray Cavill, Welfare Coordinator – 01395 275265

The next lunch will be on Tuesday, 15th September 2015 at the Best Western Tiverton Hotel, Blundells Road, Tiverton  EX16 4DB at 1pm.
Menu/booking form is enclosed and should be returned to me with your cheque by 28th August 2015.  Cheques will be banked on that day.  For information: Cheques need to be banked earlier as Barclays has changed its clearance policy in that all cheques – even ‘house’ cheques – are not now debited to individual accounts for three working days.  Plus, credits take five working days to clear.  No refunds will be given after this date.  The cost per head for members is £12.50 or £22.00 per head for non-members.  The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.
Please also let me know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.
For those who like to make this event more of an occasion, you can arrive from 11.00am to purchase tea/coffee and the bar will be open from 12 noon.
Please collect your menu choices form from me and place on your chosen table by 12.40pm.  Please do not move them after this time.
Future dates for your diary
Extra event

Thursday, 12th November 2015 free Coffee Morning at Cat & Fiddle, Sidmouth Road, Clyst St Mary  EX5 1DP
Tuesday, 8th December 2015 Christmas Lunch at Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth
Tuesday, 8th March 2016 Annual General Meeting and Lunch at Exeter Golf & Country Club
Further details of these events will be included in future Newsletters.  Do please try to come to at least one event in the year. If getting to an event is difficult for you, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Committee and we will do our best to arrange transport for you.  We would like to see you – and it helps our finances!
Lynne Ring, Committee Member