Privacy Policy

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

As many of you will know, new regulation was introduced in May 2018 to cover data/personal information held by companies, clubs and organisations. Our Club has to comply and you should read the following which sets out our position as Committee members.

Information about you – your names, addresses, telephone numbers and (where appropriate) email addresses – are held by Committee members either on computer or in paper form. This information is obviously required to enable the Committee to communicate with you and to advise you of forthcoming events and any other pertinent information relating to your being a member of the Exeter Spread Eagle Club and a Barclays Bank pensioner. It may also be used by our Wellbeing team to make contact with you should we hear you are unwell or need assistance at any time.

The information we hold will not be shared with a third party.

The Secretary of the Committee (currently Barbara Johnson) is the Data Protection Officer (DPO) required under the GDPR and is responsible for storing this information both on computer and in paper form and only the Committee members have access to it. The information on computers can only be accessed using passwords generated by Committee members. You may contact the DPO at any time concerning the data we hold about you.

Additionally, the Club has its own website and Facebook page but the committee does not record personal data on either site other than the details and contact information about Committee members. Some anonymous data may be collected by website hosts but if you are asked to agree to “cookies” (computer codes) being used to identify you on subsequent visits then you have a clear option to say no.

The Committee members will not use the information we have about you for any other purpose than that indicated above.

If, however, you would prefer that we do not hold this information about you then you will need to advise us by email or in writing. Deletion of your data will, of course, mean that you will not receive any further information directly from us including our regular Newsletters.

If we do not hear from you then we will assume we have your permission to keep your data in whichever form (as indicated above) is convenient to individual members of the Committee.