Christmas Lunch 2017

Our Christmas Lunch does it again !

At the risk of being boring, Exeter Spread Eagles enjoyed another sunny day for their 2017 Christmas Lunch. In fact, the photo to prove this was so similar that we need only refer you to last year’s picture on these pages.

As we arrived at the Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth, we were greeted in style by a very cheery doorman.

Victoria Hotel Doorman

Inside the Victoria was decorated in its usual sumptuous style.

Victoria Hotel Christmas decorations

But a real surprise was to see Cinderella (or so it seemed) being re-enacted in the Hotel Lounge.

Emergency shoe repair

Apparently, so we were told, Wendy had a breakage with one of her shoes, and a Hotel maintenance man came to assist.

Despite these dramatics, Chairman Garry Adams summoned us all to order, and so we sat down to enjoy a delicious festive meal, with good wine and even better company.

group view

If you are a local Barclays pensioner, and haven’t been to one of our lunches before, why not resolve to come along to one next year? You will be made most welcome.