January 2015 Newsletter

“Well, that’s that over for another year!”
Carole Searle reminded me at the Spread Eagle December Lunch (wasn’t that a good day?), that she would need copy for this January Newsletter soon, preferably before Christmas!
Now, Carole does a wonderful job for us all in getting this Newsletter out accurately, on time, and in print and electronic formats, so I wouldn’t want to upset her schedule. But, strangely, it does mean that as I sit down to write this to you, in the middle of December, with carols on the radio and my wife baking mince pies, I must say that I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year!
So, now we are in 2015, our first event is the Club AGM and Lunch on Tuesday 3rd March, at the customary venue of the Exeter Golf and Country Club. In addition to conducting the necessary business of the day, we shall also be joined by local Barclays Digital Eagles who will be telling us of their work to assist customers get the best out of the Bank’s digital services. Bring along your smart phone or tablet and you could have a live demonstration of the services available!
Full details are enclosed and, as this promises to be a very worthwhile meeting (as well as another good lunch!), we do hope that you can attend.
Andrew Green, Hon. Secretary

Christmas Grants – Delighted to report that the application was successful, and a full grant paid. Please do not hesitate to approach your Welfare Officer to discuss ongoing support, and the various monies that may be available.
Attending Events – Thank you to everyone who has provided a lift. This has ensured that we have enabled as many members attend both the coffee morning, and the recent lunches. Again, please contact one of us should you need a lift, and we shall do our best to help.
Welfare Vacancy – As mentioned in the last Newsletter, and at the Christmas Lunch, we shall need a replacement for Pat Willis when she steps down at the AGM. If you think that you can help us, please let me know as soon as possible. I shall be only too pleased to discuss things.
Ray Cavill, Welfare Coordinator. Tel: 01395 275265

The Club’s Annual General Meeting takes place on Tuesday, 3rd March 2015 at 10.45am in the Mews Suite at the Exeter Golf and Country Club, Topsham Road, Exeter  EX2 7AE.  There is plenty of parking available in the two car parks situated in the grounds and disabled parking is at the entrance to the second parking area – you can take your car to the entrance (paved area) and then have it moved to a suitable bay.
Access will be available for (free) coffee/tea and biscuits from 10.15am and we would ask that you are in your seats prior to the start of the meeting at 10.45 am so that there is no distraction whilst we remember those who are no longer with us.
We have saved some costs by not including the Agenda with this newsletter, planning to distribute on the day, but if any would wish for a copy prior to this, in print or electronically,  we shall be happy to oblige.
The Annual General Meeting will be followed by lunch. Menu/booking form is enclosed and should be returned to me with your cheque by 19th February 2015.  Cheques will be banked on 26th February 2015.    No refunds will be given after this date.  The cost per head for members is £15.00 or £25.00   per head for non-members.  The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.
Please also let me know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.  If you wish to have a vegetarian option, please contact me directly by telephone on 01392 206434 or email: lynne_ring@hotmail.com for details.
The lunch will be in the Duckworth Suite. Please try to collect your booking form from me, showing your food choice, if possible before the AGM, to place on your chosen table; remember we do not have a seating plan for this event.
The restaurant staff will take a note of your food selection around 12.40pm so please do not move your place setting after this time.
Bars in the Mews and Duckworth Suites will be available from approximately 12.15 pm and lunch will be served at 1.00pm.
Lynne Ring, Committee Member