Newsletter – January 2020

Welcome to 2020

Here is your first Newsletter of the year and a warm welcome to you all.
Once again we will prepare for you a full programme of events to include 4 lunches, coffee mornings, cream teas and theatre visits during the year.

To begin with, we have an early coffee morning on Tuesday, 4th
….just days away from you receiving this Newsletter. It will be at The White Horse Inn on the main A3052 Sidmouth road near Aylesbeare, commencing at 10.15am. As usual, it will be free to members.

That will be followed by our AGM on Tuesday, 10th March at the Exeter Golf & Country Club, meeting from 10.30am for coffee with the business part from 11.00am. That usually takes about half-an-hour and will be followed by our speaker, The Rev’d Alan Dodds. He says that he will need 10 minutes to set up his speakers, amplifiers and video kit….so stand by for a special treat!

Alan was a musician with David Bowie before “taking up the Cloth” as a country Vicar: expect his tales to be of two very different lifestyles.
Amusement abounds! Do come and join us.

We expect to break after the talk/entertainment for drinks at the bar from 12.30pm, with lunch being served at 1.00pm. See you there!

After this welcome note from me, you will find a little more detail about our speaker.

Booking details for the AGM are attached to this Newsletter with the menu choices and reply slips. (see below)

Dates and venues for other future events will be announced at the AGM and in our Spring Newsletter.

With my other hat on, I can confirm that our finances remain in good health and we have submitted our annual grant claim to HO which should see us maintain our lunch subsidies at 50% or better, with coffee mornings and cream teas free to members. The annual accounts will be available at the AGM along with budget proposals for 2020.

Finally, please do visit our website for latest news and pictures from recent events. By the way, if there are any keen photographers out there
do take pics at our events and send them to Les Rendell ( for inclusion on the website.

Although it seems a little late, I wish you all a very happy and healthy new year, and look forward to seeing you at one or more of our events in 2020.

Garry Adams, Chairman & Treasurer

Our Speaker: Rev’d Alan Dodds

There will be few of us at the AGM who do not remember the fifties and sixties with affection and the music of that era, with such as Lonnie Donegan, the Beatles and, of course, David Bowie, resonating with most of us.

Alan, formerly Rector of Uffculme, has an amazing story to tell. He started Bowie’s first band, the Konrads, and wrote his first recorded song. Alan will share his experience through the performance of rock ‘n’ roll covers, photos, stories, inside information and will happily answer your questions about his involvement in the developing music industry of the time.

Through a blind date in 1964, Alan’s life was changed and led him to a Christian faith. If time allows he may well relate some anecdotes from his alternative presentation which he calls “Confessions of a Country Vicar”.
Les Rendell, Committee Member

Annual General Meeting

The Club‟s Annual General Meeting takes place on Tuesday, 10th March 2020 at 11.00am in the Duckworth Suite at the Exeter Golf and
Country Club, Topsham Road, Exeter EX2 7AE. There is plenty of parking available in the two car parks situated in the grounds and disabled parking is at the entrance to the second parking area – you can take your car to the entrance (paved area) and then have it moved to a suitable bay. If you would like to come but need a lift, please contact one of our Wellbeing Officers who will do their best to find a lift for you.

Access will be available for (free) coffee/tea and biscuits from 10.30am and we would ask that you are in your seats prior to the start of the meeting at 11.00am so that there is no distraction whilst we remember those who are no longer with us.

We have saved some costs by not including the Agenda with this newsletter, planning to distribute on the day, but if any would wish for a copy prior to this, in print or electronically, we shall be happy to oblige.


AGM Luncheon

The Annual General Meeting will be followed by lunch. Menu/booking form is attached (Click Here) and should be returned to me with your cheque by Friday, 21st February 2020. No refunds will be given after this date. The cost per head for members is £14.50 or £27.00 per head for non-members.
The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice. Please also let me know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

The lunch will also be in the Duckworth Suite. Please try to collect your booking form from me, showing your food choice, if possible before the AGM, to place on your chosen table; remember we do not have a seating plan for this event. Should you be coming only to the Luncheon, would you please indicate on your booking form with whom you wish to sit if you have a preference. Thank you.

The restaurant staff will take a note of your food selection around
12.30pm so please do not move your place setting after this time.
The bar in the Duckworth Suite will be available from approximately
12.30pm. Lunch will be served at 1.00pm.

Future dates for your diary:

Tuesday, 4th February 2020 free Coffee Morning, White Horse Inn,
Woodbury Salterton EX5 1EP (on the A3052 Exeter to Sidmouth road), 10.15am-12noon
Thursday, 14th May 2020 Lunch, Sidmouth Harbour Hotel, Manor Road, Sidmouth EX10 8RU (Venue to be confirmed)
Tuesday, 23rd June 2020 free Cream Tea (scone, jam, cream,
tea/coffee), (The Orangery, Powderham Castle)

Menu and booking form for the May Lunch and further details regarding the free Cream Tea will be in the next Newsletter. Details of functions beyond June will be in future Newsletters.

Lynne Ring, Committee Member
01392 879446

Concert in aid of Devon Air Ambulance

Les Rendell is organising a concert at St Michael and All Angels Church in Bampton, near Tiverton on Sunday, 17th May 2020 at 3.00pm. Les organised a similar concert in 2019 in Tiverton. Several members attended and thoroughly enjoyed the concert: An excellent recommendation for this year’s concert.

There will be a variety of music including the Nankersey Male
Voice Choir from Cornwall. Look out for further details in the next Newsletter.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Just a reminder that we are bound by the above regulation so far as your personal data is concerned. The Committee obviously holds this data to enable us to contact you with details of our activities and in case we need to be in touch in relation to any other matter connected with your membership of the Exeter Spread Eagle Club.

The Committee members will not use the information we have about you for any other purpose than that indicated above.

If, however, you would prefer that we do not hold this information about you then you will need to advise us by email or in writing. Deletion of your data will, of course, mean that you will not receive any further information directly from us including our regular Newsletters.

If we do not hear from you then we will assume we have your permission to keep your data in whichever form is convenient to individual members of the Committee.

Our Privacy Statement is shown on our website (click here). For those members without a computer you may obtain a copy of the Privacy Statement by writing to Committee Member, Les Rendell at 11 Aubyns Wood Rise, Tiverton EX16 5DG.

Keeping in touch – A postscript

Hopefully you have enjoyed this Newsletter and being kept abreast of your Club’s activities. In this issue there are plenty of events planned for your enjoyment in the coming months BUT you can only know this if you have kept us up-to-date with your home and/or email address! If you move home or change internet provider, please do keep us informed. We would hate to lose touch.

The majority of Newsletters are now sent out by email, saving the Club considerable costs in paper, printing and stamps. So, if you are now able to receive your copy electronically, do let us know. Similarly, have you looked at our Website or Facebook pages recently? You might find a photograph of yourself taken at a recent event.

Andrew Green, Hon. Secretary

Newsletter – October 2019

Opening remarks from the Chair

Welcome to our Autumn Newsletter. Another year seems to have shot by and here we are announcing in this edition the 2019 Christmas luncheon at the superb Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth on Thursday, 5th December. Do come and join us there to enjoy the wonderful decorations as well as our lovely company!

Since July we have enjoyed a “Dangerous Obsession” at the Sidmouth Theatre and the Seaton to Colyton Tramway excursion with Cream Tea at the restored Victorian Colyton station. It may have been a damp day, but not so the spirits of the intrepid 24 travellers. We had our own single decker tram and an amusing driver with commentary. Thanks to Barbara and Peter Johnson for arranging these trips.

Our Autumn lunch occurs on 31st October at the Tiverton Hotel, but your choices should already be in for this occasion.

Into the New Year, we plan a coffee morning for Tuesday, 4th February at the White Horse on the Sidmouth Road near Aylesbeare. Our AGM is set for Tuesday, 10th March at the Exeter Golf and Country Club, with an entertaining speaker arranged, but more on that in the January newsletter.

Please do remember to take a look at our Website for up-to-date information and reports on our activities (


We are on target to achieve a deficit this year of about £700, to use up some of our surplus funds. The HO Forum for 2019 has been cancelled as the senior executive of the Bank are no longer willing to attend to give us a run-down of the strategies and health of Barclays. Also, the state of your Pension Fund from the Trustees is now set out annually in brochure form to each pensioner, thus diluting another part of the Forum. It leaves very little else to discuss or impart to the Pension Clubs: A sad loss, but also a cost saving measure. For good news, funding to the Clubs remains in place!

Our numbers have remained steady this year, with 176 active members and their spouses/partners plus 100 inactive across 180 addresses. We welcome new members Margaret and Roy Graveney to our active number and look forward to seeing them in due course.

Finally, should I not see you at either the October or December lunches I wish you all a lovely Christmas and a healthy New Year! (yes, I know, it’s a bit early).

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer


Pensioning us all off!

Barclays outsources the majority of its Personnel and Pension work to Willis Towers Watson. They, WTW, wrote to all Pensioners Clubs recently regarding the Barclays Bank UK Fund Retirement website. This is the site that would be quite useful for all pensioners, but has become increasingly difficult to open. The letter, an excerpt shown below, acknowledges the difficulties, but only explains why and offers few solutions for us all.

“We are aware of the inconvenience that is sometimes experienced by members of the Fund due to the policy of resetting passwords in ePA every three months. This is not a policy made up by Willis Towers Watson, the Fund administrator. It is a requirement set by Barclays IT Security for WTW as a third party supplier of web portal services to the Trustee.”

The letter goes on to say that, within these constraints, it is working to improve matters, but this will take time. If any member would like a full copy of this communication, please do get in touch.

And then we get another letter, this time about updating the data WTW holds about Barclays’ pensioners. They will be writing to pensioners asking them to complete a form so that all information held is still up-to-date and correct. There should be nothing to worry about in all this, they are ensuring that they still hold the correct information about you, your address and your next of kin. Once again, do get in touch if you would like a full copy.

And finally, some good news! In September, or so I am told, WTW wrote to us all, announcing the annual increase in pensions. Will it be time to book that cruise?

Andrew Green, Hon. Secretary



Our next function is our Christmas lunch which is on Thursday, 5th December 2019 at the Victoria Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth EX10 8RY.

Menu/booking form is attached (click here) and should be returned to me with your cheque by Monday, 18th November. Cheques will be banked on Thursday, 28th November. No refunds will be given after this date. The cost per head for members is £15.00 and £30.00 per head for non-members. The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice. Please also let me know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

For those who like to make this event more of an occasion, you can arrive from 11.00am to purchase tea/coffee and the bar will be open from 12 noon. Should you wish to sit with particular friends would you please indicate on the Booking Form so that I can complete the Seating Plan. Please check the Seating Plan when you arrive to see where you are seated.

Some future dates for your diary Tuesday, 4th February 2020 Free Coffee Morning, White Horse Inn, Woodbury Salterton EX5 1EP (A3052 Sidmouth Road), 10.15am12noon

Tuesday, 10th March 2020 AGM and Lunch, Exeter Golf & Country Club

Lynne Ring, Committee Member

Tel: 01392 879446

Email: [Please note my email address has an underscore between Lynne and Ring]


Theatre Outing

On the evening of 28th August a party of 23 members met at the Manor Pavilion Theatre in Sidmouth to enjoy our third annual visit to the Summer Play Festival. The Festival comprises a series of 12 plays in as many weeks. This year we enjoyed a Psychological Thriller entitled “Dangerous Obsession” by N J Crisp.

The curtain opened to reveal a very well-designed set depicting a large conservatory where all the action took place. The three characters successfully built up the suspense through a series of revelations, culminating in an exciting climax with the inevitable twist at the end.

Hopefully we will be able to offer more Theatre outings next year – look out for details in our 2020 Newsletters.


Seaton Tramway Ride & Cream Tea

It was a very wet day that saw a group of 24 somewhat bedraggled members assemble in Seaton for our Tram Ride up to Colyton for a Cream Tea at the station café before departing for the return journey. Initially a goodly number of us began our outing with an impromptu light lunch at the adjacent Jurassic Centre café, getting the social gathering off to a good start.

Several members had braved flooded roads on their journeys to and from Seaton, whilst typically, the previous and following days were dry and sunny! Nevertheless we didn’t allow the weather to spoil our enjoyment. We had a private single-decker Tram with fully enclosed accommodation – padded seats no less – so (apart from the odd leaking drip) we travelled comfortably. Mick had kindly brought along his replica Spread Eagle as our mascot. Do check out our website to see the photos.

We all enjoyed the scrumptious Cream Tea at Colyton which included two scones each and generous individual portions of jam and cream. There was the usual discussion as to which way to apply the jam and cream and the conversation flowed as well as the tea and coffee.

Barbara and Peter Johnson, Committee Members

Newsletter – July 2019

We are pleased to tell you that this issue is guaranteed to contain absolutely no mention of Tory leadership contestants or Brexit. Instead, we have details of our theatre trip to Sidmouth, a tram ride and cream tea at Seaton, and an excellent lunch at Tiverton. It will be time to get out the diary and the cheque-book.

But firstly, we must tell you how we were recently told “Your Barclays friends are such nice people”. The Club had visited Fursdon Gardens for a self-guided visit followed by a cream tea. The gardens looked splendid, the rain held off (mostly) and the blazing log-fire in the Coach Hall was really welcoming. Catriona Fursdon welcomed us all, and after tea told us a little of the ups-and-downs of running a country estate. The next day we delivered a thank-you letter on the Club’s behalf, and that was when you were thanked for being such a pleasure to entertain. And so you are!

We hope to see you at one or more of this summer’s events.

Andrew Green, Hon Secretary



As I sit and write this, the sun is out, and summer finally looks set to arrive. Sincerely hope that you can get out and about and enjoy it!

Just a brief update:

1. Personal contact details. We have had the odd occasion when people have moved and/or changed phone (mobile/+/-land line) without letting us know. Appreciate that we shall not be top of your priorities when changing things, but should be grateful if you would contact one of the Committee to let us know of any changes.

2. Jungle drums still working! A recent experience just re-confirmed how important it can be to let a Wellbeing Officer be made aware of another colleague’s predicament. If you do become aware that one of our members may be in need of additional support, please do not hesitate to let one of us know so we can make contact. Would rather be told twice than not at all!

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Officer


Please note regarding the following two items:

If you wish to attend both events – and we sincerely hope you do – both booking forms should be completed and a cheque for each event is required please to be forwarded to Barbara and Peter Johnson (in one envelope). All will be clear once you have read the following  information and booking forms.

Theatre Visit Manor Pavilion, Manor Road, Sidmouth EX10 8RP

Wednesday, 28th August 2019, 8.00pm

For this year’s outing we have opted to attend a performance of “Dangerous Obsession” by N J Crisp.  Click here for full information and booking form

Peter Johnson, Committee Member


Ride on the Seaton Tramway and Cream Tea Monday, 9th September 2019, 2.15pm

A new venture for the Club!  Click here for full information and booking form.

Barbara Johnson Committee Member


Our next lunch is on Thursday, 31st October at Tiverton Hotel, Blundells Road, Tiverton EX16 4DB 1pm.

Again, this is a venue we have used before where we have always had an excellent lunch and for this event we will be in the Topaz Room. There is plenty of parking and entry to the Hotel is all on the level. Click here for menu/booking form which should be returned to me with your cheque by Monday, 7th October. Cheques will be banked on Thursday, 10th October. No refunds will be given after this date.

The cost per head for members is £12.00 or £20.00 per head for non-members. The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice. Please also let me know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy. Please collect your menu choices form from me and place on your chosen table by 12.40pm. Please do not move them after this time.

Future dates for your diary

Thursday, 5th December 2019 Christmas Lunch, Victoria Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth

Tuesday, 10th March 2020 AGM and Lunch, Exeter Golf & Country Club

Lynne Ring, Committee Member 01392 879446

[Please note my email address has an underscore between Lynne and Ring]

Newsletter – April 2019

“The rural hillside gardens at Fursdon blend seamlessly into rolling parkland and on into the countryside, with views over the Exe Valley and beyond to Dartmoor”

You will be free to wander about, or just sit and enjoy, this very English country garden on a summer’s afternoon, followed by a delicious Cream Tea, on Exeter Spread Eagles’ exclusive visit on Tuesday, 11th June.

Fursdon is an old country house and farming estate, lived in by the same family for over 750 years. There is a very user-friendly and attractive website

This promises to be one of the highlights of our year. We will have unguided access to all the gardens and full details of timings and how to get there will be found inside this Newsletter.

But before that, we have our next lunch, on Tuesday, 21st May at the Sidmouth Harbour Hotel, which not only has excellent food but also some of the finest views of the town and nearby coastline. We do hope you can join us. Why not put the dates for both these events in your diary and let Lynne Ring know that you are coming?

Andrew Green, Hon Secretary    

View from the Chair and AGM comments

Welcome to our Spring Newsletter where you will find details of our forthcoming events in April, May and June along with booking form.

With a bit of luck, you will receive this missive before our free coffee morning on Wednesday, 10th April.

AGM review

Our 44th AGM took place on 8th March at the Exeter Golf and Country Club where following our regular business, 67 members were treated to a talk by Andrew Millington with musical excerpts and amusing anecdotes of a life spent around Choirs and Cathedrals. This is the 4th consecutive year that we have had a speaker at our AGM and so far all have gone down extremely well with members. We will be repeating this exercise in March 2020 (the Exeter Golf & Country Club is booked for 10th March).

In summary, we ran 4 subsidised lunches, 2 free coffee mornings, 2 free afternoon cream teas and an August theatre visit. Our numbers have dropped slightly in the year to 277 active and inactive members on 182 addresses. Finances are on an even keel, we have a settled Committee to set up and run the Club and events, as well as an excellent Wellbeing team should you need help or advice. I thank all the Team for their efforts in 2018, continuing into this new year. I am also pleased (I think) to report that I have been re-elected as your Chairman for another 3 years and I sincerely hope that you will continue to support this wonderful Club.

If there are any other events that you, our members, want or wish to try, then please get in touch. We (the Committee) would love to hear from you and look forward to seeing you at one or more of our 2019 events. In addition, if anyone would like to join us on the Committee, we do have one vacancy. Just get in touch.

With Best Wishes for the year ahead.

December Quiz Results

Alan and Beryl Magee were our quiz winners this time. The answers were:- 1. Sir Francis Drake 2. Coleton Fishacre 3. River Bovey 4. Hembury Fort 5. Branscombe Old Bakery 6. Agatha Christie 7. Morwellham Quay 8. Sir John Hawkins 9. Rob Baxter 10. 1620

Financial Matters

With my other hat on, I am pleased to report that once again we had a full and positive year with a small surplus achieved of £207. This gives us £3,990 of funds to carry forward into 2019. Our surplus was really due to numbers at the October lunch being only 33 (compared to a budgeted 45) and 75 members at the Christmas “do” instead of 85, which was achieved in 2017. With our lunch subsidies running at 56/58% of true cost, if numbers are lower than planned, we can quickly build up a surplus.

For 2019, I have budgeted for a £900 deficit to use up some of our surplus funds. We have a full programme of 9/10 events, with subsidies calculated at 57% and we have paid £281 for a 3 year renewal of our website (taking us to 2022). Our Head Office Grant is £4,242 this year, about £200 lower than last year and Subscriptions are down below £900 for the first time, as our numbers sadly drop. On the positive side, your Subscription remains at £5 per active member and if you attend all our events this year the value is around £70 per person of support from the Club. Wonderful value for your £5!!

Finally, I hope you enjoy our planned events and support us when you can. See you there.

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer


Our next function is a free Coffee Morning on Wednesday, 10th April 2019 at the White Horse Inn, Sidmouth Road (A3052), Woodbury Salterton EX5 1EP, 10.15am-12noon. This is a very pleasant venue we have used before with plenty of car parking space. The White Horse Inn has an extensive menu for those wishing to stay on for lunch (at your own cost of course). We hope to see you there.

Following the coffee morning is our next lunch which is on Tuesday, 21st May at the Sidmouth Harbour Hotel, Manor Road, Sidmouth EX10 8RU. Car parking at the hotel is limited but there is a large public pay and display car park opposite. Menu/booking form is attached and should be returned to me with your cheque by Friday, 3rd May . Cheques will be banked on 15th May. No refunds will be given after this date. The cost per head for members is £17.50, which represents a 50% subsidy, or £30.00 per head for nonmembers. The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.

Please also let me know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

Please collect your menu choices form from me and place on your chosen table by 12.40pm. Please do not move them after this time.

Future dates for your diary

Tuesday, 11th June 2019 free Garden Visit and Cream Tea (scone, jam, cream, tea/coffee), Fursdon House & Garden, Cadbury, near Thorverton EX5 5JS, 2.00pm – 4.30pm

Exeter Spread Eagles have an exclusive afternoon visit to Fursdon set in the hills above the Exe Valley, near Thorverton. You can take a stroll around the main Fox Garden and the newly-restored Meadow Garden and Pond, or you may just sit and chat whilst admiring the wonderful views.

The Cream Tea will be served at 3.00pm in the Coach Hall and after you may wish to linger for a little while before setting off home.

How to get there?

If using a satnav, the postcode is EX5 5JS. Please ignore the formal Fursdon white gate and use the drive over the cattle grid.

If coming from Exeter (about 10 miles) Take the A396 towards Tiverton, and after about 7 miles turn left to the village of Thorverton. Turn right in the centre of the village opposite the Thorverton Arms, passing the church on your left. Having left the village, take the right-hand fork, signposted to Fursdon, which is then about a mile further up the road. Enter by the first gate over the cattle grid and the Car Park is at the top of the drive on your left.

If coming from Crediton or Tiverton via the A3072, Fursdon is signposted off this road. Please ignore the first formal white gate and drive on to the next entrance on your left, over the cattle grid.

Numbers are required for this event, so please let me know by Friday, 31st May if you intend to come. We hope to see you there.

Further details of the following events will be included in future Newsletters. Please make a note of the dates.

Monday, 9th September 2019 Seaton to Colyton (and return) Tram Ride and free Cream Tea (scone, jam, cream, tea/coffee) 2.30pm

Thursday, 31st October 2019 Lunch at Tiverton Hotel, Blundells Road, Tiverton EX16 4DB 1.00pm

Thursday, 5th December 2019 Christmas Lunch, Victoria Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth 1.00pm

Tuesday, 10th March 2020 AGM and Lunch, Exeter Golf and Country Club 11.00am

Lynne Ring, Committee Member

01392 879446

[Please note my email address has an underscore between Lynne and Ring]

Newsletter – February 2019


Five years? You don’t get to serve that length of time for a serious crime these days!

I had been looking back to previous Newsletters. This reminded me that I was elected as Secretary a full five years ago. That election was included within the business of our Annual General Meeting, and we are now coming to that time of year again, on Thursday 7th March.

We will gather at the Exeter Golf & Country Club for coffee, have a brief but efficient business meeting, followed by a very good speaker. Andrew Millington was the Organist and Master of the Choristers at Exeter Cathedral from 1999 until 2015. You can Google him to appreciate what a fine talent we have coming to talk to us. Andrew and his wife Madeleine will also be joining us for the lunch afterwards.

Full details of the meeting, and the lunch booking form are included in this issue. We hope to see you there!

And finally, just to keep your brains working there is another one of Les Rendell’s quizzes to get your heads around. There will be a prize for the winner at the AGM.

Andrew Green, Hon Secretary


I am writing this in the heat of Melbourne – 40 degrees centigrade as opposed to Fahrenheit – whilst spending invaluable time with the grandchildren. We are increasingly aware that we do not know how many more years we shall be able to do this, so ensure we savour every minute.

Sincerely hope that you are keeping well and, as ever, please contact one of our Wellbeing team if you feel that we may be of support. In any event, we shall be pleased to talk with you!

I shall otherwise hope to see you at upcoming theatre trip or at the AGM.

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Officer

Annual General Meeting

The Club’s Annual General Meeting takes place on Thursday, 7th March 2019 at 11.00am in the Mews Suite at the Exeter Golf and Country Club, Topsham Road, Exeter EX2 7AE. There is plenty of parking available in the two car parks situated in the grounds and disabled parking is at the entrance to the second parking area – you can take your car to the entrance (paved area) and then have it moved to a suitable bay. If you would like to come but need a lift, please contact one of our Wellbeing Officers who will do their best to find a lift for you.

Access will be available for (free) coffee/tea and biscuits from 10.30am and we would ask that you are in your seats prior to the start of the meeting at 11.00am so that there is no distraction whilst we remember those who are no longer with us.

We have saved some costs by not including the Agenda with this newsletter, planning to distribute on the day, but if any would wish for a copy prior to this, in print or electronically, we shall be happy to oblige.


AGM Luncheon

The Annual General Meeting will be followed by lunch. Menu/booking form is attached and should be returned to me with your cheque by Tuesday, 19th February 2019. Cheques will be banked on Thursday, 21st February. No refunds will be given after this date. The cost per head for members is £12.50 or £25.00 per head for non-members. The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.

Please also let me know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

The lunch will be in the Duckworth Suite. Please try to collect your booking form from me, showing your food choice, if possible before the AGM, to place on your chosen table; remember we do not have a seating plan for this event. Should you be coming only to the Luncheon, would you please indicate on your booking form with whom you wish to sit if you have a preference. Thank you.

The restaurant staff will take a note of your food selection around 12.40pm so please do not move your place setting after this time.

Bars in the Mews and Duckworth Suites will be available from approximately 12.30pm and lunch will be served at 1.00pm.

Future dates for your diary:

Saturday, 2nd March 2019 – Theatre Visit, Manor Theatre, Sidmouth (see details in this Newsletter)

Wednesday, 10th April 2019 free Coffee Morning, White Horse Inn, Woodbury Salterton EX5 1EP (on the A3052 Exeter to Sidmouth road), 10.15am-12noon

Tuesday, 21st May 2019Lunch, Sidmouth Harbour Hotel, Manor Road, Sidmouth EX10 8RU

Tuesday, 11th June 2019free Cream Tea (scone, jam, cream, tea/coffee) and Garden visit, Fursdon House & Garden, Cadbury, Exeter EX5 5JS

Menu and booking form for the May Lunch and further details regarding the free Cream Tea and Garden visit will be in the next Newsletter. Details of functions beyond June will be in future Newsletters.

Lynne Ring, Committee Member
01392 879446

THEATRE VISIT – Saturday, 2nd March – 7.30pm


Following the popularity of our outings to the Manor Pavilion Theatre in Sidmouth during the last two Summer Rep seasons, your committee has made a provisional booking for a further visit on Saturday, 2nd March 2019.

The play this time, entitled “Dead on Arrival”, is an original classic period whodunit and is being staged for one night only by the Moonstone Theatre with that performance starting at 7.30pm.

We have initially reserved a block of 27 seats (in the same part of the auditorium as for the previous visit). A maximum of two tickets per member is available on a first come, first served basis. (Those members who previously expressed interest at the Christmas Lunch will be prioritised).

A theatre discount applies for our block booking which together with an additional generous subsidy from Club funds means that on this occasion we can offer seats (maximum of 2 per member) at just £8.00 per ticket (the advertised price being £12.00). (Non-refundable).

We need to confirm numbers and make payment to the Theatre by 13th February, so if you would like to attend we need your confirmation and payment please (cheques payable to “Exeter Spread Eagle Club” ) as soon as possible and no later than Monday, 11th February.

Please return the attached booking form together with a SAE to Peter Johnson.


  1. Who was born in Devon in the sixteenth century, became an Admiral and died of a fever off Panama in 1596?
  2. Which house in Devon was built for the D’Oyly Carte family between 1925-6? The architect was Oswald Milne.
  3. On which river is the Becky Falls and Becka Brook?
  4. Which is the largest Iron-Age hill fort remaining in Devon?
  5. Where was the last traditional bakery to be used in Devon and was run by Stuart and Gerald Collier until the late 1980s? It is now part of a National Trust site.
  6. Which famous Devonian was married to the archaeologist Sir Max Mallowan?
  7. Where could you visit the Port and Mining Museums and the Victorian Farmyard, take a train ride through the George and Charlotte copper mine and be attended to by staff in Victorian dress?
  8. What was the name of the Plymouth born naval administrator and commander, who was the chief architect of the Elizabethan navy?
  9. Who is the Exeter Chiefs’ Director of Rugby?
  10. In which year did the Mayflower leave Plymouth carrying the Pilgrim fathers to the New World?

Name: ………………………………………………..

Entries please by Tuesday, 5th March to Les Rendell on or 11 Aubyns Wood Rise, Tiverton EX16 5DG

November 2018 Newsletter


What a wonderful autumn we have been having!  A fine open season like this will make the winter seem a lot shorter. Those of us who went to the Tiverton Hotel enjoyed probably one of the best lunches of the year.  In the same week, and still enthusing, your Committee met to continue planning future events for the Club.  For many years we were able to meet at Westpoint at no cost to the Club. We were very grateful for this privilege, and have thanked Ollie Allen, the retiring Devon County Show Secretary, on your behalf. From now on we shall be meeting in Committee members’ homes, so once again at no cost. We are fortunate that the continuing financial support from Barclays, coupled with your subscriptions, allows us to generously subsidise not just our customary four lunches a year, but also coffee mornings, cream teas and a theatre trip. Next year looks like being even better, with further exciting additions to our programme. Watch this space! Inside this issue we have details of the Club’s Christmas Lunch at the rather special Victoria Hotel in Sidmouth. The Doorman always provides a warm welcome as you arrive and, once inside, the decorations are a joy to behold. A fine festive lunch tastes even better for being enjoyed alongside old colleagues, now long-standing friends. I do hope we see you there.

Andrew Green, Hon. Secretary


A Note from the Chair 

Welcome to all our members to the final newsletter of the year.  Andrew has dealt above with our recent events and I shall look to the future.

Our budget for 2018 is set to break-even and we will be coming out with an extended programme for 2019 to use up some of our surplus funds.
Your committee is thinking of running with 4 lunches, 2 free cream teas (including a June one with a garden visit), 2 free coffee mornings and probably 2 theatre outings at the Sidmouth playhouse. Details of all these events will be in future newsletters.

We will start with our AGM on 7th March at the Exeter Golf and Country Club where Andrew Millington will be our guest speaker.  Andrew is the former Director of Music, principal organist and composer at Exeter Cathedral and has many wonderful stories for us to enjoy. So put that date in your diaries now.

I would hope to see many of you before that at our Christmas lunch on 6th December at The Victoria in Sidmouth, where we are offering again a fantastic 60% discount on the overall price: Just £12 for members to enjoy a great Christmas meal and friendly atmosphere.  We have space for 120, but in recent times have been around 90 in number. Please therefore, come and join us.

If you haven’t been to an event with us this year, please make 6th December a must!  Details are included in this newsletter that require your early attention and response.

See you there!

Although it seems a little early, for those of you not able to join us for our two remaining events, I wish you the Season’s Greetings, a Healthy New Year and hope to see you in 2019.

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer



Not too much to report, other than once again mentioning the wide range of support services that BWC offer and on an independent basis.  You are very welcome to contact them directly, or talk with me in the first instance.  Whilst the following is similar to that posted on our website, I feel it is worth another mention.

“The Bank Workers Charity (BWC) Did you know that the charity has been around since 1883?  Since then we’ve changed a lot.  Then, we just provided financial assistance, now we offer the banking community a wide range of advice, expert support and services as well.

“As a retired bank worker, it’s your charity.  Our funds, support and services are specifically for you.  Even if it’s just a query about something you’re facing, it’s worth making use of a service that’s here for you.

“Free and confidential Our team of skilled Client Advisors will listen and work with you to find a practical solution for you and our services are free.  We’re independent of banks and won’t share your personal information.

“Visiting Caseworkers If you, or someone you know may need more in-depth support and benefit from a home visit, one of our caseworkers can come to you.  They will provide advice, guidance and advocate on your behalf.

“Our services and support Our services are tailored to your needs.  Amongst others, we can help in the following areas:  Caring responsibilities  Money and debt  Disability and long-term conditions  Relationships  Bereavement  Mental health.

If you’re not sure BWC can help, call our free, confidential helpline on 0800 0234 834 or email to find out.

“You can also learn more about BWC and browse our easy-to-follow guides by visiting

“Even if you don’t need anything from us, tell your friends or colleagues that have worked in banking.  With your help, we’d like to support as many people from the banking community as we can.”
Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Officer



Our next function on Thursday, 8th November 2018 is a free Coffee Morning at the White Horse Inn, Sidmouth Road (A3052), Woodbury Salterton  EX5 1EP, 10.15am-12 noon. We hope to see you there.

Following the coffee morning is our Christmas lunch which is on Thursday, 6th December 2018 at the Victoria Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth  EX10 8RY.

Click Here for Christmas Lunch Menu & Booking Form which should be returned to me with your cheque by Monday, 19th November.  Cheques will be banked on Thursday, 29th November.   No refunds will be given after this date.  The cost per head for members is £12.00 and £25.00 per head for non-members.  The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.

Please also let me know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy. For those who like to make this event more of an occasion, you can arrive from 11.00am to purchase tea/coffee and the bar will be open from 12 noon. Should you wish to sit with particular friends would you please indicate on the Booking Form so that I can complete the Seating Plan.  Please check the Seating Plan when you arrive to see where you are seated. Some future dates for your diary   Thursday, 7th March 2019 AGM and Lunch, Exeter Golf & Country Club

Tuesday, 11th June 2019 free Cream Tea, Fursdon House, Cadbury  EX5 5JS with a chance to look around the gardens at no charge

Lynne Ring, Committee Member

01392 879446

[Please note my email address has an underscore between Lynne and Ring]

And lastly….. Recycling pens For anyone living in the Axminster area there is a recycling point at the Axe Valley Community College for extinguished pens (roller ball, fibre tip, ballpoint, highlighters).  For further information visit

July 2018 Newsletter


Not One, not Two, but Three, excellent events for members are detailed in this issue. Never has the Membership Fee looked such good value!

We start with our Theatre Trip to Sidmouth in August. Tickets are already selling well, following our email notifications. If you would like to come along, prompt booking is advised.

Last year, Tiverton’s Hartnoll Hotel provided us with the most generous Cream Tea, so, by popular demand, we are back there in September. Travelling up from Exeter via the “Valley Road”, the A396, makes for a very scenic run, with no motorway mileage.

And the Tiverton Best Western Hotel is also revisited for our lunch in October, as their previous meals were highly praised. On either outing to the town, you might also like to take in a trip on the Grand Western Canal, a wander around the National Trust’s house and gardens at Knightshayes, or inspect the “Tivvy Bumper” steam train at the town’s museum.

So, there is much here for you to enjoy, and all in the company of old colleagues and good friends. We hope that you have a wonderful summer, and that we get to see you at these events.

Andrew Green, Hon Secretary


A Note from the Chair

I hope you are all enjoying the exceptional sunshine of the past few weeks… Make the most of it!

Since our last Newsletter, we have had three successful events and announce in this issue a further three to look forward to.

Back in April the Halfway Inn provided us with a coffee morning, and then in May we enjoyed an excellent lunch at the Belmont Hotel in Sidmouth. Whilst parking was problematical for some, the Victoria Hotel next door did provide an overflow car park and the meal was outstanding. In June we visited King’s Garden Centre in Exmouth for an afternoon cream tea and a chance to make purchases in their wide-ranging shop. We had 37 there for the free tea.

Andrew has mentioned above the offerings for August, September and October, giving us all a varied and well-subsidised programme.

Please book in now to our events, lest you forget later!

Our Club finances remain healthy and within budget, so you will find the October lunch has a near 60% subsidy, keeping the lunch price to members down at £10.00. Do try to support our great value events.

Finally, for your diaries, we have a free coffee morning at the White Horse Inn, Woodbury Salterton on Thursday, 8th November and our Christmas Lunch at the Victoria Hotel in Sidmouth on Thursday, 6th December.

Details about these two events will be in the next Newsletter.

I look forward to seeing you at one or more of our five remaining events this year. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of our wonderful summer, and stay healthy.

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer



Our next function on Tuesday, 4th September is a free Cream Tea (scone, jam, cream and tea or coffee) at the Hartnoll Hotel, Bolham, Tiverton EX16 7RA, 3.15pm-4.30pm. This is a delightful venue we have used before and the scones are to die for! There is a large car park and entry to the Hotel is on the level. Numbers are required for this event, so please let me know by Tuesday, 28th August if you intend to come. We hope to see you there.

Following the cream tea is our next lunch which is on Tuesday, 16th October at Tiverton Hotel, Blundells Road, Tiverton EX16 4DB 1pm. Again, this is a venue we have used before and for this event we will be in the Topaz Room. There is plenty of parking and entry to the Hotel is all on the level.

Menu/booking form is enclosed and should be returned to me with your cheque by Wednesday, 3rd October. Cheques will be banked on Thursday, 4th October. No refunds will be given after this date. The cost per head for members is £10.00 or £24.00 per head for non-members. The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.

Please also let me know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

Please collect your menu choices form from me and place on your chosen table by 12.40pm. Please do not move them after this time.

Future dates for your diary

Thursday, 8th November 2018 free Coffee Morning at the White Horse Inn, Sidmouth Road (A3052), Woodbury Salterton EX5 1EP 10.15am-12 noon.

Thursday, 6th December 2018 Christmas Lunch, Victoria Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth

Thursday, 7th March 2019 AGM and Lunch, Exeter Golf & Country Club

Lynne Ring, Committee Member

01392 879446

[Please note my email address has an underscore between Lynne and Ring]


Theatre Visit

Manor Pavilion, Manor Road, Sidmouth EX10 8RP

Wednesday, 29th August 2018, 8.00pm

For this year’s outing we have opted to attend a performance of “Strictly Murder” by Brian Clemens and have reserved a block booking of 28 seats. As a change from the comedy theme of our previous visit, we have selected a thriller set in 1939 Provence. The production will be performed by the visiting Professional Summer Repertory company and produced by Paul Taylor-Mills.

Come and join us for what promises to be another enjoyable evening together.

A discount applies for our block booking and a further subsidy from club funds means that on this occasion we can offer seats (maximum of 2 per member) at just £10.00 per ticket (the advertised price being £17) which represents excellent value. (Non-refundable).

We need to confirm numbers and make payment to the Theatre by 27th July, so if you would like to attend we need your confirmation and payment please (cheques payable to “Exeter Spread Eagle Club”) as soon as possible and no later than Wednesday, 25th July. Please return the attached booking (click here) together with a SAE to Peter Johnson.

April 2018 Newsletter

Wasn’t Julia Tremlett a fascinating speaker at our Club AGM? If you were at our Exeter meeting, you probably picked up a copy of the famous National Garden Scheme’s yellow book. This lists the many gardens open to the public between now and the end of October. So now may be the time to look through it, and plan some different trips out. Many will be local to you. But you may choose to go further afield, to a locality you have never visited before. Perhaps you have an interest in particular plants, or you would just like some new ideas for your own garden.

You might take your camera (or phone) with you, and send us a photo for the Club website and Facebook page. There will be something for everyone to enjoy, not just the naturally green-fingered, and you will be benefitting a very worthwhile charity.

Your Committee have also been looking forward, to our events for the year. Details, as always, are provided in this Newsletter. We look forward to seeing you.

Andrew Green, Hon Secretary


View from the Chair and AGM comments

The past year has been a bit mixed with membership and attendances at functions slightly down. We now have 203 qualifying pensioners, plus 80 spouses, giving a total of 283 members across 188 addresses. Our numbers are 14 down on the year. On the positive side, our grant monies for 2018 are similar to 2017 as the Bank has increased funds by 3%.  With regard to events, our 2017 AGM saw 74 members enjoy an excellent meal at the Exeter Golf & Country Club with a most interesting and amusing speaker in Dr John Searle OBE reminiscing about his early years at Guy’s Hospital.

This March, with 64 attending, we had another lovely meal and a wonderful speaker in Julia Tremlett from the National Garden Scheme with a slide show telling us about the background, history and ongoing charity work of the NGS. Did you know the NGS has a nursing background and raised £3 million for nursing/carers charities in 2017? She also did a comprehensive review of some of the amazing gardens of Devon. This was a most illuminating, imaginative and entertaining presentation, laced with humour and anecdotes.

We will try to find another top quality speaker for the March 2019 AGM as we have now had 3 excellent speakers over the past 3 years.

Should you require a copy of the AGM Minutes please contact Les Rendell – telephone: 01884 254375 or email:

Last May saw us at the Deer Park Hotel with only 41 present, a rather disappointing turnout. We dropped the Autumn lunch and then returned to the Victoria in December, which was as good as ever for the 85 attendees. On the positive side, the 2 coffee mornings and the 2 cream tea afternoons saw 120 attend those 4 free events. The cream tea at the Hartnoll Hotel being particularly scrumptious! We must return there this year.  In addition, we had a subsidised Theatre trip to Sidmouth to see a farce called “Birthday Suite” and thank our new additions to the committee, Peter and Barbara Johnson, for arranging that. We propose a similar set of events for 2018, with the possible return of an Autumn lunch, thus giving you 9 events across the year. We have the funds, so why not use them!

I remind you that we have an active website and Facebook page, so make use of them to keep in touch with all information and planned events. Already, you will find a report about the AGM and the NGS on our web pages. We do thank Ron Powell for his continuing efforts here and to Les Rendell, in particular, for taking on the I.T. work. It was also Les who produced a couple of brain-teasing quizzes during the year, and more may follow.

Finally, I thank all those on your committee for their continued work and support with regard to meetings, events, newsletters, wellbeing and administration of the Club. We cannot exist without these volunteers. Thank you all!

Future Events Please see Functions section below.  A full agenda.  And as usual, the Christmas lunch at the Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth on Thursday 6th December to round off our year.


With my other hat on, I am pleased to report that once again it was a positive year with a small surplus of £65 achieved, despite income being £350 down, but where on the social side, we dropped the autumn lunch which saved £400 from the budget. Subscriptions have held up quite well, but will fall again this year, as numbers sadly reduce. General expenses remain under control with your committee being as frugal as possible! Subsidies for events averaged nearly 60% in 2017. Grant income was £4,457 and will be £4,446 in 2018. Our final year-end balance as at 31st December 2017 was £3,783.

For 2018, I have budgeted for a £500 deficit to reduce our final balance to just under £3,300 going forward into 2019. We can then subsidise 4 lunches at an average of 56% and provide 4 free events (2 coffee mornings and 2 cream teas), plus the theatre trip. At the end of the year, we should still have well over £3,000 in the bank. Your subscription remains at £5 per head.  Finally, if you attend all the planned functions this year, then you will enjoy at least £65 of subsidy for your £5 subscription. I am sure you would all agree, very good value!!

I would like to formally thank Eric Watts for examining and signing off the final accounts, and can confirm that he is continuing in this capacity for another year.

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer



Not too much to report since the last Newsletter, other than an update for those not at the AGM.  Delighted to report that I do not need to ask for anyone to assist with the Wellbeing side this year as all the team are still in office.  A big thank you to them all and, as ever, please do not hesitate to contact us if you feel we can help.  Hope to see you at our next coffee morning.

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Co-ordinator



Our next function is a free Coffee Morning on Tuesday, 17th April  at the Halfway Inn, Sidmouth Road (A3052), Aylesbeare  EX5 2JP,
10.15am-12noon. This is a very pleasant venue we have used before with plenty of car parking space.  The Halfway Inn has an extensive menu for  those wishing to stay on for lunch (at your own cost of course).  We hope to see you there.

Following the coffee morning is our next lunch which is on Tuesday, 15th  May at the Belmont Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth  EX10 8RX.

Menu/booking form is attached and should be returned to me with your cheque by Monday, 30th April 2018.  Cheques will be banked on Thursday, 3rd May.   No refunds will be given after this date.  The cost per head for members is £12.00 or £25.00 per head for non-members.  The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.

Please also let me know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy. Please collect your menu choices form from me and place on your chosen table by 12.40pm.  Please do not move them after this time.

Future dates for your diary   Thursday, 21st June 2018 free Cream Tea (scone, jam, cream, tea/coffee), King’s Garden Centre, Higher Hulham Road, Exmouth  EX8 5DZ (new venue – designated area) 3.00pm-4.30pm  Number attending is required. Please advise me by Thursday, 7th June  if you intend to come.

Directions – if you know a better way, please use it!:  From Sidmouth, A3052 to Halfway Inn, turn left onto B3180, follow road until branching right (signposted Exmouth) into Higher Hulham Road.  From Exeter (Sandygate) A3052 Sidmouth road to Clyst St Mary roundabout, follow A376 Exmouth road to Clyst St George roundabout, branch left onto B3179, through Woodbury village, turn right to meet B3180, then follow road until branching right (signposted Exmouth) into Higher Hulham Road.

Further details of the following events will be included in future Newsletters.

Tuesday, 4th September 2018 free Cream Tea (scone, jam, cream, tea/coffee), Hartnoll Hotel, Bolham, Tiverton  EX16 7RA  3.15-4.30pm

Tuesday, 16th October 2018 Lunch at Tiverton Hotel, Blundells Road, Tiverton  EX16 4DB  1pm

Thursday, 8th November 2018 free Coffee Morning at the White Horse Inn, Sidmouth Road (A3052), Woodbury Salterton  EX5 1EP  10.1512 noon.

Thursday, 6th December 2018 Christmas Lunch, Victoria Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth

Thursday, 7th March 2019 AGM and Lunch, Exeter Golf & Country Club

Lynne Ring, Committee Member 01392 879446 [Please note my email address has an underscore between Lynne and Ring]


Claiming a Power of Attorney refund

It hasn’t been widely advertised but the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) will consider making a part refund of the OPG fee(s) paid for those who registered their Lasting or Enduring Power(s) of Attorney during the period 1st April 2003 to 31st March 2017.  The government website explains both the potential refund and includes an on-line portal to make the application.  Amounts range from £34 to £54 depending on the date of registration.

Postal address: PO Box 16185    Birmingham    B2 2WH

Email address:

Telephone:  0300 456 0300

February 2018 Newsletter

Happy New Year to all our Members! I can imagine that you are now thinking that I am a bit behind the times with my greetings. Well, I was actually referring to the Chinese New Year, which begins on 16th February 2018, and is a “Year of the Dog”. Chinese years are in a sequence of twelve animals, six domestic and six wild, and are the starting points for Chinese horoscopes. Dogs are traditionally seen as faithful animals, whether in Chinese or Western cultures. If you have a loyal companion, why not make this the year you reward him or her with, say a new basket? It‟s time for me to stop wittering on, and to tell you that in this issue we have full details of our AGM at the Exeter Golf and Country Club. This will be another excellent value lunch, with the added bonus of a fascinating speaker, and we promise to keep the formal bits to a timely minimum. We hope to see you there. Andrew Green, Hon Secretary



Pensioners Forum

Garry and I attended this now bi-annual event at Canary Wharf back in November. Two issues arose in their Welfare sessions:

Loneliness: – came down to basic awareness and communication. We can only improve here, so we would rather be told things twice than not at all. Please contact your Wellbeing Officer or a member of the committee if you feel we can be of help to another member.

Bank Workers Charity: – again reiterated their wish to provide support, either financial or otherwise. They have overseen our summation of their activities on our now updated web page.

Finally, several clubs were impressed with our name change (Welfare to Wellbeing), and were looking to change theirs as well!

Death of a Member We will advise those on email as soon as we are made aware, and – if known – the funeral arrangements. As above, rather twice told than not at all.

Connection Magazine – Useful Contacts I have had cause to get involved in several instances recently, and there has been some change to the way we need to process probate and pension matters. No real issue if you ring the wrong number – as I did – as you are soon pointed in the right direction! Worth a look the next time you read it though.

Scams There appears no end to the amount and type of scams that are about. From email to telephone and computer „errors‟ to Bank refunds, even suggesting HMRC, and supposed tax and PayPal refunds. Please all be very aware!

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Officer


Annual General Meeting

The Club‟s Annual General Meeting takes place on Thursday, 8th March 2018 at 11.00am in the Mews Suite at the Exeter Golf and Country Club, Topsham Road, Exeter EX2 7AE. There is plenty of parking available in the two car parks situated in the grounds and disabled parking is at the entrance to the second parking area – you can take your car to the entrance (paved area) and then have it moved to a suitable bay. If you would like to come but need a lift, please contact one of our Wellbeing Officers who will do their best to find a lift for you.

Access will be available for (free) coffee/tea and biscuits from 10.30am and we would ask that you are in your seats prior to the start of the meeting at 11.00am so that there is no distraction whilst we remember those who are no longer with us.

We have saved some costs by not including the Agenda with this newsletter, planning to distribute on the day, but if any would wish for a copy prior to this, in print or electronically, we shall be happy to oblige.

Guest Speaker We are delighted to announce that the Guest Speaker for the Club AGM this year is Julia Tremlett, Treasurer for the East Devon Section of the

National Gardens Scheme (NGS). Julia will be telling us how this charity started and has developed over its 90 years and the amazing monies they have raised. Julia‟s talk will be illustrated by slides on a large screen so be prepared to be „wowed‟ by her pictures of some of the wonderful gardens that take part each year.

Julia herself has opened her garden for many years and is an experienced and knowledgeable gardener. This promises to be a fascinating and interesting talk.



AGM Luncheon

The Annual General Meeting will be followed by lunch.   View and print the menu/booking form. This should be returned to me with your cheque by Monday, 19th February 2018. Cheques will be banked on Thursday, 22nd February. No refunds will be given after this date. The cost per head for members is £12.00 or £25.00 per head for non-members. The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.

Please also let me know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

The lunch will be in the Duckworth Suite. Please try to collect your booking form from me, showing your food choice, if possible before the AGM, to place on your chosen table; remember we do not have a seating plan for this event.

The restaurant staff will take a note of your food selection around 12.40pm so please do not move your place setting after this time.

Bars in the Mews and Duckworth Suites will be available from approximately 12.30pm and lunch will be served at 1.00pm.

Future dates for your diary:

Tuesday, 17th April 2018 free Coffee Morning, Halfway Inn, Sidmouth Road, Aylesbeare EX5 2JP 10.30am-12noon

Tuesday, 15th May 2018 Lunch, Belmont Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth EX10 8RX

Thursday, 21st June 2018 free Cream Tea (scone, jam, cream, tea/coffee), King‟s Garden Centre, Higher Hulham Road, Exmouth EX8 5DZ (new venue – designated area) 3.00pm-4.30pm

Details of additional functions will be shown in future Newsletters.

Lynne Ring, Committee Member 01392 879446


Answers to Christmas Quiz

Here are the answers to the „Initially it‟s Christmas‟ quiz. Only two allcorrect answers were received and the winner drawn from those two was Barry Cross.
1. 5 = GR Gold Rings

2. 1 = HOS Horse Open Sleigh (from Jingle Bells)

3. 26 = BD Boxing Day

4. 9 = N of L in the W „C‟ Number of letters in the word „Christmas‟

5. 1ce = IRDC In Royal David‟s City

6. 56 = C in P of SCS on a CC Cost in pence of second class stamp on a Christmas card

7. 2 = US in the P “C” Ugly sisters in the pantomime „Cinderella‟

8. 2017 = Y S the B of J Years since the birth of Jesus
9. 3 = SCSB Ships come sailing by
10. 5 = D in J of TN Date in January of Twelfth Night

Newsletter November 2017

Peter and Barbara Johnson were getting very excited at our last Committee meeting. They had managed to get Julia Tremlett, from the National Gardens Scheme, to be our guest speaker at our AGM in March. The famous Yellow Book from the NGS features gardens nationwide, all opened to the public to raise money for good causes. Julia, and her husband John, have a wonderful garden of their own at Bickham House, Kenn which they regularly open in aid of the NGS. Even those of us who are “horticulturally challenged” are looking forward to hearing a really fascinating talk. Do make sure that the date is in your diaries.

Also, in this issue, we give details of how you, as a Barclays’ pensioner, can now download a copy of the latest Microsoft Office software for a mere £9.95, a very significant saving.

Where did 2017 go? Once again, it is time to be sending out the details, in this Newsletter, of the Christmas Lunch at the Victoria, your Club’s grand finale for the year! If there is one event to attend in the year, this is it, so do get your booking in early. We hope to see you there.

Andrew Green, Hon. Secretary



A View from the Chair and your Finances

Since our last Newsletter, we have had a very successful cream tea at Froginwell (38 attendees), the theatre trip at Sidmouth and a second delightful cream tea at the Hartnoll Hotel (near Tiverton), where the most amazing scones were on offer.

Our next venture is the free coffee morning at the Halfway Inn on the Sidmouth Road, near Aylesbeare.  You should just get this Newsletter in time, as the coffee morning is on Thursday, 2nd November, although the date should have already been in your diaries.  Do come along to swell our numbers.

To finish our year, the Christmas lunch on Thursday, 7th December is, as usual, at the Victoria in Sidmouth, where we are offering a fantastic 60% discount on the overall price: Just £12 for members to enjoy a great Christmas meal and friendly atmosphere.

We can offer this reduced price to you as our finances remain healthily in credit!

See you there!

Although it seems a little early, for those of you not able to join us for our two remaining events, I wish you the Season’s Greetings and hope to see you in 2018.

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer



The first thing you will have noticed – already updated on our website – is our change of name. At our Welfare/Wellbeing meeting in the summer, it was felt that Wellbeing more accurately reflects the present day support that we offer.

          Ongoing Membership

When one of our (Bank employee) members loses a spouse/partner, the survivor automatically qualifies to remain as a member of the Club. This is obviously optional, but we sincerely hope that those affected will wish to remain with us. As ever, your Wellbeing officer will be only too pleased to talk further.

         Blue Rewards

This is something that I have mentioned before, but is worth a repeat advert! Whilst there are Bank requirements to be met each month, you will receive a net £4/month JUST for taking the time to register. I shall be very pleased to discuss with anyone who may be interested.

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Officer




Thursday, 2nd November  free Coffee Morning at the White Horse Inn, Woodbury Salterton.  The White Horse Inn is on the main A3052 Exeter to Sidmouth road – next to the Froginwell Vineyard where we have previously held coffee mornings.  There is a large car park and easy access.

The next lunch is the Christmas Lunch on Thursday, 7th December 2017 at the Victoria Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth  EX10 8RY at 1pm.

View and print the Menu/booking form and return to me with your cheque by 20th November 2017.  Cheques will be banked on 30th November.  No refunds will be given after this date.

The cost per head for members and carers, if members require assistance, is £12.00 or £25.00 per head for non-members.  The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.

Please also let me know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

For those who like to make this event more of an occasion, you can arrive from 11.00am to purchase tea/coffee and the bar will be open from 12 noon.

Should you wish to sit with particular friends would you please indicate on the Booking Form so that I can complete the Seating Plan.  Please check the Seating Plan when you arrive to see where you are seated.

           Future Event:

 Thursday, 8th March 2018   Annual General Meeting and lunch at Exeter Golf & Country Club, 10.30am for Coffee; 11am for AGM; 1pm for lunch

  Speaker: Julia Tremlett, National Gardens Scheme, 11.45am    

Lynne Ring, Committee Member

01392 879446


Microsoft Office software offer

It’s likely that many of you are using use Microsoft Office 2007 software, but you may not know that Microsoft withdrew its support for the product from 10 October 2017.  This means that no more security updates will be issued, which potentially makes users’ PCs more vulnerable.

Barclays’ Pensioners, however, now have a valuable opportunity.

If you are registered with My Rewards Discounts, a download of MS Office 2016 Pro+ (the full bells and whistles version) is being offered for a mere £9.95!

Offers like this don’t last for ever, so it’s as well to get in quick.  If any of your members aren’t registered, it’s a straightforward process using the details below from connection magazine.

Once you’ve registered, go to the home page of the website and hover your cursor over “Electronics” in the menu bar.

An expanded “drop down” menu will appear.  Click on the link for Microsoft Office and, on the page which appears, follow the instructions to purchase your copy (only one per Pensioner, I’m afraid).

You can then either install the software straight away or save it as a download for installation later.

Many of our Club Members have already successfully taken advantage of the offer, and I hope it will benefit you as well.



I remember, I remember the house where I was born,

But I wonder where the shears went last time I mowed the lawn?

I remember clothing coupons and the rationing of food,

But what I did two hours ago my memory eludes!

Sound familiar?!

Some thoughts from Committee members, Barbara and Peter Johnson


Here is a fun quiz which requires a little thought. There is a prize for the first all-correct answer (or, if none, next highest score) drawn at the Victoria Hotel Christmas Lunch. The closing date for receipt of entries is Tuesday 5th December.

You can enter by email if you wish – or send your answers to Les Rendell, 11 Aubyns Wood Rise, Tiverton EX16 5DG. Even if you cannot make the Christmas Lunch please have a go.

Answers will be published in our next Newsletter.  Good luck!

What do the initials stand for, e.g. 12 = D of C (Days of Christmas)?  All clues have an association with Christmas.

 1.  5 = GR

 2. 1 = HOS

 3. 26 = BD

 4.  9 = N of L in the W ‘C’

 5.  1ce = IRDC

 6.  56 = C in P of SCS on a CC

 7.  2 = US in the P “C”

 8.  2017 = Y S the B of J

 9.  3 = SCSB

 10.  5 = D in J of TN


Name: ……………………………………………………………..