Newsletter – April 2022


Welcome to the second Newsletter of the year. I hope this finds you all safe and well, but if not then on the road to recovery.

We have had two events already, namely the coffee morning at the White Horse in early February and our AGM brought forward to 24th of February, instead of our usual date in March. A report on the AGM follows after these opening remarks.

Your committee has agreed to a full programme of events this year with two of them detailed later in this newsletter. That will be the free cream tea at The Hartnoll Hotel at Bolham (near Tiverton and the Knightshayes NT property) on 28th April followed by our Spring lunch at the Sidmouth Harbour Hotel on 24th May. After that I expect a June/early July outing of some sort, with a theatre visit in August, another cream tea afternoon in September (Powderham again?) followed by an October lunch. November will be coffee time at Bickleigh with some Christmas shopping and December is already booked at the Victoria Hotel in Sidmouth on Thursday 8th December. How about that to fill your diaries!

AGM Review

We held our 47th AGM at Downes Golf Club, Crediton on 24th February with lovely views across the course and watched what appeared to be all 4 seasons of the year pass by the panoramic windows of the clubhouse. Numbers were low at 28 attendees and the regular business was quickly done: all parties duly elected on, although we do have a vacancy on our committee and also on the Wellbeing team. We need some help… please consider volunteering to join us. With my Chairman’s hat on I did the usual round of thanks to my Committee without whom this Club could not keep going and welcomed in 10 new active members to the Club this past year.

Sadly our speaker, Alan Dodds was too unwell to join us that day and we wish him a good recovery. Instead, I produced a picture quiz to sort out
the “little grey cells” and Les Rendell tantalised us with his cryptic wonders. The time before a good lunch was therefore well used!

To all of you, please stay safe and healthy. I look forward to seeing you at one or more of our 2022 events.

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer

Secretary’s Notes

Topiary Rabbit & Spring Flowers

Spring has sprung – at last! The blossom is wonderful, the flowers are opening and the trees are turning green again. We have had amazing weather during the end of March and I hope you have been able to enjoy some of the warm sunshine and blue skies. Of course, it couldn’t last and now we are back with cooler cloudy days – so, don’t pack away your winter clothes just yet!

Easter isn’t too far away and then we can look forward to our first (free) cream tea at The Hartnoll Hotel (near Tiverton) where their scrumptious scones will be served. I do hope you can come along.

Barbara Johnson, Secretary


I am writing this against a backdrop of rising Covid cases and the war in Ukraine. The positives for us are that we are able to celebrate and enjoy the Spring flowers and belated sunshine. Fingers crossed for an improving world situation and a good summer!

Wellbeing Officer

It was good to see some of you at our Annual General Meeting at Crediton and for those not present I will repeat my wish for another officer to
support our team. In the meantime, I shall continue to take responsibility for the Exeter area as well as my existing patch in Exmouth. If you are at all interested in offering support to our wider membership, then please have a word with me. It is not at all onerous!

Guaranteed Minimum Pension Equalisation

Some of you may receive a letter from the Trustee of the UK Retirement Fund about the above. If you do, it will only be good news as there will be a small adjustment to your pension. The qualifying criteria are very narrow so it will only be a few of us that are affected. I do have some additional information so, if necessary, please give me a ring. Use the “Contact Us” page on this website.

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Co-ordinator

Annual General Meeting

If you wish to see the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, please email Les Rendell – – or telephone him on 01884 254375 and he will send you a copy.

Following the Annual General Meeting, as is our usual practice, you will see updated list of Officers, Committee and Wellbeing Officers for 2022 on the Committee page of this website. If you wish to be in touch with us please use the “Contact Us” page on this website.


Free Cream Tea, Hartnoll Hotel, Bolham, Tiverton EX16 7RA – Thursday, 28th April 2022 at 3.00pm.

We are returning to the Hartnoll Hotel for one of our cream teas this year. Those who have been to the Hotel for a Cream Tea before will remember it’s probably as well to bring a doggy bag as the scones are not small! We are made very welcome at this venue and there’s easy parking too.

We do need numbers for this event, so if you are intending to come, please email Barbara or Peter Johnson on or or telephone them on 01297 599086 by Wednesday, 20th April please to let them know. Thank you and see you there!

Perhaps too this may be an opportunity beforehand to visit the National Trust property, Knightshayes, which is not too far from the Hotel and is well signposted.

Lunch at Sidmouth Harbour Hotel on Tuesday, 24th May at 1.00pm

Menu and Booking Form is attached (click here) for our next lunch. We are returning to the Sidmouth Harbour Hotel this year. Unfortunately there is now no parking at the Hotel, but there is a Pay and Display car park immediately opposite the Hotel in Manor Road. Drop off at the Hotel is possible. For this function we are giving you the option of paying for the lunch by BACS transfer, rather than cheque. Full details below.

Account Name: Exeter Spread Eagle Club

Account number: 10138878

Sort Code: 20-30-47

Ref: Your Surname

Your menu choices may also be emailed as an attachment to Barbara and Peter Johnson rather than returning by post if you prefer by Tuesday, 10th May. However you still have the option of returning your booking form with a cheque, made payable to Exeter Spread Eagle Club, to Barbara and Peter Johnson by Tuesday, 10th May please.

Whichever method you choose, please also let Barbara and Peter know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

Please collect upon arrival your booking form showing your food choice and place on your chosen table.

Future dates for your diary

Details of functions beyond May will be in future Newsletters. HOWEVER – “Hot off the press!” We have arranged to have another free Cream Tea on Thursday, 30th June at 3pm. This time at The Donkey Sanctuary, Slade House Farm, Sidmouth, EX10 0NU and it is a new venue for our Club. There is plenty of free car parking and no entrance fee, and, of course, there are plenty of donkeys to view!

Please advise Barbara or Peter Johnson on or or telephone them on 01297 599086 if you wish to attend, by 17th June, so the appropriate number of scones may be ordered.

We are hoping to include in the future a further free coffee morning, an informal pub lunch and a theatre visit as well as the already-booked Christmas Lunch at the Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth on Thursday 8th December.

Newsletter – January 2022

Welcome to 2022.

Here is your first Newsletter of the year and a warm welcome to you all. I hope it finds you fit and well, and “raring to go” to join us at the events of 2022.

This year we are hoping to return to a little normality and we are preparing a full programme of events to hopefully include 4 lunches, 2 free coffee mornings, 2 free cream teas and our AGM during the year. Of course this is all subject to meeting any official restrictions which may apply (P.Ms exempted!).

To begin with, we have an early coffee morning on Thursday 3rd February….just days away from you receiving this Newsletter. It will be at The White Horse Inn on the main A3052 Sidmouth road near Aylesbeare commencing at 10.30 am. As usual, it will be free to members.

That will be followed by our AGM on Thursday 24th February at Downes Crediton Golf Club, meeting from 10.30am for coffee with the business part from 11am. This is a new venue as we have had great difficulty finding anywhere at a reasonable price prepared to take us. Full details provided later in this newsletter.

The business part takes about half an hour; it will be followed by our speaker, the Rev‟d Alan Dodds. Remember him from 2020! He says that he will need a few minutes to set up his kit….and this time his talk is simply “Confessions of a Country Vicar” . Amusement abounds! Do come and join us. We expect to break after the talk/entertainment for drinks at the bar from 12.30pm with lunch being served at 1pm. See you there! Booking details for the AGM are attached to this Newsletter with the menu choices and reply slips. At least we will be meeting in person, rather than on Zoom, as we did last year.

Dates and venues for other future events will be announced at the AGM and in our Spring Newsletter.

With my other hat on, I can confirm that our finances remain in good health and we will be submitting our annual grant claim to HO which should see us maintain our lunch subsidies at 50% or better, with coffee mornings and cream teas free to members. As an example, the AGM subsidy to members is 57%. A good incentive to be there! The annual accounts will be available as usual at the AGM.

Finally, please continue to visit this website for latest news and a write up of the Christmas lunch where we had 61 booked in to the Victoria Hotel at Sidmouth. By the way, if there are any keen photographers out there, do take pics at our events and send them to Les Rendell ( for inclusion on the website.

Although it seems a little late, I wish you all a very happy , safe and healthy new year and look forward to seeing you at one or more of our events in 2022.

Garry Adams Chairman and Treasurer

Secretary’s Notes

A Happy New Year to you ALL and our fingers are crossed for a “normal” year!

Here we are well into January and, without doubt, the days are getting longer as it is nearly a month since the shortest day. We are lucky living in the South West in that the temperature (on the whole) is milder and things do start growing earlier than in the rest of the UK. Walking our dog around the local area, I have spotted definite signs of new growth in gardens and it is so cheering on cold or wet days.

I hope some of you will be able to come along and join us for our first coffee morning of the year – to be held at The White Horse Inn on Thursday 3rd February at 10.30am. We can recommend their food if you are able to stay on and have lunch (at your own cost).

Do please let us know if there any changes to your home and/or email address; thank you. The majority of Newsletters are now sent out by email, saving the Club considerable costs in paper, printing and stamps. So, if you are now able to receive your copy electronically, please tell us. Until we meet, stay safe and keep warm.

Barbara Johnson, Secretary

Committee Member(s) needed !

Now that things are beginning to get going again (Hooray) we would love to have some extra help for organising events and sharing new ideas etc. Joining the committee is a practical way to offer ideas and suggestions and would YOU like to join us? Just ask anyone on the committee for more information and we will tell you how we all work together as a team on behalf of your club.


Happy New Year to you all! In these seemingly never-ending challenging times do hope that you are keeping well, both physically and mentally. You may wish to look at the Bank Workers Charity website where not only can you sign up for their regular emails, but also click on to one of their key services, as summarised below.

Bank Workers Charity Advice and information

Our advisers work across a range of areas and have extensive experience of supporting working-age people, families and retirees.

Practical support We partner with some of the UK’s leading organisations to provide you with specialist support, and we’ll work with you to find the best solution.

Financial support We may be able to provide you with financial support with general living expenses and long-term costs such as disability aids or home adaptation.

I shall hope to see you at one of our upcoming events soon!

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Co-ordinator

Annual General Meeting

The Club‟s Annual General Meeting takes place on Thursday, 24th February 2022 at 11.00am at Downes Crediton Golf Club, Hookway, Crediton EX17 3PT. There is plenty of parking available in the car park situated in the grounds. If you would like to come but need a lift, please contact one of our Wellbeing Officers who will do their best to find a lift for you.

From Exeter direction, entering Crediton on A377, pass Tesco, turn left just past the Shell petrol station to cross over the railway line, follow the road and the Golf Club is signposted. From Crediton town, turn right before the Shell petrol station to cross over the railway line, follow the road and the Golf Club is signposted.

This is a new, but known, venue for us and we are assured of a warm welcome. We do hope that you will join us for the short, but nevertheless important, meeting to be followed by an excellent speaker, the Reverend Alan Dodds, who some of you may remember from a previous Annual General Meeting. This time his presentation is “Confessions of a Country Vicar”. Lunch will follow at 1.00pm.

Access will be available for (free) coffee/tea and biscuits from 10.30am and we would ask that you are in your seats prior to the start of the meeting at 11.00am so that there is no distraction whilst we remember those who are no longer with us.

We have saved some costs by not including the Agenda with this newsletter, planning to distribute on the day, but if any would wish for a copy prior to this, in print or electronically, we shall be happy to oblige.


AGM Luncheon

The Annual General Meeting and speaker will be followed by lunch. Menu/booking form is attached (click here) and should be returned to [please note for this function] Barbara and Peter Johnson with your cheque by Wednesday, 9th February 2022. No refunds will be given after this date. The cost per head for members is £15.00 or £35.00 per head for

The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.

Please also let Barbara and Peter know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

Please collect upon arrival your booking form showing your food choice and place on your chosen table before the AGM. On this occasion it is likely that, because of space restrictions, we will need to occupy our dining places for the whole of the day’s proceedings.

Future dates for your diary

Thursday, 3rd February 2022 free Coffee Morning at White Horse Inn, Woodbury Salterton EX5 1EP (on the A3052 Exeter to Sidmouth road), 10.30am-12noon

Thursday, 28th April 2022 free Cream Tea at Hartnoll Hotel, Bolham, Tiverton EX16 7RA at 3pm. Please advise us, Andrew and Lyn, by email or telephone if you wish to attend so we can order the appropriate number of scones .

Details of functions beyond April will be in future Newsletters.

Andrew & Lyn Green, Committee Members

Tel: 01884 855340 Email:

Newsletter – November 2021

Welcome to our Autumn Newsletter.

Another year seems to have shot by and here we are announcing in this edition the 2021 Christmas luncheon at the superb Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth on Tuesday, 14th December. Do come and join us there to enjoy the wonderful decorations as well as our lovely company!

By now most, if not all, of you should have had your booster Covid and the latest flu jabs, so I hope you are feeling safer to come out and play. Since our last newsletter we had 36 at a wonderful cream tea at the Powderham Castle Orangery on a sunny day to also enjoy the surroundings.

Our Autumn lunch on 14th October at the Tiverton Hotel saw 35 of us enjoy a superb meal in a widespread, super safe, room which could seat a 100. There really was room for more of you.

Next up is a coffee morning at Bickleigh Mill with time for some Christmas gift shopping at the boutique areas found there. That is on Tuesday, 16th November from 10.30am. No need to book, just turn up.

Into the New Year, we plan a coffee morning for Thursday, 3rd February at the White Horse on the Sidmouth Road near Aylesbeare. Our AGM is currently set for Thursday, 10th March at a venue yet to be confirmed, with an entertaining speaker, but more on that in the January newsletter.  

Please do remember to take a look at our Website for up-to-date information and reports on our activities ( and also on our Facebook page which Les Rendell is kindly keeping up to date.


We have plenty of funds in our coffers as the Bank generously gave us a full grant for 2021, at the same level as 2020, despite us not being able to run a proper programme of events. As a result, we can offer generous subsidies to members at lunches whilst continuing to keep coffee mornings and cream tea events “free” to members. For example the Tiverton lunch attracted a 55% subsidy for the meal and wine, whilst the Christmas lunch subsidy will be a whopping 57%!!

Our numbers have remained steady this year, despite sadly some losses, notably very recently Fred Rice and John Chittenden. On a positive note we have welcomed in Tim and Julie Wilkinson and Catherine Ollerhead as active members.

Finally, should I not see you at either the November or December events; I wish you all a lovely Christmas and a safe, Healthy New Year! (yes, I know, it‟s a bit early).

Garry Adams Chairman and Treasurer

No Quiz this time, but here are the answers to the “Colours” quiz from the August newsletter:-


VIOLET/ LILAC/BLUE/GREEN. The last one will be a mystery to you as question 15 got accidently missed off the question list. So your test this time is to make up the question, to match mine!!

Secretary’s Notes

The weeks seem to be flying by and it has been a more social time (at long last) for us all especially with the delicious cream tea in the restaurant by the Farm shop at Powderham Castle. Then on Thursday 14th October we enjoyed a lovely lunch at The Tiverton Hotel. Hopefully, those of you who were able to come along enjoyed them as well. We certainly will be returning to both venues in the future. We were also delighted to be able to welcome (in person) our three new members – Tim & Julie and Catherine at both events.

The winter „tidy up‟ in our garden continues and we have been lucky with the (mostly) fine weather over the last two months but there is still plenty to do!

Enjoy the rest of 2021 and please continue to keep safe as the virus is still around.

Barbara Johnson, Secretary


Vacancy for Wellbeing Officer

We‟re STILL hiring!

We still have a vacancy for the Exeter area; although you can cover this from wherever you live.

PLEASE let me know if you are interested in joining our team.


Les has overseen our presence on this, and if you are connected, it is worth a look!


Delighted to say that the Bank Workers Charity has again assisted our membership, and please do not hesitate to contact them directly, or one of the Wellbeing Officers.

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Coordinator


Our next function on Tuesday, 16th November is a free Coffee Morning at Bickleigh Mill, Bickleigh, EX16 8RG from 10.30am-11.30am. This is another new venue for us, with the bonus of lots of Christmas gift shopping at hand and the possibility of staying on for lunch (NOT free, unfortunately!). No booking is necessary, and there is an adjoining large car park, accessed from the Exeter-Tiverton valley road, A396.

The Menu/Booking Form is attached (click here) and should be returned to us with your cheque by Friday, 26thNovember. No refunds will be given after this date. The cost per head for members is £15.00 per head, or £32.00 for non-members. The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.

Our Christmas lunch is on Tuesday, 14th December at Victoria Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth EX10 8RY at 1pm. This is always a very special event, with spectacular hotel decorations and the spirit of the festive season all around.

Please also let us know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

We do hope to see you at both events.

Future dates for your diary

Thursday, 3rd February 2022 free Coffee Morning at White Horse Inn, Sidmouth Road, Woodbury Salterton, Exeter EX5 1EP,10.15am-12 noon.

Thursday, 10th March 2022 Club AGM, with Guest Speaker and Lunch

AGM date is currently provisional, see the next Newsletter for more


Andrew & Lyn Green, Committee Members

Tel: 01884 855340

A Message from the Bank Workers Charity

Newsletter – August 2021

Welcome to our Summer 2021 newsletter. I hope you have survived and enjoyed our brief heatwave, as I write this missive during one of those dreary, drizzly days waiting for the sun to return. A real mixed bag of weather this year.

There is good news on the horizon with a full programme of monthly events for you to enjoy with your fellow Pensioners Club members. In this edition we are inviting you to join us for a free September Cream Tea at The Orangery at Powderham estate (Tuesday, 21st September) and to the October lunch at The Tiverton Hotel (Thursday, 14th October). Please reply to these invites asap, lest you forget later!

With the “new normal” enabling us to hold events again, we need to embrace these opportunities to meet and therefore look forward expectantly to seeing you. Beyond October, we have plans laid for a free November coffee morning and shopping experience at Bickleigh Mill (Tuesday, 16th November) followed by our December lunch at The Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth (Tuesday,14th December). Details will be in our Autumn newsletter, but please put those dates in your diary now!

Your committee will be working on a full programme of events for 2022 as we have the funds to continue with decent subsidies into all of next year.

Please keep healthy and stay safe

Toodle pip!

And now for something completely different!
A teaser quiz to test the little grey matter, but no prizes!
All the answers to the clues are colours

40th Wedding Anniversary

Moira‟s Shoes?

Capable Gardener

A D-Day Beach

Paul Hogan‟s Nectar?

The Cluedo’s Colonel

Atomic number 47

Heraldic Black

Capital City of Yamoussoukro?

He was Private Pike

The Top Cycling Jersey

Flower for a Shy Person

Syringa Vulgaris

Radio’s Famous Rabbi

Garry Adams, Chairman & Treasurer


Secretary’s Note

I don’t know where the days go but here we are in mid-August and the nights are definitely ‘drawing-in’ as we seem to need to put the lights on earlier each evening!

Apart from the blistering heat of the heatwave a few weeks ago and phew, that was hot, we have had a mixed bag of weather and the rain has helped our weeds grow along with our plants and shrubs. We have a good show of colour in the garden and the large tubs of flowers around Seaton town are glorious and are an inviting and welcoming sight to our visitors and tourists.

It was wonderful to be able to hold our first social event with the coffee morning at The White Horse Inn, Sidmouth Road and to be able to see and talk with ‘real people’ in a face-to-face environment in the pub’s new seated and partly-covered outside area. How we did take things for granted pre-Covid and we are looking forward to being able attend more social events in the months ahead.

Peter and I have been going to the Manor Pavilion Theatre in Sidmouth to see their 2021 Summer Season Plays and so far, we have been to four performances – all very different and we have thoroughly enjoyed our evenings out and now the café is open before the play starts. We can certainly recommend them and if you want to book direct, either visit their website on or telephone their Booking Office on 01395 514413. The tickets are £19 each.

I have received a request from Jonathan Watson who used to work at Barclays Exeter, St Thomas branch between 1978/1981 and also at Sidmouth between 1981/1984 as he is trying to make contact with ‘old’colleagues. If you worked there during this period, and are happy to make contact with him, his email address is

Also there is a request to any members who are ex Woolwich staff – asking to be ‘linked up’ with you from Robin Johnson. If you are happy to make contact with him, his email address is

Enjoy the rest of summer and please continue to keep safe as the virus is still around.

Barbara Johnson, Hon Secretary



Whatever next!

We may have thought that the various Lockdowns were strange, but the supposed ‘Freedom Day’ has seen us having to deal with even more challenges: Masks – to be or not to be – as someone once uttered. Similarly, are we confident enough to venture out to the pub/theatre/cinema? This assumes that there are enough staff for them to open!

Whatever your thoughts and position on these issues, please feel free to share them with your Wellbeing Officer. Our small and friendly team are always ready for a chat. That said, we still have an opening for another officer,
If you are interested, please let me know, and we can have an informal chat.

A Missive from The Bank Workers Charity – Carers

This has recently been sent to me, and no apology for once again putting the offering from BWC before you. As ever, you can also talk to one of us, or use BWC for an independent view.

“Caring for a loved one can be an incredibly rewarding experience, whether you’re new to it, or have been looking after someone for a while. But quite often, we don’t think of ourselves as having caring responsibilities and so, don’t identify ourselves as carers.

“As a carer, we want to make sure you’re well equipped with the right information and support to help you in your caring role, and ensure you’re looking after your own wellbeing too.

“We wanted to take this opportunity to remind you of the support that we provide for carers:

 Accessing benefits – we can provide information and support to help you access welfare benefits you may be entitled to.
 Looking after your mental health – we can offer you support and, in some cases, counselling or other therapies to help you look after your mental wellbeing.
 Identifying technology and devices – we’ll help identify technology that can make life easier for both you and the person you care for. This may include lighting control, voice activated systems or fall detection devices.
 Accessing legal support – we can offer you a telephone consultation with legal experts who can advise you on most aspects of British law, such as power of attorney.
 Getting financial support – we may be able to provide you with financial support with general living expenses such as disability aids or home adaptations.

“If you’re a carer looking for support, read our guide to caring for more information. Alternatively, if you’d like to speak to an adviser, you can call our free and confidential Helpline on 0800 0234 834, or head to our website to access LiveChat; we‟re available Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm (except Bank Holidays).”

Enjoy the rest of the summer, and hope to see you at one of our functions!

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Coordinator



Our next function on Tuesday, 21st September is a free Cream Tea (scone, jam, cream and tea or coffee) at the Orangery Café and Bistro, Powderham Estate, EX6 8JE at 3.00pm-4.00pm. This is a new venue for us with other shops on site and wonderful views of the River Exe. There is an adjoining large car park accessed from the A379 Dawlish road. Numbers are required for this event, so please let us know by Friday, 10th September if you intend to come. We hope to see you there.

Our next lunch is on Thursday, 14th October at Tiverton Hotel, Blundells Road, Tiverton EX16 4DB at 1pm. This Hotel regularly produces an excellent meal for us. There is plenty of parking, and entry is all on the level.

Menu/booking form is here and should be returned to us with your cheque by Wednesday, 29th September. Your cheques will be banked on Thursday, 7th October. No refunds will be given after this date. The cost per head for members is £14.00 or £30.00 per head for non-members. The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.

Please also let us know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

Please collect your menu choices form from us and place on your chosen table by 12.40pm. Please do not move them after this time.

Future dates for your diary

Tuesday, 16th November 2021 free Coffee Morning at Bickleigh Mill, Bickleigh, Tiverton EX16 8RG 10.15am-12 noon.
Tuesday, 14th December 2021
Christmas Lunch, Victoria Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth

Andrew & Lyn Green, Committee Members
Tel: 01884 855340

Newsletter – May 2021

Welcome from the Chair

Welcome all, with some good news!

There is light at the end of the tunnel with many restrictions on life easing on 17th May and potentially a lot more freedom to meet socially from 21st June. With that latter date in mind your committee is meeting in person on 24th June to arrange some social events for you starting with a Coffee Morning on Tuesday, 6th July. See details later in this newsletter.

Beyond that we would hope to run 2 lunches before the year end, one in the Autumn and the other being the December Christmas lunch at the Victoria, Sidmouth (already booked for Tuesday, 14th December). Any other events will be considered at our June committee meeting and set out in our Summer newsletter.

The Club has received an unexpected bonus from Barclays of grant funds for 2021 at the same level as 2020, namely £4,251 despite everything being curtailed last year. We thus have funds to spend on subsidising all social events this year and next to a considerable degree.

For many of us, we are still coming to terms with the sad and unexpected loss of our dear friend and colleague Lynne Ring who passed away suddenly on 3rd March. Please see a tribute later in this newsletter.

Our zoom AGM in March was brief and successful, although I hope not to be repeated! All the main positions in the Club are filled, but we do have a couple of vacancies on the Committee and Wellbeing Team. Again, see our adverts later in this newsletter.

I am pleased to welcome Johanna Sharp and her husband Derek to the Club on their move to Devon. We look forward to meeting them soon.

Finally, I wish you all a safe and vaccinated return to some sort of (new) normality in life and look forward to seeing many of you again in person at one of our future 2021 events. 2

By the way, it is my partner Sheila‟s Birthday coming up and she has taken to leaving jewellery and Radley handbag catalogues around the house, so naturally I‟ve bought her a magazine rack for her Birthday. She doesn‟t know it yet!


Garry Adams, Chairman & Treasurer


Secretary’s Note

I hope you are enjoying the longer days and warmer sunshine as Spring is definitely here. The gardens are looking colourful with tulips, bluebells and forget-me-nots and many other early flowering plants. The cherry trees with all their bright blossoms are delight to see.

But, what happened to April showers this year? There weren’t many here in the South West and I understand that we had less than ½ inch (1cm) in the whole month. But, it was cold with chilly winds so the winter woollies are still in use and May has started well with heavy showers and, typically, for a Bank Holiday weekend – wet!

Now some of the Lockdown restrictions are being eased, we can eat outside at cafes & pubs etc and go shopping. I do like to support our small independent local shops and the ones here in Seaton have good one-way systems and hand-sanitisers available. It was good to re-stock my selection of birthday cards as May and June are “busy‟ birthday months for our family and friends.

Later in the month (all being well) we can meet indoors at eating places and I do hope you will be able to come along to join us for our first coffee morning on Tuesday 6th July at The White Horse Inn, Sidmouth Road, Woodbury Salterton EX5 1EP from 10.15am onwards.

Finally, I have been contacted by David Baldwin, the secretary of the Grasshopper Pensioners’ Club and he asks if we have any former Martins staff in our club. If you are “ex-Martins” he would be delighted to hear from you and he will send you their newsletters. They are also hoping to organise some local “get-togethers” and more information can be found on their website: David can be contacted by email on or by phone on 01422 832734.

Please keep well and take care.

Committee Member(s) needed!

Now that things are beginning to get going again – we would love to have some extra help for organising events and sharing new ideas etc. Joining the committee is a practical way to offer ideas and suggestions and we all work as a team on behalf of your club. How about YOU joining us? Just ask one of us for more information and we will tell you!

Barbara Johnson, Hon. Secretary




As previously mentioned at the A G M, we are now looking for someone to join our small, but very sociable and enthusiastic team. It is not necessary to become a member of the committee.

The (postcode) area that we are looking to cover will be centred on Exeter, although that is not a major issue, as contact is by phone. I will be delighted to provide additional information and instruction, and in the first instance hope that you feel you can give me a ring to discuss. In the meantime, I will continue to look after the Exeter area as well as my own.

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Coordinator

Social Events – Theatre Outing

In recent years we have enjoyed meeting as a group to attend a performance in the Paul Taylor-Mills Summer Play Festival at Sidmouth‟s Manor Pavilion Theatre, with ticket prices well subsidised by both our club and by the Theatre. Last year‟s season was cancelled of course but a reduced program is planned for 2021. There will be just 6 plays staged for two weeks each rather than the usual offering of 12 running for 6 nights.

In the past we have been able to reserve a block booking, confirming and paying for the actual number of tickets required about a month before the performance date. Unfortunately at this stage tickets are currently only available online with payment required up front and a no returns policy, at least until the Box Office reopens when the situation may change.

Consequently we have decided not to attend the Summer series as a group this time, although once the Autumn program is released we may attempt to do something later in the year. – Watch this space!

In the meanwhile anyone wishing to attend a performance this summer is encouraged to make their own booking online via “” or to try the box office on 01395 514413. Tickets are priced at £19.00 each.

Peter Johnson, Committee Member


Covid-19 Colleague Matched Donations

This scheme was introduced in April 2020 and enabled staff and retired staff to have personal donations to officially registered charities supporting communities affected by the virus, (including money personally fundraised), fully matched by the Bank.

There was a mention in the winter edition of connection (see pp. 6 and 26) but no proper communication had been received by pensioners. As the scheme has been extended until 31st December 2021 members may take advantage if they wish, even retrospectively, for donations/fundraising since April 2020.

Les Rendell, Committee Member

In Memoriam

We were all shocked and saddened by the sudden death of Lynne at the beginning of March.

Lynne was much loved by us all and was a tremendously hard worker on behalf of the Exeter Spread Eagle Club for a number of years following her retirement from the bank as Premier Banking Manager in Exeter. She organised our events, collected our cheques, arranged the seatings for lunch and negotiated with the hotels. She knew and cheerfully welcomed everyone at our functions.

She had a lovely bubbly personality as those who worked with her will confirm and when the Committee were no longer able to continue their meetings at Westpoint, Lynne was pleased to hold them at her home in Exeter.

More recently Lynne helped as a Wellbeing Officer and the Committee greatly valued her warm friendship and willing assistance.

She will be sadly missed.

Newsletter – February 2021

A Happy New Year to you All or more precisely may you have a peaceful and healthy lockdown. If you are struggling a bit at this time please feel free to speak to your Wellbeing officer for a friendly chat. You will find a contact sheet attached to this newsletter with post codes allocated for each of our Wellbeing team. Many of you will have had the first vaccinations by now, so there is light at the end of the tunnel for us all and I hope that by the summer we can resume some meetings or events.

There is nothing planned at present for obvious reasons, but I do hope that by May or June we can resume some events , starting with a lunch, perhaps with an entertaining speaker to make up for the loss of our usual March AGM meeting with speaker and lunch.

You will find attached to this newsletter (click here), details of our first virtual AGM by Zoom to take place on the 10th March at 1100hrs. All you need to do is have a device, whether desktop computer, laptop, tablet etc. or mobile phone, with a camera and microphone included. Details in the note from Lyn Green, our Zoom guru! The meeting will last less than 40 minutes and will get us through the usual reports, formalities of voting people in, confirming our committee set up and the financial situation. Some of the AGM reports are enclosed here along with the 2020 accounts summary. Do have these to hand when joining us for the Zoom AGM. Go on, give it a go!!

That’s all for now and I look forward to seeing some of you at our Zoom AGM. Keep safe and healthy.

Garry Adams, Chairman & Treasurer

A thought for lockdown:- Two things to make your day better (1) Do not watch the News and (2) Stay off the bathroom scales!

A recent observation from an out-of-work actor attending an audition:- Director “ Well done. You‟re being offered a role as a husband who‟s been married for 30 odd years.” Actor “Oh. I was hoping for a speaking part”.

Secretary’s Note

We do like to keep you well-informed of your Club’s activities – even in these difficult times of being currently unable to plan events! BUT you can only know this if you have kept us up-to-date with your home and/or email address. Please do keep us informed if you move home or change internet provider as we would hate to lose touch.

The majority of Newsletters are now sent out by email, saving the Club considerable costs in paper, printing and stamps. So, if you are now able to receive your copy electronically, do let us know.

Until life begins to return to a new normal, please keep well and stay safe.

Barbara Johnson, Hon. Secretary


I suspect that like most of you, you are counting the days until we can emerge from cowering from Covid. By the time that you read this, I hope that the vaccination programme will be in full swing, and we can once again look forward to seeing our friends and family. As I know all too well, it could be another 12 months before we are able to return to some sort of normal, but sincerely hope that we can get to see all of you at one of our events that we expect to hold as things relent. This is especially the case with those members that the Wellbeing Team spoke with in Lockdown.

In the interim, please do not hesitate to give any one of us a ring, as we shall be only too pleased to help!

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Coordinator

PostcodesOfficerContact Details
EX1-5Lynne Ring01392 879446
EX6-9Ray Cavill01395 275265
EX10-13Barbara & Peter Johnson01297 599086 or
EX14-19Lyn Green01884 855340
EX20-24 + TQ and All OthersChris Leigh01884 855368
Wellbeing Officers as at 1st February 2021


Willis Towers Watson Tel: 01737 273149


Bank Workers’ Charity Tel: 0800 0234 834

Annual General Meeting

The Committee of the Exeter Spread Eagle Club invite you to join our AGM via Zoom at 11 am on Wednesday 10th March. (click here)

 It is really EASY to do! All you need to do is have a device, whether desktop computer, laptop, tablet etc, or mobile phone, with a camera (so you can see us and we can see you), and a microphone. You will need to download the Zoom app/programme, but you do not need to have a Zoom account yourself.

Just before 11 a.m. on Wednesday 10th March, click on the link below, the screen should then say something like ‘wait for the host to start the meeting‘. After a little while, there should be a window which says ‘connecting‘, after which with a bit of luck and a fair wind, you should be able to see us!

At the bottom of your screen, you should see symbols for “start audio and video”. Make sure these do not have a red line on them by clicking on each – then you should be flying!

You should also click on “Gallery View” and then you will be able to see multiple participants. If you have a problem, give us a ring on 01884 855340. The meeting will last no more than 40 minutes before we all get logged out.

Lyn Green is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting by clicking on this link, if reading on a device,

OR enter these details when prompted in the app:

Meeting ID: 751 2816 9366

Passcode: Please contact Lyn Green

The Committee are looking forward to seeing you all!!

From the November Newsletter here are the Christmas Quiz answers from Les Rendell

Quiz Answers

1. OLTOB = O Little Town of Bethlehem

2. AGAMW = A Great and Mighty Wonder

3. BTGCM = Behold, the Great Creator Makes (himself a house of clay)

4. ISMKSC = I Saw Mummy Kissing Santa Claus

5. CASTHM = Christians Awake, Salute the Happy Morn

6. HTHAS = Hark the Herald Angels Sing

7. RTR-NR = Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

8. ICUTMC = It Came Upon the Midnight Clear

9. JBJBJATW = Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the Way

10. OCAYF = O Come All Ye Faithful

11. GKWLO = Good King Wenceslas Looked Out

12. IDOAWC = I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas

13. WSWTFBN = While Shepherds Watched their Flocks by Night

14. ISTSCSB = I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing By

15. WTKOOA = We Three Kings of Orient Are

16. WWYAMC = We Wish You a Merry Christmas

17. AWGMOO = As With Gladness Men of Old

18. OTFDOCMTLSTM = On the First Day of Christmas my True Love sent to me

19. DTHWBOH = Deck the Hall with Boughs of Holly

20. THATI = The Holly and the Ivy

Newsletter – November 2020

Dear Members, Friends, Colleagues,

This is the final Newsletter of 2020, a most peculiar year.

Socially it started well enough with a February coffee morning and our March AGM with the wonderful entertainment of the Rev‟d Alan Dodds, but quickly went downhill after that as the Covid virus took hold.

After six months of no events, we tried a social lunch in October at the Tiverton Hotel where 28 were booked in, socially distanced in pods of up to 6 and safely looked after by the hotel staff. Not quite the same as a normal function, but the food was excellent and it was lovely to see some of our people again. Thank you to those who ventured out.

Sadly, as the second wave of Covid strikes, regulations have been tightened and the interpretation of guidelines has changed to the extent that we are unable to hold the Christmas luncheon at the Victoria Hotel in Sidmouth. This will be the first time that we have not been able to hold a Christmas celebration together as a Club. Similar venues have also not been available to put together large social gatherings at this time. My apologies therefore to all those who so look forward to this annual function.

As to 2021, who knows what will happen and when we will be able to socially mix again. I think it safe to assume there will be nothing before the end of March, unless a super vaccine comes along.

ZOOM TIME. Your committee continues to meet by Zoom and our next meeting is on Thursday, 3rd December at 6.30pm. If you would like to join us for a chat and some Christmas goodwill, then please advise Lyn Green on and she will send you the link to join us. You would be most welcome. It is easy to do!!

I have run out of new golf terms, but did come across the Irish medical Dictionary with some examples here:-

Artery = the study of paintings

Bacteria = back door to cafeteria

Benign = what you be, after you be eight

Cauterize = made eye contact with her

Colic = a sheepdog

Coma = a punctuation mark

Dilate = to live long

Impotent = to be well known

Fester = to be quicker

Urine = opposite of „you‟re out‟

Fibula = a small lie

Tablet = a small table !!!!!

At the end of this relatively short newsletter, with sadly no invite to a Christmas lunch, you will find the answers to the September fun quiz and a new Christmas themed fun quiz from our own redoubtable Les Rendell. Do have a go at your leisure and keep those “little grey cells” working.

Finally, I wish you all a Happy Christmas and a safe, healthy New Year. Let us hope it will not be too long “before we meet again ……some sunny day”.

Best wishes.

Your Chairman, Garry Adams


Secretary’s Notes

Well, the clocks have just changed and now we have lighter mornings but darker evenings and as the year draws to a close I think we will all be glad to look forward to a happier and hopefully healthy year in 2021.

We do look forward to planning, organising and holding events for our club and we would welcome any suggestions you can offer. Variety is the spice of life! Also if you have changed any of your details e.g. address, email or telephone numbers, do please let me know so that I can update our records.

As I write this on 25th October we are recovering from Storm Barbara (my namesake and apologies for the rain!) earlier last week. By the time you read this, we may well have experienced a few “events‟ like Halloween, Bonfire Night and, more importantly, Armistice Day on 11th November. I’m sure that, like me, you have family members and friends who were involved in wars and sadly for many, their ultimate sacrifice. We will always remember them.

May I also take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Christmas and “All the Best for 2021‟.

Most importantly keep well and stay safe.

Barbara Johnson, Secretary



A timely reminder from the Bank Workers Charity!

Winter is fast approaching, so it’s important you prepare for the colder months ahead to stay well and look after your wellbeing. Here are some simple things you can do to make sure you and your home are prepared for winter:

Food and medicine – keep extra supplies of long-life foods and basic medicines in your cupboards. If you’re not able to leave your home, ask for support from a family member or friend, or get in touch with your local council for help.

Keeping active – move regularly – it’s good for your physical and mental wellbeing. If you’re unable to get out of the house for a short walk, just getting up to make a cup of tea will do you good.

Safety – ensure your smoke and carbon dioxide alarms are in working order. Get in touch with a local Engineer or the Gas Safe Register to check your heating and gas are safe too.

Insulation – check if you’re eligible for support with insulating your home under the Energy Energy Company Obligation scheme. A more energy efficient home could reduce your bills.

Schemes and grants – look into whether you’re eligible for the Warm Home Discount or Green Home Grant schemes or other schemes that could reduce costs over winter.

To find out more, read the Bank Workers Charity‟s guide on “How to prepare for winter‟. If you’d like more advice and guidance, call their free and confidential Helpline on 0800 0234 834 – they’re open 9.00am-5.00pm, Monday to Friday.

As ever, your Wellbeing Officers are always available to talk with you and please contact us as and when you wish.

Seasonal Greetings from us all!

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Co-ordinator


Initially it’s Christmas

No prizes – it‟s just for fun!

The following are the initials of the words of the first line of Christmas carols and songs, e.g. AIAM = Away in a Manger





















Les Rendell, Committee Member


Fun Quiz Answers from September

Name the film

1. Intergalactic struggles STAR WARS

2. Burning conveyances of old CHARIOTS of FIRE

3. Many spotted dogs 101 DALMATIANS

4. Elevated musician FIDDLER on the ROOF

5. A Garrett ROOM at the TOP

6. A valuable digit GOLDFINGER

7. Dangerous amphibian on Tayside CROCODILE DUNDEE

8. What you hear from an Orchestra THE SOUND of MUSIC

9. A trip on the P & O Line, perhaps PASSAGE TO INDIA

10. Reds dispatch with affection FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE

11. Waltzing in the pigsty DIRTY DANCING

12. Louis Armstrong or Ella Fitzgerald THE JAZZ SINGER

13. Busy day at the church 4 WEDDINGS and A FUNERAL

14. The Glittering Set HIGH SOCIETY

15. At least 14 attended this wedding 7 BRIDES for 7 BROTHERS

16. Roundabout CAROUSEL

17. Top of the Clock HIGH NOON


19. A short meeting BRIEF ENCOUNTER

20. Everybody Out! EXODUS

Newsletter – September 2020

Dear Members, I hope this “last of the summer” newsletter finds you safe and well.

We have had no meetings or gatherings since our AGM back in March, but it does look like we can have a lunch together in October. See later in this edition for details with restricted numbers and on a “first come, first served” reply basis. An early response is therefore recommended. Your committee will be there in force to greet you and keep you safe!

We are still planning to hold the December lunch at the Victoria in Sidmouth (Thursday 3rd December), again with restricted numbers (unless Government guidelines change) and we will review this in October in the light of the success or otherwise of the Tiverton lunch. Generous subsidies for members will be made available for both of these planned events. A further newsletter will be issued in late October.

Following on from my “Dominic Cummings” new golf term in the June newsletter (a long shot, but with no penalty), I have come across some more. An “Alastair Campbell” is a shot with “Too much spin on it” — An “Arthur Scargill” is “A good strike with a poor result” —-a “Le Pen” (Jean-Marie variety) is “A shot that drifts too far to the right” and predictably a “Jeremy Corbyn” is “ A shot that drifts too far to the Left”. Finally, a “John-Wayne Bobbitt” (remember his wife?) is “A vicious slice, ending up short”!!!

Congratulations time. To Doug and Kath Drysdale who celebrated on the 19th of August their 70th Wedding Anniversary. Some feat—well done! Also to Valerie Sharp who has transferred in to our Club from Torbay, on her move to Exmouth. Welcome as an active member. Finally, best wishes to Dave Burgess who had a heart operation in August and is said to be recovering well. Let us hope so.

To conclude my comments, a big “thank you” to Gordon Ball who has provided a wonderful nostalgic look at the life of a Junior in the 1960’s in this newsletter. From me, the answers to the fun “chocoholics” quiz from June are at the end of this edition and a new fun quiz on “naming the film” is included. Enjoy.

Garry Adams, Chairman


Secretary’s Notes

It is now three months since our June newsletter and some things have changed, thank goodness. The good news is that the number of Covid-19 cases has dropped and, for me, is that I have had my hair cut and re-styled (and maybe you too?) but the ‘not so good news’ is that we have had the longest day and nights are drawing in, and will have had the final Bank Holiday Monday before Christmas! But, many of us can enjoy some of the easing–up of restrictions during this ongoing problem with Covid-19 – for example, many shops have re-opened, along with parks and some National Trust gardens and homes etc.

Okay, we now have to wear ‘face-coverings’ when we enter some premises or use public transport etc. but if it helps, it has my full backing and I have now got used to wearing/carrying face masks and hand sanitiser with me, it’s a ‘new normal’ way of life that we have. Crumbs, 2020 will be well remembered for so many reasons and quoted in history books as an extraordinary year when things ‘ground to a virtual halt’ for some months.

As I write this on 25th August we are recovering from Storm Francis with the high winds and heavy rain albeit we didn’t suffer any damage – just the sun umbrella blown over and my outdoor tomato plants are leaning at an awkward angle! As you may know, some cruise ships have been anchored both near Torquay and Weymouth whilst they are unable to cruise on the high seas with passengers. Some friends are currently staying near Corfe Castle in their caravan and on a walk along the coast path on Monday, they were lucky enough to see Cunard’s three ‘Queen’ ships and others in the bay at Weymouth. Here are two of the pictures which Stuart took, sent over to us and who has agreed to share them with you. What an amazing sight.

©Stuart Martin The Cruise Ships at Weymouth 
©Stuart Martin ‘Queen Elizabeth’

Keep well and stay safe.

Barbara Johnson, Secretary

PS  The picture of ducks featured in the last newsletter was a memory I have of a Sundry account number which had loads of 222222s!



You should all know that I am a believer in utilising the professional independent support of the Bank Workers Charity and their services are summarised on our own website. I make no excuses for issuing a reminder though!

Your committee has received the following message from the Bank Workers Charity:

“When it comes to caring for a loved one, we know it can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it can also have a negative impact on other aspects of life including our relationships and finances.

“But by ensuring we’re equipped with the right information and support, it can make a huge difference to the level of care we can provide and can help to reduce the negative impact it has on our wellbeing.

“Here are a few ways BWC can support you in your role as a carer:

Accessing benefits – they can provide information and support to help you access welfare benefits you may be entitled to.

Looking after your mental health – they can offer you support and, in some cases, counselling or other therapies to help you look after your mental wellbeing.

Identifying technology and devices – they’ll help to identify technology that can make life easier for both you and the person you care for. This may include lighting control, voice activated systems or fall detection devices.

Accessing legal support – they can offer you a telephone consultation with legal experts who can advise you on most aspects of British law, such as power of attorney.

Getting financial support –they may be able to provide you with financial support with general living expenses such as disability aids or home adaptations.

“If you’re a carer looking for support, or you want to know more about the practical things you can do to look after your own wellbeing, read BWC’s guide. Or you can call their free and confidential Helpline on 0800 0234 834 – they’re open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday or visit”.

Christmas Grant

Frightening that it is, it is fast approaching that time of year, and the details and submission timetable is as follows:

It’s a one-off grant that’s means-tested in line with the Bank Workers Charity’s (BWC) current grants criteria.

Even if a member has been unsuccessful before, it’s worth them applying again as circumstances can change.

Members who received the Christmas grant last year will automatically be sent a letter inviting them to apply again this year. We’ll be sending these out week commencing Monday, 3rd August 2020.

How to apply
To get an application form sent to you, email or call our free and confidential Helpline on 0800 0234 834, we’re open Monday to Friday from 9am – 5pm (except bank holidays). Please get in touch for an application form by Friday, 18th September 2020.

Important dates
Last date to request an application form: Friday,18th September 2020
Deadline for completed applications: Friday, 30th October 2020

Our team are happy to answer any questions and can assist anyone who might need it.

And Finally

The Wellbeing Team plan to meet up in the autumn for our annual get together, and with the events of this year, will have plenty to talk about! If you have any thoughts as to how we may be of any further help, then please let me know.

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Co-ordinator



Our next lunch is on Thursday, 15th October at the Tiverton Hotel, Blundells Road, Tiverton  EX16 4DB at 1pm.  This is a venue we have used before where we have always had an excellent lunch.  There is plenty of parking and entry to the Hotel is all on the level.

With Covid-19 restrictions as they are at present, numbers are limited to 30.  Therefore, bookings will be taken on a first come, first served basis.  If receipt of your booking exceeds the limit you will be telephoned to let you know that your cheque will not be processed and your name(s) will be placed on a waiting list.

Menu/booking form is enclosed (click here) and should be returned to me with your cheque by Wednesday, 30th September.  Cheques will be banked on Wednesday, 7th October.   No refunds will be given after this date.  The cost per head for members is £10.00 or £26.00 per head for non-members.  The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice. 

Please also let me know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

Please collect your menu choices form from me and place on your chosen table by 12.40pm.  Please do not move them after this time.

Future date for your diary  

Thursday, 3rd December 2020   Christmas Lunch, Victoria Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth

Lynne Ring, Committee Member

01392 879446

[Please note my email address has an underscore between Lynne and Ring]


A Day’s work for a Bank Clerk Junior by Gordon Ball  

When I joined the Bideford branch of Barclays Bank in September 1952, to replace the Junior who was about to be called up for National Service, it had a staff of 8, and the bank premises were all on the ground floor of a corner building, with the customers’ entrance at the corner. Apart from the Manager, who had his office in the opposite front corner of the premises, the rest of the staff worked in the main room which I guess was about 60 feet square. Next to the Manager’s office was a passage to the staff entrance, then the strong room, where cash and ledgers and customers’ deposit boxes were stored, and then another passage to the toilets and a kettle for making coffee for morning and afternoon refreshments.

The front counter had tills for up to 3 cashiers, and behind that was a second counter with spaces and stools for up to 5 staff. The Chief Cashier was at the front counter, and behind him at the second counter were the Chief Clerk, three ledger clerks, two of whom manned the front tills when there were customers waiting, and the Junior on their right, close to the strong room and the passage to the toilet and kettle. Behind them, facing the back wall was the typist’s desk and typewriter, and in the centre was a solid fuel stove, which was the only heating for the whole room, and keeping it burning well was one of the Junior’s responsibilities. The Junior was also responsible for opening the front doors to customers at 10.00am and closing them again at 3.00pm. Working hours were from 9.00am until the day’s work was finished. The aim was to finish well before 5.00pm, and if we were not busy it might be earlier, but sometimes it was later. At that time the typewriter was the only machine in the office. Adding machines were a thing of the future, so adding quickly and accurately meant we could go home sooner.

Fountain pens were not allowed, as the Bank insisted their ink was not sufficiently permanent, so the junior’s first job each day was to check that the ink wells were full at each work place, for customers and staff, and that each had a clean sheet of blotting paper in the pads, and that the dip pens had good nibs. It was also necessary to check early each day that there were sufficient of the many forms to be sent to Head Office, which had been rubber stamped with the Branch details.

The next job was to collect, from the Post Office, the Head Office Letter bag, which in addition to any correspondence, contained the bundles of cheques drawn against Bideford Accounts and paid in at other Branches and Banks. The Head Office Letter bag was dual purpose, and could be posted in either direction, as there were two labels, one inside and the other outside, so the bag could be turned inside out for posting back. After listing on the special stamped forms the details of amounts due to each Bank, the cheques were sorted into alphabetical customer order, and listed again on Check Ledger Sheets, and the respective totals agreed. The cheques were then passed to the Ledger Clerks who would enter the details on the Ledger sheets and also on the Customer’s bank statements.

The Junior’s next job was to deal with the ‘Local Clearing’, in which cheques paid in by our customers during the previous day and drawn on other banks in Bideford, were exchanged with those banks, who similarly handed over cheques drawn by our customers and paid in by their customers. The totals due to and from each Bank were settled by the equivalent of a cheque, called an Agents Claim Voucher, which would be included in the day’s work and sent to Head Office with other cheques paid in by customers during the day and drawn on other Branches and Banks.

At the cash tills all the customers’ credits and debits were entered by the cashiers on analysis sheets, detailing cash paid out and cash and cheques paid in. Later the Junior would sort the cheques and credit slips into alphabetical order so they could be entered, on strips of ruled paper called Check Ledger Sheets, so that separate totals could be calculated for the various ledgers. There were 4 ledgers for customers, A-D, E-K, L-R and S-Z and a General Ledger in which were entered the totals of the customers’ ledgers and all other miscellaneous accounts, such as Cash and Branch expenses. The Golden Rule was that ‘Every Credit had its Debit’, so that for example, Cash paid in was a credit to the Customer and a debit to Cash Account. At the end of the day the entries in the Ledgers were ‘called back’ by the Ledger Clerks to the Junior, who read from the Check Ledger sheets. The totals from the Check Ledger sheets were then recorded in the General Ledger, and once a week, on Wednesdays, the totals of customers’ balances in each Ledger were written out on large sheets of paper, added up and agreed with the ledger balance as recorded in the General Ledger. At that time Wednesdays were Bideford’s early closing day, which was fortunate as there were usually fewer customers, and the ordinary work would be finished sooner and the work of listing and adding up the ledger balances, could be started earlier.

The Junior’s work was usually confined to the office, but on Thursdays the Junior would accompany a Cashier, either the Manager or a senior Cashier, to operate a sub-branch at Hartland. It was a rather bizarre arrangement as we sat in a lady’s front room, using her table as the counter, where an alarm button had been provided in case of need. There never was a need during my time, but Thursday’s outings provided a welcome change from routine. There were two main customers who came each week, but there were sufficient other customers, apart from occasional holiday visitors, to justify the weekly event. A Similar service was provided on Market days, not only at Hartland but also at Holsworthy where premises were used at a hotel.

After just over 3 years at Bideford, when I had passed part 1 of the exams to become an Associate of the Institute of Bankers, I was offered the option of a transfer to Exeter, which I accepted, but I look back on my time as a Junior Bank Clerk at Bideford, with happy memories.

We are delighted to include this article reminiscing on his early days in the bank. Thank you Gordon and you are quite correct there have been massive changes since then!

Chocoholics Fun Quiz Answers:-

A Star cluster = either GALAXY or MILKY WAY /  Voodoo in a Box = BLACK  MAGIC  / Mother’s Hostelry = MARS BAR / A climbing variety = ROSES / Park Lane or Mayfair = QUALITY STREET / In the mane, you’ll enjoy this one = LION BAR / The bar for Truckers = YORKIE / Mediterranean Islanders = MALTESERS / A passenger carrying vehicle = DOUBLE DECKER / A beauty from Istanbul = TURKISH DELIGHT / Gentle waves are these = RIPPLES / Superman or Batman = HEROES / Up for discussion = TOPIC / Clever Little Things = SMARTIES / Munificence? = BOUNTY / A sadistic Nut = WALNUT WHIP / Al Fresco cuisine = PICNIC / Sounds like a type of Bloomers = SNICKERS / Is this bar nearly a pet-food = KIT KAT / Fiddler on the Roof = MATCHMAKERS

Now try this one. Name the film from the clue.

  1. Intergalactic struggles……………………….
  2. Burning conveyances of old………………
  3. Many Spotted Dogs…………………………..
  4. Elevated musician?…………………………
  5. A Garrett ………………………………………….
  6. A valuable digit ………………………………..
  7. Dangerous amphibian on Tayside …….
  8. What you hear from the orchestra …..
  9. A trip on the P & O Line, perhaps? ……
  10. Reds dispatch with affection …………….
  11. Waltzing in the Pigsty ……………………….
  12. Louis Armstrong or Ella Fitzgerald……..
  13. Busy day at the Church……………………..
  14. The Glittering Set………………………………
  15. At least 14 attended this wedding! …..
  16. Roundabout ……………………………………..
  17. Top of the Clock ……………………………….
  18. Leo Rex …………………………………………….
  19. A Short Meeting ……………………………….
  20. Everybody Out! ………………………………..

This is just for fun.  Answers next time.

Newsletter – June 2020


In this issue we hope to find you well, staying alert and safe, and have tried to put together some items of interest. It is also good to keep in touch.

Welcome to our first ever ‘lockdown’ newsletter where we are unable to report on anything held in the past 3 months because none were allowed! Also, we cannot yet confirm any future social events at this stage. It is strange to think what an impact a micro-organism like Covid-19 can have on human lives. The year 2020 will live long in the memory.

Your committee have been meeting regularly by Zoom and suggest that perhaps some of you might like to try a Zoom coffee morning with us. Just to say hello and chat to some old friends. Let Les Rendell know if you are interested – see also his report.

I have put together a fun puzzle page for ‘chocoholics’ at the back of this edition. No prizes, just some fun with answers next time. It is always good to keep ‘those little grey cells’ working! For our golfers, I see that you are again allowed out on the course, just as the weather takes a changeable turn from the beautiful spring which we have enjoyed thus far. I hear there is a new golf term out there ―The Dominic Cummings. It is a really long drive that goes way out of bounds but there‘s no penalty!!

For information, you may have received a message from the UKRF Trustees (31st March) stating that resilience plans are in place; the fund is safe and there is no impact from Covid-19 on the ability to pay pensions. A comforting thought.

I have also had a notice from the Association of Psychiatrists (UK) which informs that “During quarantine it is considered normal to talk to your plants, flowers and pets. Only worry and get in touch if they start replying”.

Our Wellbeing team are busy making and keeping in contact with many of you, but if you do need a bit of a chat and a friendly voice to help you through these strange times, please get in touch. They are there to help. A list of telephone numbers and covering post-codes is included in this newsletter.

I can continue to remind you that our 2 planned social events; the Tiverton Hotel lunch on 15th October, and the Victoria Hotel Christmas lunch on 3rd December are still booked. We sincerely hope to be able to run them. We will know more about them by the time of our September newsletter. In the meantime, please stay safe and enjoy our summer as best you can.

Finally, will you remember 2020 as the year your wheelie bin went out more often than you! Toodle-Pip.

Garry Adams, Chairman


Secretary’s Notes

This is my first contribution to our periodic club newsletters in my new role as Secretary. I was elected to take over this role from Andrew Green at our Annual AGM in March 2020. Andrew has done a magnificent job as our club secretary over the last six years so I will have to work hard to follow in his footsteps but I do have the advantage of him remaining on the committee so I can call upon his expertise when needed.

You will see that in this issue I have included an article of my time working for Barclays Bank. We cordially invite you to share some of your work experiences with us. This is your club and as we can‘t organise social meeting events at the moment we do want to include more items of interest in future newsletters. Just drop me a line or email; or perhaps you have discovered a hidden talent whilst we have been told to ‘Stay at Home’ etc. My sister makes flowerpot men (see below) and has been using clean donated plastic pots from her neighbourhood – great re-cycling and fun to see on her small front garden.

As I write this on 4th June, some of the restrictions from lockdown are easing (with plans for more) and ‘fingers crossed’ that this works okay. Then we can continue to return to some kind of ‘normal’ life albeit I think it is going to be different for a long while. In the meantime ‘Stay Alert’ and keep well.

Barbara Johnson, Secretary

PS: do any of you remember what these meant?



In my last ramblings, I said that the Wellbeing Team would likely give you a ring. Between us, we spoke with more than 90% of our Membership, and I believe that we all benefited from comparing notes on how we were dealing with the unprecedented ‘Lockdown’. Suffice to say, that many of you who had not been to a recent event, said that you would subsequently hope to join us – when we are finally able to socialise – at one of our functions.

Thanks must go to all of the Wellbeing Team, which also included Les Rendell, Garry Adams (hat number 3!), and Lynne Ring. Their assistance was required as David & Eleanor Jenkins stood down after our AGM: A sincere thank you for their support and assistance. Their resignation meant that we needed a replacement Wellbeing Officer, and I am delighted to let you know that Lynne Ring has volunteered to take on her local Post Codes of EX1 – 5, with Peter and Barbara Johnson now taking on their local area of Post Codes EX10 – 13. As ever, please do not hesitate to ring any one of us for a chat!

Stay safe and hope to see you again soon!

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Co-ordinator


Wellbeing (Welfare) Officers for Post Codes as at June 2020

Postcodes EX1-5 Lynne Ring 01392 879446

Postcodes EX6-9 Ray Cavill 01395 275265

Postcodes EX10-13 Peter & Barbara Johnson 01297 599086

Postcodes EX14-19 Lyn Green 01884 855340

Postcodes EX20-24 Chris Leigh 01884 855368 (plus TQ & All Other Codes)


ePA Password Reset Process

Barclays Welfare Team at Willis Towers Watson has asked us to pass on the updated details for this. Please see the ‘Items of Interest’ by clicking here.


Introducing your new Secretary (who does love to be beside the seaside!)

As your new secretary and a recent in-comer to Exeter area it was suggested that I put together a resume of my background in the bank. I have to admit that I never planned a banking career and my uncle was wholly responsible for guiding me down this route. He knew his Barclays bank manager very well, took me to meet him and the rest is history. I worked in three regions during my career: London Northern & London Southern, Manchester and then finished up at Radbroke Hall on project work.

I started in branch banking working as a junior (learning ‗the ropes‘ and discovering that staff didn‘t go home when the doors were shut to the public!), then as a machinist processing the work, next as a cashier and other duties eventually becoming a supervisor of a mech room (back office). During this time I joined an interbank team giving periodic talks on banking to sixth formers at schools – not as a career but to tell them how banking operated (in those days).

I progressed from supervisor to become a District Training Officer responsible for new entrants and travelled around branches in the Manchester district. This gave me a good insight into the many variations of sizes of branch ‘set-ups’ and the differences they all had in running them, albeit from a ‘back office’ point of view. When I got married we moved south to London Southern district as Peter, my husband, had become one of ‘the green biro men’ on the Bank‘s Inspection team. During our five years living in Orpington, Kent I worked again as a supervisor in two large branches and had good teams of people working with/for me. We then returned to Manchester region where I did another branch supervisor role before transferring over to Radbroke Hall, Knutsford, Cheshire where initially I worked on a Help Desk and subsequently wrote some instructions for branch procedures.

Finally I worked on various projects for future enhancements to banking systems which was challenging, interesting and very different from branch work. There are so many aspects to banking and I was lucky to have been involved with a variety of them and to have worked with some great people over the years.

We are now living in East Devon in the seaside town of Seaton and enjoying our retirement. We are delighted to have joined the Exeter Spread Eagle Club where we have already made some great new friends since our move in 2014 to the South West!

Barbara Johnson, Secretary

Peony plant in Barbara‘s Garden


Meeting up via Zoom

Most of you will know that the current crisis has led to many people using facilities such as Facetime and Skype to meet face to face over the internet with family and friends. The ability to arrange meetings and conferences by Zoom has been the most used method for clubs and societies such as ours and your committee has already met twice using this application.

The committee has asked me to determine whether those of you with a computer or iphone would like to meet up via Zoom simply for a social get-together and chat as we are currently unable to meet in the conventional way through our coffee mornings and lunches.

You do not have to have the Zoom app or download anything to take part. We will provide you with a link and clicking on this will take you to the meeting. The meeting time will be limited to 40 minutes and if sufficient of you would like to take part we will set a date for early July.

Just email me on before June 30th if you would like to join in the Zoom meeting.

Les Rendell, Committee Member


Exeter Spread Eagle Club Quiz Answers

Disappointingly there were only 4 entries for this quiz. Was it too hard or did you simply forget to send it in? No-one had an all-correct answer but the winner was our very own Chairman and Treasurer, Garry Adams, with 22 (there was no insider knowledge!). The runner-up was Barry Cross (21) who will receive his prize shortly.

Les Rendell, who devised the quiz, offered a random prize of £10 to be chosen from all entrants. In view of the low uptake he will instead send this as a donation to a charity of his choice.

The best wrong answer Les received was from Lynne Ring who decided that HWHIL was ‘Handwashing helps in lockdown’ – it certainly does!

INITIALLY PROVERBIAL The initials refer to the words of well known proverbs.

1. PWPF Penny wise pound foolish

2. ASITSN A stitch in time saves nine

3.AFINIAFI A friend in need is a friend indeed

4. HWHIL He who hesitates is lost

5.YCTAHTWBYCMID You can take horse to water but you cannot make it drink


Each number refers to the initials provided e.g. 3 = M in a B, Answer: 3 = Men in a Boat

6. 3 = F in a Y Feet in a yard

7. 7 = C in a R Colours in a rainbow

8. 10 = DS Downing Street

9. 3 = C in a F Coins in a fountain

10. 25 = SWA Silver wedding anniversary


Each expression is a clue to a two word rhyming answer e.g. Angry Boy = Mad Lad

11. Enjoyable dessert Sweet Treat

12. Dirty tricks Hanky Panky

13. Empty Seat Spare Chair

14. Very high cost Immense Expense

15. Tumultuous haste Helter Skelter


Each clue leads to an answer with the word ‘Jack’

16. Handyman Jack of All Trades

17. Big win Jackpot

18. Weather visitor Jack Frost

19. Tight garment Straightjacket

20. Sweetcake Flapjack


The following is cockney rhyming slang. To what do the expressions refer?

21. Apples and Pears Stairs

22. Almond Rocks Socks

23. Gregory Peck Cheque

24. Ruby Murray Curry

25. Mince Pies Eyes


A 20 Question Fun Quiz – for Chocoholics!


The answers to the clues are all chocolate brands. For instance –―Sssh! Talk Quietly‖ as a clue = WISPA

  1. A Star cluster ( a choice of 2 for this one)…………….
  2. Voodoo in a Box…………………………………………………..
  3. Mother‘s hostelry , perhaps?…………………………….
  4. A climbing variety ?………………………………………….
  5. Park Lane or Mayfair?………………………………………
  6. In the Mane, you‘ll enjoy this one?…………………….
  7. The bar for Truckers ……………………………………………
  8. Mediterranean Islanders? ………………………………..
  9. A passenger carrying vehicle…..……………………………
  10. A beauty from Istanbul…..……………………………………
  11. Gentle waves are these……………………………………….
  12. Superman, Batman or Capt. America are these.…..
  13. Up for discussion? ……………………………………………….
  14. Clever little things ……………………………………………….
  15. Munificence ?…………………………………………………
  16. Is this a sadistic nut? ………………………………………….
  17. Al fresco cuisine………………………………………………….
  18. Sounds like a type of ―Bloomers‖……………………….
  19. Is this bar nearly a pet-food?…………………………..
  20. Fiddler on the Roof?………………………………………

Newsletter – March 2020


Welcome to the second newsletter of the year. I am afraid to say it is not all good news.

As you would expect, your committee wish to follow the latest UK Government guidelines on the Covid-19 crisis (as at 17th March 2020) and we have therefore agreed to cancel all meetings and events for the next four months. That will take us through to late July 2020.

At that point we will review the situation and hopefully resume a programme of events from August. Ideally, we are thinking then of a Sidmouth Theatre outing, a September free cream tea afternoon and a November coffee morning to fit in between our pre-planned lunches in October and December. The Tiverton Hotel lunch is booked for Thursday, 15th October and the Christmas lunch at The Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth is set for Thursday, 3rd December.

We think that would be a good rescue programme of five events in the latter part of the year, providing we are allowed to gather together again by that time.

It would then have given us seven events across the year despite the coronavirus disruption. I do feel at the moment that it is all a bit bizarre and as if it were from a science fiction script.

To all of you, please stay safe and healthy

Garry Adams, Chairman

From the Chair with the AGM Review

Our 45th AGM took place on 10th March at the Exeter Golf and Country Club where following our regular business, 53 members were treated to a wonderfully entertaining musical performance, with several amusing anecdotes, by the Rev‟d Alan Dodds. You could feel the nostalgia of the late 1950‟s and early 1960‟s permeating the room as Alan took up his guitar and had us joining in a number of songs. I think you could safely say that he was “putting on the style”! (See also under Recent Events in the column on the right))

This is now the 5th consecutive year that we have had a speaker at our AGM and so far all have gone down extremely well with members. We will be repeating this exercise next March.

Our activities, including photographs, are all recorded on this website and on our Facebook page. The website also covers our Wellbeing Team and a lot of other information which may be of interest to you.

In summary, we ran four subsidised lunches, two free cream tea afternoons (one included the Seaton tramway), a free coffee morning and two theatre visits: A full programme. Our numbers have stayed steady at 278 active and inactive members on 182 addresses, although a number of people have switched from active to inactive for a variety of reasons. Finances are on an even keel, we have a settled Committee to set up and run the Club and events, as well as an excellent Wellbeing team should you need help or advice. I thank all the team for their efforts in 2019, continuing into this new year.

Andrew Green decided to stand down as our Secretary and main point of contact after a stint of six years in the role and was warmly thanked by all for his sterling service with a bottle of single malt whisky to help him on his way. In fact, he is staying on our committee where his sage advice will continue to be appreciated.

A willing volunteer, Barbara Johnson, was elected as Andrew‟s successor. She has been on our committee with husband Peter since they moved down here from the Manchester area some four years ago. They are a delightful addition to our team.

If there is anyone out there who would like to join us on the committee, we do have a vacancy. Just get in touch.

Do please continue to support this wonderful Club when we are able to meet again.

With best wishes for the year ahead despite all the current disruption.

Garry Adams, Chairman

Financial Matters

With my other hat on, I am pleased to report that once again we had a busy year with (at last) a small deficit achieved of £397. This still leaves us with funds to carry forward into 2020 of £3,593. With our lunch subsidies running at 52% of true cost, we can afford to run a deficit each year of up to say £500 for at least another three or four years.

For 2020, I originally budgeted for a £450 deficit to continue using up some of our surplus funds and we did have a full programme of ten
events, but this will now change with the enforced reduced programme. I now expect to break-even this year, whilst giving larger subsidies on our two remaining planned lunches.

Our Head Office grant is £4,251 this year, similar to last year, but subscriptions are down as our active numbers sadly reduce for a variety of reasons. On the positive side, our total income will be £5,090 and your subscription remains at £5 per active member. If you were able to attend all the events we had originally planned this year (ten rather than seven), the value will still be around £70 per person of support from the Club. Wonderful value for your £5!

With our general admin and wellbeing costs under tight control, we continue to spend the majority of our income on events (last year it was 82%).

Finally, I hope you will enjoy our remaining planned events and support us when you can.

Pre-planned dates for your diaries, providing we are allowed to run them:-

Thursday, 15th October Lunch at the Tiverton Hotel
Thursday, 3rd December The ‘not to be missed’ Christmas Lunch at the Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth

IN ADDITON, we hope to resume events from August with a Theatre visit; a September free cream tea and a November free coffee morning.

IN THE MEANTIME, we attach to this newsletter a QUIZ from Les Rendell to keep your brain active whilst we cannot meet. There will be a first prize of £30 and a second prize of £15. PLEASE HAVE-A-GO (click here)

Thanks. I would like to formally thank Eric Watts for Examining and signing off the final accounts for 2019, and can confirm that he is continuing in this capacity for another year.

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer


For those of you present at the AGM, you will know that the thrust of my thoughts were based on Communication. This had been reflected in recent months with excellent use being made of technology, in the form of our excellent Website, as well as the traditional medium of the infamous “Jungle Drums”.

We now find ourselves in unprecedented times, with much of Europe in “Lockdown”. We seem to be a few weeks behind this, but nevertheless, we
find ourselves in increasing isolation. Barbara and I were due to fly out to Australia next week, but are now prevented from seeing our grandchildren, with no idea when we shall be able to travel again. Thank heavens for technology, and the ability to use FaceTime or Skype. There is of course the telephone as well!

You will find the list of all our Officers in this Website. I am delighted to be able to confirm that the Wellbeing “Line Up” has been unchanged for several years now. As ever, we would urge you to speak with one of us, or any Committee member. We shall also be contacting some of you to try and ease the burden of dealing with this set of peculiar circumstances. We regret that we cannot provide a solution to the lack of Panadol or Toilet Rolls, but shall hopefully leave you with a smile. Remember that Spring is in the air!

Stay safe.

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Co-ordinator

What now?

All of us will have been worried and concerned about these strange times that we are living through. But we humans are more resilient and enterprising than we sometimes give ourselves credit for. We shall come through this.

In the meantime, I was heartened by a quote Lyn spotted on Facebook:

Getting outdoors Not cancelled
Music Not cancelled
Family Not cancelled
Reading Not cancelled
Singing Not cancelled
Laughing Not cancelled
Hope Not cancelled

Let‟s embrace what we have.

Andrew Green, Committee Member

CLUB QUIZ (click here)