Newsletter October 2024

Another year seems to have shot by and here we are announcing in this edition the 2024 Christmas luncheon at the superb Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth on Thursday, 5th December. Do come and join us there to enjoy the wonderful decorations as well as our lovely company!

Since our last Newsletter, we have enjoyed “Looking Good Dead” at the Sidmouth Theatre where 25 of us survived the evening. In early September a bumper number of 37 lapped up a scrumptious cream tea with massive scones at King’s Garden Centre and then a month later 26 of us enjoyed an excellent Pub Lunch at the White Horse Inn.

Next up is a coffee morning (with some lovely tray-bakes) at Bickleigh Mill with time for some Christmas gift shopping at the boutique areas found there. That is on Tuesday, 12th November from 10.30am. Please see later in this edition as you need to tell Barbara Johnson if you can make it.

And then it is Christmas time at the Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth for our 50th Anniversary luncheon.

Into the New Year we will plan a coffee morning for February followed by our AGM on Thursday, 13th March at the Swan’s Nest, Exminster where we have been for our past 2 AGMs, and with a speaker to be arranged, but more on that and those events in the January Newsletter.

Please do remember to take a look at our Website for up-to-date information and reports on our activities ( and also on our Facebook page which Les Rendell is kindly keeping up to date.


Whilst we do have funds available and will continue to run a deficit each year to use up our surplus balance, costs have been rising and none more so than at the major lunches which we so enjoy. Your subsidy for this

Christmas at the Victoria will be 55% despite the increased contribution being asked of members. Details are later in this Newsletter. I look forward to your continued support of our various events.

Finally, should I not see you at either the November or December events I wish you all a lovely Christmas and a Safe, Healthy and Happy New Year! (yes, I know, it’s a bit early).

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer

Secretary’s Notes

The weeks seem to be flying by and don’t forget to change your clocks on Saturday night, 26th October. At least then we will have lighter mornings but the downside is that it will get darker earlier in the evenings! It is definitely the time to close the curtains and ‘hunker-down’.

The Club outing to watch the thriller play at Sidmouth Theatre was a great story with the usual twist to the ending. Peter and I went to some of the other plays including the final one of the Summer Season: ‘Ben Hur’ featuring four actors playing numerous parts. I have vague memories of a film with Charlton Heston but couldn’t remember much of the story other than a dramatic chariot race. At Sidmouth we had the actors rowing in a boat with some audience participation and then a chariot race with two mobile scooters mocked up as chariots with shields on the sides and when they reversed, we had the ‘blipping’ – very funny and so clever. The actors worked really hard with swift role and costume changes and it was a real fun evening.

It is a busy time in the garden at the moment with winter pruning and planting some spring bulbs in my pots and it is lovely to see the bright colours of the dahlias and even some roses.

Post continues to be costly so if you acquire an email address or have any other changes, please don’t forget to let me know so I can update our records. Thank you.

Also, some of our members do not drive and if you know any of them, perhaps you could give them a lift to an event? The more the merrier, as the saying goes!

I look forward to seeing you at some of the events, especially at the Christmas Lunch for the celebration of the Club’s 50 years as well as having a scrumptious meal.

Take care and keep warm and cosy.

Barbara Johnson, Secretary


Autumn already and that must mean – amongst other things – even more jabs! My still outstanding heart surgery has focused my mind on several matters and leads me to mention these varied issues:

Winter Fuel Payment/Pension Credit

The Government is encouraging all pensioners to check if they qualify for Pension Credit and if so, to apply for it in order to receive the Winter Fuel Payment. The deadline for a backdated claim is December 21st. Nearly 40% of eligible pensioners are NOT claiming. Full details are on the Government website, or phone: 0800 99 1234.

Winter Jabs

In addition to the Covid and Flu jabs, there is an additional winter virus jab – Respiratory Synctial Virus (RSV). This is, however, restricted to those aged 75 – 79. Contact your GP Surgery for further information and advice.

Contact Details for Willis Towers Watson

WTW are the administrators for the Barclays Bank Retirement Fund. They moved earlier this year and although their details are updated on the latest communications, including this year’s pension increase letter, it might be wise to check your Email and postal contact details to ensure that it is all up to date. To this end, attached to this Newsletter is a revised general contact list giving the updated WTW details. (Click here)

Lifts to Club Events

This is not a new subject, but is an increasing issue. The Committee and Wellbeing Officers always try and arrange support for those unable to drive themselves and we shall forever be grateful to those who can help. Do not be surprised to receive a call asking you for a lift!

Sincerely hope that I see you all at the Victoria for our Christmas celebrations!

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Officer


Tuesday, 12th November, 10.30am – Free Coffee Morning, BICKLEIGH MILL EX16 8RG.

We are returning to Bickleigh Mill again for our special morning event and they will be providing free tray bakes to accompany coffees/teas. To help with their catering it would be helpful if you could let us know whether you are intending to join us for this event. Please contact Peter or Barbara Johnson by email – – or telephone 01297 599086, by Monday, 4th November. Thank you.

Also, if you know you will be staying on for a lunch (at your own expense) please tell us. Last year 20 people stayed on which was great and the staff were able to accommodate us all together at large tables. However, if you haven’t decided yet, it shouldn’t be a problem.

Thursday, 5th December, 12.30pm – Christmas Lunch at Victoria Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth EX10 8RY

Please complete and return the attached booking form (click here) to Barbara & Peter Johnson by 18th November at the latest with your cheque or confirmation of BACS transfer.

Account name: Exeter Spread Eagle Club

Account number: 10138878

Sort code: 20-30-47

Reference: Your surname

The cost per head for members is £20.00 and £45.00 per head for non-members. The cost includes a glass of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.

Please advise any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

Should you wish to sit with particular friends would you please indicate on the Booking Form so that an appropriate Seating Plan can be drawn up. Please check the Seating Plan when you arrive to see where you are seated.

For those who like to make this event more of an occasion, you can arrive from 11.00am to purchase tea/coffee and the bar will be open from 12 Noon.

Future date for your diary:

Thursday, 13th March 2025 Annual General Meeting and lunch at Swan’s Nest, Exminster

Look out for full details of this and other events in subsequent

Newsletter July 2024


Welcome all to our Summer ’24 Newsletter which I hope finds you all safe and well, but if not, then on the road to recovery. It has not been much of a summer weather-wise although it has been dry for the past couple of weeks. It’s Wimbledon time, so it will surely rain soon!

Since last April we have had a wonderful cream tea at The Hartnoll Hotel, Bolham and our May lunch at The Belmont Hotel in Sidmouth where we were made very welcome with 57 signed in for a lovely meal.

Fortunately there have been some sunny days in June and none more so than for our Tiverton Canal trip on June 18th which included a good commentary and talk from the staff of the Canal company. It was a charming and peaceful trip with “Ross the Hoss” pulling us safely along.

In this Newsletter you will find details of our Sidmouth Theatre visit (Wednesday, 21st August) to see a Mystery play, followed in September by a free Cream Tea at King’s Garden Centre, Sidmouth (Tuesday, 3rd September) and in October by an informal Pub Lunch at The White Horse, near Aylesbeare (Thursday, 3rd October).

Beyond that we have the Bickleigh Mill coffee morning with the opportunity of some Christmas shopping (12th November) and our usual Christmas Lunch at The Victoria Hotel in Sidmouth (5th December).

It is a full programme to see us through this year. Please do come and join us at one of these events which are either free or heavily subsidised.

Our finances are in good shape with a grant received this year of £4,248 from H.O. which we are keen to spend!
As always, your Committee is working hard to keep the Club going, finding new venues and things for us to do together, so if you have any bright, practical ideas, do let us know.

Finally, I look forward to seeing many of you at our remaining gatherings and wish you all a relaxing summer.

Best wishes.

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer

Secretary’s Notes

There is a lot going on over the next few months, so please get all the event dates in your diaries and take careful note of final dates for advising us. We don’t want you to miss out!

The horse-drawn Barge trip on the Tiverton Canal was an amazing outing and very relaxing.

If you have access to a computer or tablet, have you had a look at our website or Facebook page recently? There is plenty of information there and if you have any comments, we would love to hear them. Thank you.

I hope you are all having a pleasant summer and I look forward to seeing you at the various events.

Take care and keep well.

Best wishes.

Barbara Johnson, Secretary

Reminder – Exclusive Discount on Wendy Wu Tours for our Club members:

Wendy Wu Tours is the UK’s leading touring specialist, offering extraordinary tours to Japan, China and the Far East, Southeast Asia, India, Sri Lanka, the Middle East, Central Asia, South America and Europe.

Since Wendy sent her very first tour to China in 1994, they’ve grown from strength to strength and are proud of the multiple awards won throughout the years and the unique travel experiences offered to an expanding range of destinations.

To find out more visit

As an exclusive offer to the Exeter Spread Eagle Club they are offering a 5% member discount. There are also further discounts available for single travellers.

To redeem this discount you will have to quote the code ESEC5 at the time of booking.

To book call the reservations team on 0808 3046 343 or email Keith Norman at


I am absolutely delighted to confirm that Richard and Sandra Lewis have joined the team and have taken on the Exeter postcode areas EX1-4. The Club’s website has been updated to reflect this and attached is a new contacts list giving Richard and Sandra’s contact details.

This is the first time in more than three years that we have had a full team. As ever, please do not hesitate to speak with one of us if you feel that we may be able to be of help and support.

Christmas Grant

Bank Workers’ Charity has advised that it is only allowing applications from previous applicants for this year. The Charity is considering various options for future years and we shall keep you informed as soon as there is any more news. The Charity will continue to offer one-off grants and other means of assistance.

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Co-ordinator


“Looking Good Dead” – Manor Pavilion Theatre, Sidmouth EX10 8RP – Wednesday, 21st August – curtain up 8.00pm

We propose to make another visit to the Manor Pavilion Theatre in Sidmouth this summer to watch a performance of Peter James’ “Looking Good Dead”. This thriller has been adapted from James’ best-selling novel featuring Detective Roy Grace.

A provisional booking has been made for 30 seats and we hope you will be able to come along and join us for this entertaining and enjoyable evening.

Tickets are normally priced at £22.00, but are offered at just £11.00 each (after a theatre group discount of £1.00 has been applied and a further generous subsidy of £10.00 from our kindly Treasurer).

Full details and an application form are attached (Click here)

Please return to Peter Johnson, “Fairways” 98 Beer Road, Seaton, Devon EX12 2PU

– put the date in your diary and send in your application as soon as possible.

Free Cream Tea – King’s Garden & Leisure Centre, Stowford, SIDMOUTH EX10 0NA – Tuesday, 3rd September, 2.30pm

A new venue for us and please note the earlier starting time of 2.30pm. The café closes at 4.00pm but the Garden Centre will be open until 5.30pm. It is a friendly Garden Centre with a good café, a selection of gifts, garden furniture and lovely plants, etc plus a small food section to tempt you!

Note: The Garden Centre is on the main road and is just half a mile further on from the Bowd Inn, Sidmouth on the A3052 in the direction of Lyme Regis. There is a large car park with disabled places near to the main entrance.

Please let Peter & Barbara Johnson know if you are coming by Friday, 23rd August either by email or or by telephone 01297 599086. Thank you.

“Pub Grub Lunch” at the White Horse Inn, Woodbury Salterton EX5 1EP (A3052 – Exeter to Sidmouth road) – Thursday, 3rd October, 12.30pm

Following the success of last year’s “Pub Grub” event we are offering a repeat visit to the White Horse Inn this coming Autumn.
This lunch will be restricted to 34 attendees on a first-come basis and we will be accommodated in the usual private room. The Proprietors do need to know our actual numbers and main course menu choices on this occasion by Friday, 20th September. Unfortunately we cannot give a precise costing at the moment but expect the main course will be in the region of £16 (pre-subsidy).

We have selected a choice of six main course dishes from their (extensive) menu and there will be a choice of desserts from the board on the day.

Please note that members will be asked to pay their individual meal and drinks’ bill at the bar but those attending may expect a surprise subsidy from our generous Treasurer.

Please see the attached application form for details and complete and return slip to Barbara & Peter Johnson as soon as possible (or by e-mail if preferred) – no later than Friday, 20th September please.

Diary dates:

Tuesday, 12th November Free Coffee Morning at Bickleigh Mill – 10.30am

Thursday, 5th December Christmas Lunch at the Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth – 1pm

Thursday, 13th March 2025 50th Annual General Meeting at the Swan’s Nest, Exminster – 11am for coffee, 11.30am for AGM

Full details of all the above events, and booking forms where required, will be available in subsequent Newsletters.

Barbara & Peter Johnson

01297 599086

Newsletter April 2024


Welcome to the second newsletter of the year. I hope this finds you all safe and well, but if not then on the road to recovery. We have had two events already, namely the coffee morning at the White Horse on 14th February and our AGM on 12th March at the Swan’s Nest, Exminster. A report on the AGM follows after these opening remarks.

Your committee has agreed to a full programme of events this year with two of them detailed later in this newsletter. Our Spring lunch at the Belmont Hotel, Sidmouth on Thursday, 23rdMay. That will be followed in June by a visit to the Grand Union Canal at Tiverton with a leisurely horse drawn barge trip on the afternoon of 18th June.

After that we will have a theatre visit in August to the Manor Pavilion Theatre, Sidmouth, another cream tea afternoon in September followed by an October Pub lunch. November will be coffee time at Bickleigh with some Christmas shopping and December is already booked at the Victoria Hotel in Sidmouth on Thursday, 5th December. How about that to fill your diaries!

AGM Review

We held our 49th AGM on 12th March at the Swan’s Nest, Exminster where we were made very welcome by the staff and had a room to ourselves and a carvery lunch. Numbers were similar to last year with 38 attendees plus our guest speaker Rose Chanin.

The normal business part was quickly done: all parties duly elected on, including a new committee member in Martin Mitten. Ray Cavill’s Wellbeing report included his usual plea seeking an extra person to join his team of volunteers. We do need some help….so please consider volunteering to join us.

Sadly, we said goodbye to Andrew and Lyn Green from our working committee after many years of thoughtful and inventive input from them. They are remaining as loyal members, but with restricted mobility issues have decided to stand down. The business part was followed by a very memorable and entertaining show by Rose Chanin with many cameo items of nostalgia and the Devon way of life! It was a wonderful performance.

With my Chairman’s hat on I did the usual round of thanks to my Committee without whom this Club could not keep going and welcomed in 15 new active members to the Club this past year.

To all of you, please stay safe and healthy. I look forward to seeing you at one or more of our 2024 events.

Financial review

You will be pleased to know that our finances are plentiful and in good order. Roger Handover completed the examination of the 2023 accounts, his first outing as our new accounts examiner. Thank you, Roger.

With my change of hat, I can report that in 2023 we achieved a planned deficit of £1,042 which has used up some of our accumulated funds as a result of larger subsidies available at lunches along with a number of free events. We have brought forward into 2024 a balance of £7,056 to which we now add our annual subscriptions (£840) and the grant claim this year of £4,248 plus interest of about £82. Total income thus £5,170 expected……

With our proposed full programme of events this year (being at least 10 in number), I estimate a net expenditure of £6,220 including all admin costs and generous subsidies against the income of £5,168 resulting in a deficit of £1,050 in the year. That reduces our final balance to around £6,000 at the year end: More than enough to keep us going for a few years yet!

We do however need our members to attend events as our social grant income (which is 60% of the funds from Head Office) depends upon attendances. If you can attend just one event in the year, then that benefits our annual grant claim!

I can end our financial review on the extra positive note that for your £5 subscription, active members can enjoy subsidies and free events to the tune of about £125 per head across the year, if you were to attend all those events. Wow! Not bad for a fiver!

Best wishes.

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer

Secretary’s Notes

Spring has arrived, despite the seemingly endless rain! It is lovely to see the trees turning green with their fresh leaves and now the early daffodils have almost finished, bluebells and forget-me-nots are displaying their blue colours along with the various colours of the tulips.

I recently had the opportunity to visit the National Trust property at Knightshayes, Bolham, near Tiverton and thoroughly enjoyed the visit. It is a beautiful house, superb garden and large park with a long winding drive up to the property and café.

The committee members have been busy organising the variety of forthcoming events and I do look forward to chatting with you when you can come along and join us. Please put the dates in your diaries so you don’t forget and miss out. It is a great opportunity to meet up with past work colleagues and new friends in the club.

I have received a further communication from Keith Norman of Wendy Wu Tours – see below for details if any of you are contemplating a holiday of a lifetime!

As ever, please let me know if you change address or any details, thank you. I am sure you are aware that stamps are now 85p for second class and £1.35 for first class.

I hope you all enjoyed the early Easter weekend and it won’t be long until we have the next Bank Holiday on May 6th, which also celebrates one year since the Coronation of King Charles.

Take care and keep well. Best wishes.

Barbara Johnson, Secretary

Exclusive Discount on Wendy Wu Tours for our Club members:

Wendy Wu Tours is the UK’s leading touring specialist, offering extraordinary tours to Japan, China and the Far East, Southeast Asia, India, Sri Lanka, the Middle East, Central Asia, South America and Europe.

Since Wendy sent her very first tour to China in 1994, they’ve grown from strength to strength and are proud of the multiple awards won throughout the years and the unique travel experiences offered to an expanding range of destinations.

To find out more visit

As an exclusive offer to the Exeter Spread Eagle Club they are offering a 5% member discount.

To redeem this discount you will have to quote the code ESEC5 at the time of booking.

To book call our reservations team on 0808 3046 343 or email Keith Norman at


Exciting News!

Delighted to report that Wendy and Martin Mitten have agreed to take over from the retiring Lyn Green for the EX14-19 postcodes. Once again, my sincere thanks to Lyn for her amazing support over the years!

For the eagle-eyed amongst you, you will see that there has been a slight revision of the postcode area allocations, with the areas all about equal – apart from me and the Exmouth area.

Exeter is still available, and we do hope that we can find someone to cover this soon!

As ever, if you want to talk through any matters with any of the Wellbeing Team, then please feel free to contact any one of us.

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Co-ordinator

Annual General Meeting

If you wish to see the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, please email Les Rendell – – or telephone him on 01884 254375 and he will send you a copy.

Following the Annual General Meeting, as is our usual practice you will find attached a list of Officers, Committee and Wellbeing Officers for 2024 for you to keep and for your information.


Lunch – Belmont Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth EX10 8RX – Thursday, 23rd May at 1.00pm

A return to the Belmont Hotel: We are assured of a warm welcome.

Menu and Booking Form is enclosed for this lunch.

You are able to pay for the lunch – £15.00 per person for members, guests £32.00 – by BACS transfer, rather than cheque, if you wish: Full details below.

Account Name: Exeter Spread Eagle Club
Account number: 10138878
Sort Code: 20-30-47
Ref: Your Surname

Your menu choices may be emailed (see attachment) to Barbara and Peter Johnson rather than returning by post if you prefer by Friday, 10th May.

However you still have the option of returning your booking form with a cheque, made payable to Exeter Spread Eagle Club, to Barbara and Peter Johnson by Friday, 10th May.

Whichever method you choose, please also let Barbara and Peter know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

Please note that parking is limited at the Belmont Hotel. There are pay and display car parks nearby or you may be able to park on adjacent roads. Please check whether these too are pay and display.

Cruise on the Grand Union Canal, The Wharf, Canal Hill, Tiverton EX16 4HX – Tuesday, 18th June

A new venture for the Club which we do hope you will support and enjoy.

The cruise is for 1½ hours along the Grand Union Canal on a horse-drawn barge. Boarding from 1.45pm and the cruise begins at 2.15pm. Tickets are £10 each payable in advance in the usual ways as detailed above.

There is a fully licensed bar, light refreshments, teas, coffees, ice creams and gifts available aboard the barge. Prior to or after the cruise – your choice – Ducks Ditty Bar (canal-side bar and beer garden) or the Cottage Tea Room nearby should also be open for refreshments (cost of refreshments not included in the ticket price).

There is a pay and display car park adjacent to The Wharf.

Diary dates:

August (date to be confirmed) Visit to Manor Pavilion Theatre, Sidmouth for evening performance

Tuesday, 3rd September Free Cream Tea at King’s Garden Centre, SIDMOUTH (please note) – 2.30pm

Thursday, 3rd October Pub lunch at the White Horse Inn, Woodbury Salterton – 12.30pm

Tuesday, 12th November Free Coffee Morning at Bickleigh Mill – 10.30am

Thursday, 5th December Christmas Lunch at the Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth – 1pm

Thursday, 13th March 2025 50th Annual General Meeting at the Swan’s Nest, Exminster – 11am for coffee, 11.30am for AGM

Full details of all the above events, and booking forms where required, will be available in subsequent Newsletters.

Barbara & Peter Johnson

01297 599086

Newsletter – February 2024


Here is your first Newsletter of the year and a warm welcome to you all. I hope it finds you fit and well, and “raring to go” to join us at the events of 2024.

This year we are again preparing a full programme of events to include 4 lunches (including the AGM in March), 2 free coffee mornings, 2 free cream teas, a theatre outing and a visit to the Grand Union canal at Tiverton during the year. The last item is currently in abeyance as it is shut for the winter!

We have our AGM on Tuesday, 12th March at The Swan’s Nest near Exminster, meeting from 11.00am for coffee with the business part from 11.30am. This is the same venue as last year with a carvery lunch. Full details provided later in this Newsletter.

As usual, the business part takes about half-an-hour and will be followed by our entertaining speaker, Rose Chanin. She comes well recommended, is highly amusing and worth listening to. Please come and join us from 11.00am. Lunch will be served from about 12.45pm onwards.

Booking details for the AGM are attached to this Newsletter with the menu options and reply slips.

Before that we have our first free coffee morning of the year at The White Horse (usual venue on the Sidmouth road, near Aylesbeare) on Wednesday, 14th February followed by a free cream tea on Wednesday, 17th April at The Hartnoll Hotel, Bolham (near Tiverton) and a May (Spring time) lunch.

Dates and venues and other future events will be announced at the AGM and in our Spring Newsletter.

With my other hat on, I can confirm that our finances remain in good health and we have already submitted our annual grant claim to HO which should see us maintain our lunch subsidies at 50% or better, with coffee mornings and cream teas free to members. As an example, the AGM subsidy to members is likely to be around 60%. A good incentive to be there! The annual accounts will be available as usual at the AGM.

Although it seems a little late, I wish you all a very happy, safe and healthy new year and look forward to seeing you at one or more of our events in 2024.

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer


Secretary’s Notes

A somewhat belated Happy New Year to you all and here we are already into the second month of 2024!

Garry, our Chairman and Treasurer, has covered some of the events we are planning for this year and I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible when you come along to one or more of them.

Do please let me know if you change your address or any details. With postage costs being high we are always keen to add email addresses too, so that we can reduce costs.

We have received some requests and two interesting offers (see later in this Newsletter) via our website to share with you. The first is a call to those of you who enjoying singing. The Shaldon Singers are presenting a ‘Come & Sing Workshop’ of Verdi Requiem on Saturday, 27th April from 9.30am to 5.00pm. If any of you are interested please have a look at the website and contact them.

The second request is from Don Semmons who wrote an interesting article in the winter edition of Connections magazine (page 15). He is a volunteer for a charitable organisation called AbilityNet who offer free technical advice to support older people and disabled people of any age, anywhere in the UK. Please have a look at this article and do not hesitate to contact him for further information or help.

The third request is homes are needed for the lovely painted Eagle models that Mick Mabbutt has made from copying them from an original sculpture. Perhaps one could sit in a corner in your garden? He will be bringing them to the AGM for you to look at.

Now spring is coming and it is wonderful to see the signs of new growth in the gardens. Enjoy the longer days, take care and keep warm and cosy.

Best wishes.

Barbara Johnson, Secretary



Spring will soon be Sprung!

Having just ‘entertained’ our Oz family over a very busy few weeks here, and in temperatures of minus 3 when we visited Disneyland Paris in January, the brighter warmer days, blessed with the array of spring flowers cannot come soon enough!

Thinking of change, I will again be looking for additional support to our Wellbeing Team at the upcoming AGM. I shall be only too pleased to outline the role and it will be up to you to decide whether or not you will also want to join as a full Committee member as well.

I regret that I will not be at the next social function in February, but do hope to see as many of you as possible at the Swan’s Nest for our annual get together.

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Co-ordinator


Annual General Meeting

The Club’s Annual General Meeting takes place on Tuesday, 12th March 2024 at 11.30am at The Swan’s Nest, Exminster EX6 8DZ. There is plenty of parking available in the car park situated in the grounds. If you would like to come but need a lift, please contact one of our Wellbeing Officers who will do their best to find a lift for you.

We are assured of a warm welcome. We do hope that you will join us for the short, but nevertheless important, meeting to be followed by a presentation by Rose Chanin, as mentioned by Garry in his opening remarks. Lunch will follow at 12.45pm.

From Exeter/Countess Wear direction, take the Dawlish road (A379) at the roundabout. Continue along this road to another roundabout and turn left. The Swan’s Nest is signposted at this roundabout. From the Dawlish/Teignmouth direction, turn right at the roundabout at Exminster.

Access will be available for (free) coffee/tea and biscuits from 11.00am and we would ask that you are in your seats prior to the start of the meeting at 11.30am so that there is no distraction whilst we remember those who are no longer with us.

We have saved some costs by not including the Agenda with this Newsletter, planning to distribute on the day, but if any would wish for a copy prior to this, in print or electronically, we shall be happy to oblige.



Free Coffee Morning – Wednesday, 14th February, 10.30am – White Horse Inn, Woodbury Salterton (A3052 Sidmouth road)

On this occasion it would be helpful if you would let Barbara or Peter Johnson (contact details below) know by 9th February, if you intend to stay on for lunch (at your own cost) after the coffee morning. No requirement to decide on what to eat: It’s just helpful for the staff to know how many to expect. Many thanks.

AGM Luncheon – Tuesday, 12th March, 12.45pm

The Annual General Meeting and Presentation will be followed by lunch at the cost of £12.00, being subsidised from Club funds.

On this occasion we have opted for a Carvery meal with a choice of four meats OR vegetarian alternatives. This means that members will need to collect their food from the Carvery counter. Staff will be on hand to carry plates to your tables if required. We will not be serving wine, etc at the table this year so any drinks you wish to have, please purchase at the bar.

Please complete and return the booking form (click here) with your food choices and payment.

Whilst it would be appreciated if everyone would join us for the short AGM, should you be able to come along for the lunch only, then please do complete and return the booking form with your payment.

Please collect upon arrival your booking form showing your food choice and place on your chosen table before the AGM. On this occasion it is likely that, because of space restrictions, we will need to occupy our dining places for the whole of the day’s proceedings.


Diary dates:

Wednesday, 17th April Free Cream Tea at Hartnoll Hotel, Bolham

Thursday, 23rd May Lunch at Belmont Hotel, Sidmouth

Full details of both events in Spring Newsletter following the AGM.

Thursday, 5th December Christmas Lunch at Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth

Full details in Autumn Newsletter

Barbara & Peter Johnson
01297 599086


And finally…..

Two Great Offers for Club Members!

Hair Perms for free:

The Meraki Salon & Spa, 75 Queen Street, Exeter is looking for 3 clients to have their hair permed for free by apprentices (under supervision) for their hairdressing qualification. If you are interested please ring Jack at the salon on 01392 343102 for details.

Exclusive Discount on Wendy Wu Tours:

This reputable holiday company is offering our Club members a discount if they book a holiday with them. Please contact Keith Norman (Specialist Sales) on 07983 474493 or their main number 0808 2581 714 for more details.

Newsletter – October 2023


Welcome to our Autumn Newsletter.

Another year seems to have shot by and here we are announcing in this
edition the 2023 Christmas Luncheon at the superb Victoria Hotel,
Sidmouth on Thursday, 7th December. Do come and join us there to enjoy
the wonderful decorations as well as our lovely company!

By now most, if not all of you, should have had your booster Covid and
the latest ‘flu jabs, so I hope you are feeling safer to come out and play.

Since our last Newsletter we had 33 at a wonderful cream tea at the
Powderham Castle Orangery on a sunny day to also enjoy the

Our Autumn lunch is in the form of a casual pub lunch at The White Horse
near Aylesbeare on the Sidmouth Road where our maximum capacity of
34 are booked in for Tuesday, 17th October. The pub always make us most

Next up is a coffee morning (with some lovely tray-bakes) at Bickleigh Mill
with time for some Christmas gift shopping at the boutique areas found
there. That is on Wednesday, 15th November from 10.30am.

Into the New Year, we plan a coffee morning for Wednesday, 14th
February – yes I know, it’s Valentines Day – again at The White Horse.

Our AGM is currently set for Tuesday, 12th March 2024 at The Swans Nest,
Exminster where we were for our AGM in 2023, with an entertaining
speaker in Rose Chanin, but more on that in the January newsletter.

Please do remember to take a look at our website for up-to-date
information and reports on our activities (
and also on our Facebook page which Les Rendell is kindly keeping up to


We have plenty of funds in our coffers as the Bank continues to support
the Retirement Clubs with the annual grant. It was £3,748 in 2023 and
our total income with subscriptions is £4,670. As a result, we can offer
generous subsidies to members at lunches whilst continuing to keep
coffee mornings and cream tea events “free” to members. For example
the Victoria Christmas luncheon will attract a 66% subsidy this time with
members paying just £14 each. Great value for your £5 Sub!!
Our numbers have increased this year, despite sadly some losses, and in
the past two months we welcome Paula Faulkner, Sandie Williams and
Paul Callan as new active members.

Finally, should I not see you at either the November or December events;
I wish you all a lovely Christmas and a safe, healthy New Year! (yes, I
know, it’s a bit early).

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer


Secretary’s Notes

The final quarter of the year has arrived after a few mixed summer
months and yet we are currently experiencing some nice warm weather
despite the shorter days.

One of the great things about belonging to our Exeter Spread Eagle
friendly Bank pensioners’ Club is the opportunity to meet up at our various
social events with fellow bankers and their spouses/partners (who may/or
not have worked in the Bank). From a personal point of view I have made
some great new friends through the Club. It is so nice to reminisce about
the ‘good old days’, talk about the challenges and current changes of
banking and also get to know about other careers that our members and
spouses/partners have had. Added into the mix of lively conversation at
all our events is what retirement has given us: Maybe the chance to travel
or pursue another job or get involved with charity work, the list is endless
and very varied. Having taken early retirement I worked on a goat farm
for a couple of years! Admittedly, it was in the accounts department but I
learned all about food distribution for example and was encouraged to use
goats’ milk and cheese. I still use some of the recipes.

As we head into the winter months, the gardening becomes more of a
‘tidy-up’ challenge and Devon Wildlife Trust do remind us to leave some
seed heads, especially on plants such as sunflowers as you’ll help give
birds a boost as they build up reserves for the cold months ahead. Also
let some vegetation, like leaf piles, to die back naturally, as they can help
creatures great and small.

Whatever you are planning I look forward to seeing some of you at future
events and in the meantime, take care and keep warm and cosy. Best

Barbara Johnson, Secretary



Wednesday, 15th November, 10.30am – Free Coffee
Morning, Bickleigh Mill EX16 8RG.

As Bickleigh Mill will be providing free tray bakes to accompany
coffees/teas, to help with their catering it would be helpful if you could let
us know whether you are intending to join us for this event. Please
contact Lyn Green by email – – or
telephone 01884 855340, by 5th November. Thank you.

Thursday, 7th December, 12.30pm – Christmas Lunch at
Victoria Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth EX10 8RY

Please complete and return the booking form (click here) to Barbara &
Peter Johnson by 21st November
at the latest with your cheque or
confirmation of BACS transfer.

Account name: Exeter Spread Eagle Club
Account number: 10138878
Sort code: 20-30-47
Reference: Your surname

The cost per head for members is £14.00 and £34.00 per head for non-members.
The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of
orange, apple or grapefruit juice.

Please advise any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you
do not want sauces or gravy.

Should you wish to sit with particular friends would you please indicate on
the Booking Form so that a Seating Plan may be drawn up. Please check
the Seating Plan when you arrive to see where you are seated.

For those who like to make this event more of an occasion, you can arrive
from 11.00am to purchase tea/coffee and the bar will be open from 12

Future dates for your diary:

14th February 2024 Free Coffee Morning, White Horse
Inn, Woodbury Salterton

12th March 2024 Annual General Meeting and lunch
at Swan’s Nest, Exminster

April 2024 (date to be confirmed) Free Cream Tea (venue to be confirmed)

Look out for full details of these events in subsequent Newsletters

Newsletter – July 2023


Welcome all to our Summer ’23 newsletter which I hope finds you all safe and well, but if not, then on the road to recovery.

Since last April we have had a wonderful cream tea at The Hartnoll Hotel, Bolham and our May lunch at The Belmont Hotel in Sidmouth where we were made very welcome with our own exclusive pre-lunch drinks room and a lovely meal.

We have all had some really good sunny days in June and none more so than for our Seaton Tram trip on June 7th which included a fine cream tea at Colyton Station Café.

In this newsletter you will find details of our Sidmouth Theatre visit (Wednesday, 30th August) to see a Farce; followed in September by a free Cream Tea at Powderham Castle Orangery (27th September) and in October by an informal Pub Lunch at The White Horse, near Aylesbeare (17th October).
Beyond that, we have the Bickleigh Mill Coffee morning with the opportunity of some Christmas shopping (15th November) and our usual Christmas Lunch at The Victoria Hotel in Sidmouth (7th December).

It is a full programme to see us through this year. Please do come and join us at one of these events which are either free or heavily subsidised.

Our finances are in good shape with a grant received this year of £3,748 from Head Office which we are keen to spend!

On a sad note, in Doug Drysdale we have lost a long-standing member and friend who was a “true Gent” in all he did and was a great supporter of our events. We have sent our condolences to his widow, Kath. For your information, Doug’s funeral will be on Thursday, 20th July at St. Peter’s Chapel, Exeter Crematorium, at 12.30pm.

On another note, your Committee is working hard to keep the Club going, finding new venues and things for us to do together, so if you have any bright, practical ideas, do let us know.

Finally, I look forward to seeing many of you at our remaining gatherings and wish you all a sunny, relaxing summer.

Best wishes.

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer

Secretary’s Notes

What a busy few weeks since our last newsletter! We have had an historic event with the Coronation of King Charles III and then, more recently, the Trooping of the Colour to mark his ‘official’ birthday in June. Whilst we watched them both on TV (in the comfort of our home), we thought that the procession and service at Westminster Abbey were very moving. And it was a privilege to witness ‘close- up’ this old, historic ceremony that now incorporates some modern touches.

As ever, the precision of movement of the troops, horses and carriages at the Trooping of the Colour are quite amazing and the King rode Noble, a beautiful mare with great skill and re-assurance on her first official duty. Thank goodness it was a fine, dry sunny day so the aeroplane flypast over The Mall and Buckingham Palace was seen in all its glory too as a finale. The CR formation was spectacular.

The on-going hot weather has produced the most wonderful display of roses, along with other summer flowers. The weeds have grown to enormous heights in the most inaccessible parts of our garden, and we have plenty to do outside when it is cooler, like early morning or evening! But, we do need rain.

Enjoy the summer months and I look forward to meeting some of you at our next event.

Best wishes,

Barbara Johnson, Secretary


It will soon be Christmas!
Despite just passing the longest day, thoughts are now turning to Christmas.
The Bank Workers Charity annual grants are available – subject to means testing – with applications to be submitted by September 27th.
Details from their website – or by phone – 020 3873 8510.

We still have a position available.
Delighted to welcome some ‘fresh blood’ to our friendly team.
Nothing too arduous, PLEASE contact me and I will be only too pleased to provide additional information.

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Co-ordinator


Theatre visit – Wednesday, 30th August 2023 – Curtain up 8.00pm
Manor Pavilion Theatre, Manor Road, Sidmouth EX10 8RP

We propose to make another visit to the Manor Pavilion Theatre in Sidmouth this summer to watch a performance of Robin Hawdon’s “The Mating Game”. This popular farce returns to the theatre as part of the 12 play Summer Season, having previously been staged here by Paul Taylor Mills in 2015.
A provisional booking has been made for 30 seats and we hope you will be able to come along and join us for this entertaining and enjoyable evening.
Tickets, formally priced at £19.50, are offered at just £8.50 each (after a theatre group discount of £1.00 has been applied and a further generous subsidy of £10.00 from our kindly Treasurer).

An application form for tickets is attached (click here)

Free Cream Tea – The Orangery Cafe & Bistro, Powderham EX6 8JE – Wednesday, 27th September, 3.00pm

This is our third return visit to this venue and there are other shops on site and wonderful views of the River Exe. There is an adjoining large car park accessed from the A379 Dawlish road. Numbers are required for this event, so please let us know by Sunday, 10th September, at the latest, if you intend to come. Either ring Peter or Barbara Johnson on 01297 599086 or send an email to We hope to see you there.

Tuesday, 17th October – 12.30pm
“Pub Grub Lunch” at the White Horse Inn, Woodbury Salterton EX5 1EP (A3052 – Exeter to Sidmouth road)

Following the success of last year’s “Pub Grub” event we are offering a repeat visit to The White Horse Inn this coming Autumn.

This Lunch will be restricted to 30 attendees on a first-come basis and we will be accommodated in the usual private room. The Proprietors do need to know our actual numbers and main course menu choices on this occasion by 3rd October. Unfortunately we cannot give a precise costing at the moment but expect the main course will be in the region of £16 (pre-subsidy).

We have selected a choice of six main course dishes from their (extensive) menu and there will be a choice of desserts from the board on the day.
Please note that members will be asked to pay their individual meal and drinks bill at the bar but those attending may expect a surprise subsidy from our generous Treasurer.

Please see the attached application form for details (click here) and complete and return slip to Barbara & Peter Johnson as soon as possible (or by e-mail if preferred) – no later than 3rd October please.

Future dates for your diary:

Wednesday, 15th November Free Coffee Morning at Bickleigh Mill

Thursday, 7th December Christmas Lunch at the Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth

12th March 2024 Annual General Meeting and lunch at Swan’s Nest, Exminster

Look out for full details of these events in subsequent Newsletters.

Newsletter – April 2023


Welcome to the second newsletter of the year. I hope this finds you all safe and well, but if not, then on the road to recovery. We have had two events already, namely the coffee morning at the White Horse on 30th March and our AGM in March at the Swan’s Nest, Exminster. A report on the AGM follows after these opening remarks.

Your committee has agreed to a full programme of events this year with three of them detailed later in this newsletter: That will be the free cream tea at the Hartnoll Hotel at Bolham (near Tiverton and the Knightshayes National Trust property) on 27th April followed by our Spring lunch at the Belmont Hotel, Sidmouth on 23rd May.  That lunch will be followed in June by a visit to the Seaton Tramway on 7th June (back by popular demand!), which includes a free cream tea at Colyton Station café.

After that we will have a visit in August to the Manor Pavilion Theatre, Sidmouth, another cream tea afternoon in September (probably Powderham again) followed by an October Pub lunch. November will be coffee time at Bickleigh with some Christmas shopping and December is already booked at the Victoria Hotel in Sidmouth on Thursday, 7th December. How about that to fill your diaries!

AGM Review

We held our 48th AGM on 9th March at The Swan’s Nest, Exminster where we were made very welcome by the staff and had a room to ourselves and a carvery lunch. Numbers were better than last year with 39 attendees booked in and the regular business was quickly done: All parties duly elected on, including a new committee member in Wendy Mitten. Ray Cavill’s Wellbeing report included his usual plea seeking an extra person to join his team of volunteers. We do need some help….so please consider volunteering to join us. The business was followed by a picture quiz which kept the “little grey cells” working in an enjoyable way. With my Chairman’s hat on I did the usual round of thanks to my Committee without whom this Club could not keep going and welcomed in 10 new active members to the Club this past year.

To all of you, please stay safe and healthy. I look forward to seeing you at one or more of our 2023 events.

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer


Secretary’s Notes

The clocks have changed so it must be Spring Time!  A ‘spring’ in our steps, perhaps too?

It is wonderful to see the trees budding up, the cherry/almond blossom and the magnolia flowers waving in the breeze – hooray. We are lucky that we have a good selection of daffodils and other spring flowers in our garden, but there is plenty of evidence of their presence in the area.

In February I went to Exeter Cathedral to see the GAIA (EARTH) created by artist Luke Jerram which proved to be quite an experience. The rear of the nave was dominated by the enormous globe of Earth suspended and rotating slowly from the rafters. At some seven metres (23 feet) in diameter it was awesome and was created by using High resolution NASA imagery of Earth’s surface. It might be an idea for a group club outing if they do another similar event.

In the meantime, we do hope you can come along to some (or all) of our proposed events! It is always good to meet up and a great way to catch up and renew our friendship in this special bank pensioner club.

Take care,

Barbara Johnson, Secretary



It was good to see so many of you at our AGM, and for those who missed out on my thoughts on the day, a very brief update!


A BIG thank you to those already providing support to enable those members to attend who would otherwise be unable to be with us. There was a plea for the EX1 area, and still grateful to receive a response to this.  Otherwise, please let one of the Wellbeing Team know if you would like a lift, or alternatively if you are able to give someone a lift. Please use the annual contact sheet that Carole has attached to this Newsletter.


From this you will still see that there is a vacancy for the EX1 postcode area, although you DO NOT have to live in this area, as contact is on the phone +/- email. As ever, full guidance will be given by me, with support from both the Wellbeing Team and the Committee.

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Co-ordinator


Annual General Meeting

If you wish to see the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, please email Les Rendell – – or telephone him on 01884 254375 and he will send you a copy.

Following the Annual General Meeting, as is our usual practice you will find an updated list of Officers, Committee and Wellbeing Officers for 2023



Free Cream Tea – Hartnoll Hotel, Bolham, Tiverton  EX16 7RA – Thursday, 27th April at 3.00pm

We are returning to the Hartnoll Hotel for one of our cream teas this year.  For those of you who have not been to this venue before, there is a free car park, everything is on the level and the scones (a mixture of plain and fruit) are delicious.

We do need numbers for this event, so if you are intending to come, please email Barbara or Peter Johnson on or or telephone them on 01297 599086 by Monday, 17th April.  Thank you and see you there!


Lunch – Belmont Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth  EX10 8RX – Tuesday, 23rd May at 1.00pm

A return to the Belmont Hotel:  We haven’t been to the Belmont Hotel for a while and we are assured of a warm welcome.

Menu and Booking Form is attached (click here) for this lunch.  We have been requested to provide a seating plan for the lunch.  So, if you wish to sit with particular people, please indicate name(s) on your booking form.

You are able to pay for the lunch – £15.00 per person for members, guests £30.00 – by BACS transfer, rather than cheque, if you wish: Full details below.

Account Name: Exeter Spread Eagle Club

Account number: 10138878

Sort Code: 20-30-47

Ref: Your Surname

Your menu choices may be emailed as an attachment to Barbara and Peter Johnson rather than returning by post if you prefer by Friday, 12th May.

However you still have the option of returning your booking form with a cheque, made payable to Exeter Spread Eagle Club, to Barbara and Peter Johnson by Friday, 12th May.

Whichever method you choose, please also let Barbara and Peter know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy. 


Seaton Tramway, Harbour Road, Seaton  EX12 2NQ and free Cream Tea at Colyton Station Cafe Wednesday, 7th June

As requested, another visit and ride on the Tram from Seaton to Colyton and return with a delicious free cream tea too!

Please advise Barbara or Peter Johnson on or or telephone them on 01297 599086 if you wish to attend so the appropriate Tram can be secured for us and the correct number of scones may be ordered.

The Tram leaves Seaton Tramway Station at 2.20pm so please be at the Station by 2.00pm latest to collect your ticket(s).  The cost is £10 per ticket payable in advance in the usual ways to Barbara/Peter Johnson either by BACS (see details above) or cheque made payable to Exeter Spread Eagle Club by Tuesday, 23rd May.   

The cream tea will be served at 3.00pm at Colyton Station Cafe and the return tram to Seaton leaves at 4.00pm, arriving back at approximately 4.25pm.    

A map of local car parks is attached for your information.  There is no parking at the Tramway Station.              


Future dates for your diary:

Thursday, 7th December            Christmas Lunch at the Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth

Look out for full details of further events in subsequent Newsletters.

Newsletter – February 2023

Here is your first Newsletter of the year and a warm welcome to you all. I hope it finds you fit and well and “raring to go” to join us at the events of 2023.

This year we are preparing a full programme of events to hopefully include 4 lunches (including the AGM in March), 2 free coffee mornings, 2 free cream teas, a theatre outing and a revisit to the Seaton Tramway during the year.

To begin with we have our AGM on Thursday, 9th March at The Swan’s Nest near Exminster, meeting from 11.00am for coffee with the business part from 11.30am. This is a new venue; as before we have had great difficulty finding anywhere at a reasonable price prepared to take us. Full details provided later in this Newsletter.

The business part takes about half an hour and will be followed by a picture quiz relating to the year of 2022 prepared by “yours truly”. Do come and join us. We expect to break after the entertainment (!) for drinks at the bar from 12.30pm, with a carvery lunch being served from 12.45pm. See you there!

Booking details for the AGM are attached to this Newsletter with the menu options and reply slips. After that on 30th March we have our first free coffee morning of the year at The White Horse (usual venue on the Sidmouth road, near Aylesbeare) followed by a free cream tea in April and a May (Springtime) lunch.

Dates and venues for these and other future events will be announced at the AGM and in our Spring Newsletter.

With my other hat on, I can confirm that our finances remain in good health and we will be submitting our annual grant claim to Head Office which should see us maintain our lunch subsidies at 50% or better, with coffee mornings and cream teas free to members. As an example, the AGM subsidy to members is likely to be around 60%. A good incentive to be there! The annual accounts will be available as usual at the AGM .

Finally, please do visit our website for latest news and a write up of the Christmas lunch where we had 68 booked in to the Victoria Hotel at Sidmouth.

By the way as an additional plea (I say it each year), if there are any keen photographers out there, do take pics at our events and send them to Les Rendell ( for inclusion on the website.

Although it seems a little late, I wish you all a very happy, safe and healthy new year and look forward to seeing you at one or more of our events in 2023.

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer

Secretary’s Notes

A Happy New Year to you ALL and I hope you are keeping warm, dry and well.

As ever our January weather is proving unpredictable, from being mild to severe cold conditions, but isn’t it wonderful to see the days lengthening just a little bit each day? At night, an extra blanket under the bottom sheet certainly helps keep the bed cosy. Wearing layers seems to be a sensible option and, because I have short hair, my scarves keep my neck warm and they look cheerful too.

I hope many of you will be able to come along and join us for our first event of the year –the AGM and Lunch on Thursday, 9th March at The Swan’s Nest pub near Exminster. This is another new venue but is easy to get to by car and it is located just off the A379 from Exeter towards Powderham Castle. See the Booking form for full details.

If you would like to help us in organising events and sharing new ideas etc. then joining the committee is a good option! Do ask anyone on the committee for more information and we will tell you how we all work together as a team on behalf of your club.

Do please let me know if there any changes to your home and/or email address, thank you.

I look forward to meeting some of you at the forthcoming events.

Barbara Johnson, Secretary


May I start the New Year with a BIG thank you to my fellow Wellbeing Officers, as well as everyone else who assists and supports the Club in maintaining contact with all our members. An extension of this is the willingness of people to not only to maintain social contact, but also to provide a lift to those who would otherwise be unable to attend events.

I shall be echoing these thoughts at the upcoming AGM, but with an increasing number of our members no longer able to drive, thought that I should cover this now. A current need exists for the centre of Exeter, so if anyone is able to assist, then please let me know!

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Co-ordinator

Annual General Meeting

The Club’s Annual General Meeting takes place on Thursday, 9th March 2023 at 11.30am at The Swan’s Nest, Exminster EX6 8DZ. There is plenty of parking available in the car park situated in the grounds. If you would like to come but need a lift, please contact one of our Wellbeing Officers who will do their best to find a lift for you.

This is a new, but known, venue for us and we are assured of a warm welcome. We do hope that you will join us for the short, but nevertheless important, meeting to be followed by a short Quiz. Lunch will follow at 12.45pm.

From Exeter/Countess Wear direction, take the Dawlish road (A379) at the roundabout. Continue along this road to another roundabout and turn left. The Swan’s Nest is signposted at this roundabout. From the Dawlish/Teignmouth direction, turn right at the roundabout at Exminster.

Access will be available for (free) coffee/tea and biscuits from 11.00am and we would ask that you are in your seats prior to the start of the meeting at 11.30am so that there is no distraction whilst we remember those who are no longer with us.

We have saved some costs by not including the Agenda with this Newsletter, planning to distribute on the day, but if any would wish for a copy prior to this, in print or electronically, we shall be happy to oblige.


AGM Luncheon

The Annual General Meeting and Quiz will be followed by lunch at the cost of £10.00, being subsidised from Club funds.

On this occasion we have opted for a Carvery meal with a choice of four meats OR vegetarian alternatives. This means that members will need to collect their food from the Carvery counter. Staff will be on hand to carry plates to your tables if required. We will not be serving wine, etc at the table this year so any drinks you wish to have, please purchase at the bar.

Please complete and return the enclosed booking form with your food choices and payment.

Whilst it would be appreciated if everyone would join us for the short AGM, should you be able to come along for the lunch only, then please do complete and return the booking form with your payment.

Please collect upon arrival your booking form showing your food choice and place on your chosen table before the AGM. On this occasion it is likely that, because of space restrictions, we will need to occupy our dining places for the whole of the day’s proceedings.

Date for your diary:

Thursday, 30th March, 10.30am – Free Coffee Morning at White Horse
Inn, Woodbury Salterton (A3052)

Future functions:

Full details will be available in the next Newsletter following the AGM, and will include coffee mornings and cream teas (free), lunches and one or two outings, so watch this space!

Barbara & Peter Johnson
01297 599086

Newsletter-September 2022



Dear Members, I hope this “last of the summer” Newsletter finds you safe and
well. This edition is packed full of the details of the final three events of this
year, with two in November and one in December.

Since our May missive to you, we have lunched at the Sidmouth Harbour Hotel
(with mixed reviews), had a visit and cream tea at the Donkey Sanctuary (well
received!) and been entertained at the Sidmouth Manor Pavilion Theatre.
Thank you to all those who supported our events this year.

Now to the future.

As quoted above, we start on Wednesday, 21st September at Powderham
with the Autumn free cream tea afternoon. Details were in the May
Newsletter. Final numbers by 13th of this month.

October for many is a busy month with diaries full, so we have moved our Pub
Lunch experiment to Thursday, 17th November followed by the free coffee
morning at Bickleigh Mill on Tuesday, 29th November, where you can also do
a bit of Christmas gift shopping.

Finally, we finish the year at the Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth on Thursday, 8th
for our usual Christmas luncheon.

Better to do it straightaway, rather than leave it
till later and forget!

Your committee would love to see you at one or more of our final events of this
year where generous subsidies are available, thus keeping prices down at this
time of high inflation. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible!

Best wishes to all.

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer


Secretary’s Notes

The days are drawing in and summer (and ‘that’ heat) is nearly a distant
memory. My hanging basket which is sheltered from the elements under the
porch has been very colourful with a trailing petunia and the poor grass, fields,
trees and plants are looking a little greener now thank goodness.

It was a shame our trip for a cream tea at the Donkey Sanctuary was a wet
last day of June – I must try and pick a better date next time! We do hope
you will be able to come on some (or all) of our forthcoming 2022 events. It is
always so good to see you.

We welcome Sandy Glover as a new member to our Cub and look forward to
welcoming her in person soon.

In the meantime, please take care of yourselves.

Barbara Johnson, Secretary



Autumn has seemingly appeared overnight and it will not be too long until
Christmas! With this in mind:
Christmas Grant 2022
Applications are to be received by 28th October, BUT you need to register an
interest and obtain forms by 30th September.
Contact Bank Workers
Charity, either online, or phone 08000 234 834. The maximum grant is £500,
although those in a care home are eligible to receive a maximum of £250.
In these increasingly challenging financial times, I will also mention the

Annual Pension Increase

As you will all be too aware, inflation is now in double figures, but the Bank
pension increase is capped at 5% per annum and this is the amount that will
soon be formally advised. There are articles mentioned on the Towers Watson
website „living with high inflation‟, that may be of help.

Attendance Allowance or Carers Allowance

These may well be worth further research to explore your, or a partners‟,

Please feel free to talk further with one of our Wellbeing Team.

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Co-ordinator



Thursday, 17th November – 12.30pm
“Pub Grub Lunch” at the White Horse Inn, Woodbury Salterton EX5
1EP (A3052 – Exeter to Sidmouth road)

We thought we would offer this new style event – less formal than our usual
“Hotel” lunches – and see if it proves popular.

The venue is already familiar to some through our occasional coffee mornings
and recent committee meetings have also been held here. We have then
stayed on for lunch and can fully recommend the quality of food and service.

This initial lunch will be restricted to 30 attendees on a first-come basis and we
will be accommodated in the usual private room. The Proprietors do need to
know our actual numbers and main course menu choices on this occasion by
11th November. Unfortunately we cannot give a precise costing at the moment
but expect the main course will be in the region of £16 (pre-subsidy).

We have selected a choice of six main course dishes from their (extensive)
menu and there will be a choice of desserts from the board on the day.

Members will be asked to pay their individual meal and drinks bill at the bar
but may expect a surprise subsidy from our generous Treasurer to those

Please see the attached application form (click here) for details and complete and return
slip to Barbara & Peter Johnson as soon as possible (or by e-mail if preferred)
no later than 10th November please.


And a second menu for you to contemplate: this time for our traditional
Christmas Lunch at the Victoria Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth EX10
8RY on Thursday, 8th December, 12.30pm for 1pm
. Please complete and
return the attached booking form (click here) to Barbara & Peter Johnson by 21st
November at the latest with your cheque or confirmation of BACS transfer.

Account name: Exeter Spread Eagle Club
Account number: 10138878 Sort code 20-30-47 reference: Your Surname

Future functions:

Free Coffee Morning at Bickleigh Mill, EX16 8RG Tuesday, 29th November,

Annual General Meeting and Lunch 9th March 2023

Barbara & Peter Johnson
01297 599086

Newsletter – June 2022


Welcome all to our Summer ’22 newsletter which I hope finds you all safe and well, but if not, then on the road to recovery. Covid is still around, but where we should all be well protected.

Since last April we have had a wonderful cream tea at the Hartnoll Hotel, Bolham and our May lunch at the Harbour Hotel in Sidmouth. Numbers attending remain lower than in pre-Covid years and I hope will improve as the year progresses and we feel more confident to venture out.

The Club has received an unexpected bonus from Barclays of grant funds for 2022 at the same level as 2020 & 2021, namely £4,251 despite everything social being curtailed in each year. We thus have funds to spend on subsidising all social events this year and next to a considerable degree.

We now look forward to 3 events covered later in this Newsletter, being a free cream tea at the Donkey Sanctuary (near Sidmouth) on 30th June; a Theatre outing on 31st August at the Sidmouth Manor Pavilion Theatre for an Alan Ayckbourn comedy and in September another free cream tea afternoon at the Orangery, Powderham (21st September).

Into the Autumn, you can look forward to an informal pub lunch at the White Horse (near Aylesbeare); a coffee morning at Bickleigh (with Christmas shopping) and the annual Christmas lunch at the Victoria Hotel: Full details in the next Newsletter. That will give us 10 events for the year either being free or heavily subsidised.

I am pleased to welcome to the Club since the beginning of the year Eddie Gabriel from Honiton and very recently Sandra Glover, as active members.

Finally, I look forward to seeing many of you at our remaining gatherings and wish you all a sunny, relaxing summer.

Finance Update

The year started with £8,511 in our reserves to which the annual subscriptions have been added of £809 and the generous grant from Barclays of £4,251. Our budget allows for net spending of £5,400 on social events plus £1,060 on Admin and Wellbeing, leaving us with a budgeted shortfall of £1,400 for the year. I therefore anticipate a final balance at the year-end of £7,100.

That gives us a healthy position going forward into 2023 with the ability to continue generous subsidies. This year if you were to attend all events the subsidies will amount to over £100 per active member – not bad for a £5 subscription! Long may it continue.


Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer


Secretary’s Notes

It is hard to believe that we are halfway through 2022 and it is lovely to be free of the many restrictions of the last couple of years. The days are long and the sunshine warm and the gardens and countryside are bright and colourful -a favourite time of the year for me.

June 2022 starts off with wonderful events and celebrations taking place in Great Britain and around the Commonwealth as Her Majesty the Queen marks her amazing Platinum Jubilee. What an achievement! We have been shown some super photos and film footage on TV, and of course, in magazines and newspapers etc. I hope (like me) you have enjoyed and probably remembered specific events over some of the seventy years, along with seeing unseen footage – a great privilege.

Our next (free) cream tea is at The Donkey Sanctuary, Sidmouth on Thursday 30th June and we do hope you will be able to come along, please just let me know by 17th June for catering purposes.

We are enjoying more club events now, but some of our members may be put off from joining us because of travel difficulties. If you wish to come to an event but travelling is a problem, then please let me know (or one of our committee members) and we will try to arrange a lift for you.

Barbara Johnson, Secretary



Sincerely hope that you have been able to enjoy the wonderful display of spring flowers, and that we can see some more of you at one of our upcoming functions. Thinking of this:


As a committee, we are aware of the challenges that you may face in getting to some of our functions. We cannot promise to be able to solve this for everyone, but please contact one of us, or your Wellbeing Officer, and we shall see what we can do. Equally, we hope that if you are a regular attendee, you will be amenable to providing a lift to someone.

Take care,

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Co-ordinator



Free Cream Tea – 30th June

We have arranged to have another free Cream Tea on Thursday, 30th June at 3pm. This time at The Donkey Sanctuary, Slade House Farm, Sidmouth, EX10 0NU and it is a new venue for our Club. An area will be set aside for us and there will be table service. There is plenty of free car parking and no entrance fee, and, of course, there are plenty of donkeys to view!

Please advise Barbara or Peter Johnson on or or telephone them on 01297 599086 if you wish to attend, by 17th June, so the appropriate number of scones may be ordered.

Theatre visit – Wednesday, 31st August 2022 – Curtain up 8.00pm Manor Pavilion Theatre, Manor Road, Sidmouth EX10 8RP

For this year’s outing we have chosen a performance of “How the Other Half Loves” by Alan Ayckbourn and have reserved a block booking of up to 32 seats. This marks a return to the theme of comedy. The production will be performed by the usual visiting professional summer repertory company and produced by Paul Taylor-Mills.

Come and join us for what promises to be another enjoyable evening together.

A discount applies for our block booking and a further subsidy from Club funds means that on this occasion we can offer seats (maximum of 2 per member) at just £10.00 per ticket (the advertised price being £19.50) which represents excellent value (non-refundable).

We need to confirm numbers and make payment to the Theatre by 1st August, so if you would like to attend we need your confirmation and payment please (cheques payable to “Exeter Spread Eagle Club” ) or by BACs as soon as possible and no later than Friday 29th July. Please return the attached booking form (see below) to Peter Johnson, (by e-mail if preferred –

Future functions with some dates to be confirmed:

Free Cream Tea at Orangery, Powderham 21st September (confirmed)

Pub lunch at White Horse Inn, Woodbury Salterton October

Free Coffee Morning at Bickleigh Mill November

Christmas Lunch at Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth 8th December (confirmed)



“How the Other Half Loves” by Alan Ayckbourn

I wish to apply for …………… tickets (max. 2 per member)
I enclose my cheque for £………………. (£10.00 per ticket) payable to
“Exeter Spread Eagle Club”

Or – I have paid by BACS £…………….. (£10.00 per ticket)
(Account name: Exeter Spread Eagle Club
Account No: 10138878
Sort : 20-30-47)

NAME ………………………………………………………………………………
ADDRESS …………………………………………………………………………
Telephone No ……………………………………. E-Mail …………………………………

Please return to Peter Johnson, “Fairways” 98 Beer Road, Seaton, Devon
EX12 2PU or e-mail: