Annual General Meeting 2021

The 46th Annual general Meeting of the Club took place on Wednesday March 10th – for the first (and hopefully the last time) via Zoom.

There were 22 members appearing on our computer screens as the formal and typical AGM proceedings took place under Garry Adams’ Chairmanship.

The event was overshadowed by the sad and sudden death of Lynne Ring a few days before. A key member of the Committee, Lynne will be sorely missed and a tribute to her will appear on both our website and Facebook pages.

There were no changes to the Club Officers or Committee, except that there is now a vacancy on the Committee and for a Wellbeing Officer (which Lynne was). Is there anyone who would be prepared to fill these positions? Just phone any Committee member for more details of what is entailed.

The Committee hopes to recommence events and functions after 21st June and details will be advised as soon as possible. With the restrictions during 2020, it is hoped, with the help of the Head Office Grant, to subsidise future lunches and events, such as theatre visits, more fully than before.

The full minutes of the AGM are available from Les Rendell on or by phoning him on 01884 254375.

Putting on the Style at our AGM

Annual General Meetings are not the most exciting events in any club’s calendar but the one held at the Exeter Golf and Country Club on March 10th ended with over 50 Barclays Pensioners singing one of Lonnie Donegan’s great hits “Putting on the Style”. Why? Well the guest speaker, following the formal business, was the Rev. Alan Dodds who had a remarkable story to tell and the response to his guitar playing during his excellent presentation obviously hit the right notes and brought back fond memories.

Alan became involved in the fifties with the music of that era and formed a band called the Konrads in the Bromley area of London. David Bowie (as he later called himself) became a member of that band and eventually its lead singer while Alan wrote one of Bowie’s first songs. Images and music of the time were recalled by Alan who had no difficulty in getting his current audience to join in whenever he played songs from ‘back in the day’.

Alan, who retired as the Rector of Uffculme a few years ago, also told of his conversion to Christianity and eventually to the Anglican ministry through a blind date at a Butlins holiday camp.

It was a fascinating 45 minutes thoroughly enjoyed by all and a deserved vote of thanks was given by Garry.

What about the AGM then? Well, full reports about another successful year of Club events were given by Chairman and Treasurer, Garry Adams with Ray Cavill providing information about our Wellbeing Committee and the Bank Workers Charity. The subscription of £5 was retained and details of the 2020 events – ten are proposed – were announced.

After six years as Secretary, Andrew Green has decided to step down but remain on the Committee and he was thanked for his stalwart work over that time by Chairman Garry whose appreciation was shared by all present.

Our new Secretary is Barbara Johnson and she was given a warm welcome by everyone present. These changes were the only ones on the committee.

The full minutes of the AGM may be obtained from Les Rendell on

Christmas Lunch in Sidmouth

Seventy Barclays pensioners, spouses, partners and friends once again enjoyed an excellent Christmas Lunch at the Victoria Hotel in Sidmouth on 5th December. As usual, the hotel was beautifully decorated and both the seasonal fare and the service were first class. Those who attended benefitted from the heavily subsidised cost and there was a good deal of animated chatter and festive good wishes over the three hours or so in the hotel which offers lovely sea views for those arriving early for coffee beforehand.

Ghoulies and Ghosties at Tiverton Lunch

Forty or so pensioners and friends were startled by a Halloween invasion of witches and ghosts at the commencement of their lunch at the Tiverton Hotel on October 31st (click here). Several of the Club members (who shall be nameless!) dressed appropriately for the occasion and were eventually welcomed by the rest of the group so that a very enjoyable lunch ensued. The Tiverton Hotel has hosted this October lunch for a few years now and has always provided excellent food and service. The hotel is easy to reach and parking is no problem so we always hope that those who do live in mid and north Devon will find it more convenient to join us.

Seaton Tramway & Cream Tea

There were 24 hardy souls who braved the bad weather to enjoy the tram ride from Seaton to Colyton on Monday 9th September. Most members met up beforehand in the cafeteria of the Jurassic Centre and had a light lunch knowing that a very filling cream tea was awaiting them at the other end of the tramline. The ride itself in a tram reserved for the bank pensioners took us through Seaton Wetlands where many birds and other wildlife could be seen and the rain did not detract from everyone’s enjoyment especially with the lively commentary from the tram driver. Barbara and Peter Johnson’s initiative in suggesting this function and their organisation of it were rewarded with a thoroughly engaging few hours. The cream tea at Colyton Tram Station was worth the trip in itself while Mick Mabbutt’s replica Golden Spread Eagle made sure the occasion was a Barclays exclusive!

Dangerous Obsession

Don’t worry – that’s the name of the latest play we watched at the Sidmouth theatre! Around 25 Barclays Pensioners and friends enjoyed the fine acting, the suspense of the thriller and of course each other’s company thanks to the arrangements made by Barbara and Peter Johnson. This was our fourth theatre visit as a group and more are planned for the future.

Visit to Fursdon Gardens

On Tuesday 11th June the poor weather relented sufficiently for a tour of the lovely gardens and 34 members received a delicious cream tea augmented by Catriona Fursdon’s presentation about the history of the property which proved extremely interesting.

Best view in Sidmouth?

The May lunch attended by 45 members was at the refurbished Sidmouth House Hotel and we believe it is the hotel with the best view in Sidmouth with the whole bay before you.. The lunch itself was excellent and the service matched it. The improved facilities and décor following the refurbishment has certainly enhanced the hotel and on a gloriously sunny day members were reluctant to leave for home.

Dead on Arrival

We are all fine! That was the title of the latest play we attended at the lovely Sidmouth Theatre. As the name suggests it was a murder mystery play and 20 members enjoyed it in March with heavily subsidised seat prices. We are planning another visit this summer so watch out in our Newsletters for details.

Annual General Meeting and Speaker March 2019

Garry Adams achieved a hat trick! No, he was not on the cricket field nor did he turn out for Exeter City but simply carried out his dual duties as Chairman and Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting of the Club at the Exeter Golf and Country Club recently wearing a different hat for each office.

There were no changes to the Committee nor to the annual subscription  of £5 and members heard of a planned 10 events in the forthcoming months some free and others heavily subsidised.

The full minutes of the meeting may be obtained by emailing Les Rendell on

Following the formal business, members were treated to an excellent presentation by Andrew Millington, former Organist and Director of the Choir at Exeter Cathedral.

Andrew  (see below) gave an informative, interesting and illuminating talk on his career as a professional musician for over 40 years. From his early days in Malvern, Worcestershire, his work in Worcester Cathedral, his scholarship to Cambridge, his role as Organist in Gloucester Cathedral and then at Guildford through to his 17 or so years at Exeter Cathedral, Andrew illustrated his enjoyable life with recordings of some of the music and choirs with which he had been involved and with humorous anecdotes of his experiences. He took great joy from being able to train youngsters in choirs in wonderful buildings in the art of teamwork and in striving for professional standards.

Members then adjourned to an enjoyable (and subsidised) lunch at the Club.