April 2018 Newsletter

Wasn’t Julia Tremlett a fascinating speaker at our Club AGM? If you were at our Exeter meeting, you probably picked up a copy of the famous National Garden Scheme’s yellow book. This lists the many gardens open to the public between now and the end of October. So now may be the time to look through it, and plan some different trips out. Many will be local to you. But you may choose to go further afield, to a locality you have never visited before. Perhaps you have an interest in particular plants, or you would just like some new ideas for your own garden.

You might take your camera (or phone) with you, and send us a photo for the Club website and Facebook page. There will be something for everyone to enjoy, not just the naturally green-fingered, and you will be benefitting a very worthwhile charity.

Your Committee have also been looking forward, to our events for the year. Details, as always, are provided in this Newsletter. We look forward to seeing you.

Andrew Green, Hon Secretary


View from the Chair and AGM comments

The past year has been a bit mixed with membership and attendances at functions slightly down. We now have 203 qualifying pensioners, plus 80 spouses, giving a total of 283 members across 188 addresses. Our numbers are 14 down on the year. On the positive side, our grant monies for 2018 are similar to 2017 as the Bank has increased funds by 3%.  With regard to events, our 2017 AGM saw 74 members enjoy an excellent meal at the Exeter Golf & Country Club with a most interesting and amusing speaker in Dr John Searle OBE reminiscing about his early years at Guy’s Hospital.

This March, with 64 attending, we had another lovely meal and a wonderful speaker in Julia Tremlett from the National Garden Scheme with a slide show telling us about the background, history and ongoing charity work of the NGS. Did you know the NGS has a nursing background and raised £3 million for nursing/carers charities in 2017? She also did a comprehensive review of some of the amazing gardens of Devon. This was a most illuminating, imaginative and entertaining presentation, laced with humour and anecdotes.

We will try to find another top quality speaker for the March 2019 AGM as we have now had 3 excellent speakers over the past 3 years.

Should you require a copy of the AGM Minutes please contact Les Rendell – telephone: 01884 254375 or email: lesrendell41@gmail.com.

Last May saw us at the Deer Park Hotel with only 41 present, a rather disappointing turnout. We dropped the Autumn lunch and then returned to the Victoria in December, which was as good as ever for the 85 attendees. On the positive side, the 2 coffee mornings and the 2 cream tea afternoons saw 120 attend those 4 free events. The cream tea at the Hartnoll Hotel being particularly scrumptious! We must return there this year.  In addition, we had a subsidised Theatre trip to Sidmouth to see a farce called “Birthday Suite” and thank our new additions to the committee, Peter and Barbara Johnson, for arranging that. We propose a similar set of events for 2018, with the possible return of an Autumn lunch, thus giving you 9 events across the year. We have the funds, so why not use them!

I remind you that we have an active website and Facebook page, so make use of them to keep in touch with all information and planned events. Already, you will find a report about the AGM and the NGS on our web pages. We do thank Ron Powell for his continuing efforts here and to Les Rendell, in particular, for taking on the I.T. work. It was also Les who produced a couple of brain-teasing quizzes during the year, and more may follow.

Finally, I thank all those on your committee for their continued work and support with regard to meetings, events, newsletters, wellbeing and administration of the Club. We cannot exist without these volunteers. Thank you all!

Future Events Please see Functions section below.  A full agenda.  And as usual, the Christmas lunch at the Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth on Thursday 6th December to round off our year.


With my other hat on, I am pleased to report that once again it was a positive year with a small surplus of £65 achieved, despite income being £350 down, but where on the social side, we dropped the autumn lunch which saved £400 from the budget. Subscriptions have held up quite well, but will fall again this year, as numbers sadly reduce. General expenses remain under control with your committee being as frugal as possible! Subsidies for events averaged nearly 60% in 2017. Grant income was £4,457 and will be £4,446 in 2018. Our final year-end balance as at 31st December 2017 was £3,783.

For 2018, I have budgeted for a £500 deficit to reduce our final balance to just under £3,300 going forward into 2019. We can then subsidise 4 lunches at an average of 56% and provide 4 free events (2 coffee mornings and 2 cream teas), plus the theatre trip. At the end of the year, we should still have well over £3,000 in the bank. Your subscription remains at £5 per head.  Finally, if you attend all the planned functions this year, then you will enjoy at least £65 of subsidy for your £5 subscription. I am sure you would all agree, very good value!!

I would like to formally thank Eric Watts for examining and signing off the final accounts, and can confirm that he is continuing in this capacity for another year.

Garry Adams, Chairman and Treasurer



Not too much to report since the last Newsletter, other than an update for those not at the AGM.  Delighted to report that I do not need to ask for anyone to assist with the Wellbeing side this year as all the team are still in office.  A big thank you to them all and, as ever, please do not hesitate to contact us if you feel we can help.  Hope to see you at our next coffee morning.

Ray Cavill, Wellbeing Co-ordinator



Our next function is a free Coffee Morning on Tuesday, 17th April  at the Halfway Inn, Sidmouth Road (A3052), Aylesbeare  EX5 2JP,
10.15am-12noon. This is a very pleasant venue we have used before with plenty of car parking space.  The Halfway Inn has an extensive menu for  those wishing to stay on for lunch (at your own cost of course).  We hope to see you there.

Following the coffee morning is our next lunch which is on Tuesday, 15th  May at the Belmont Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth  EX10 8RX.

Menu/booking form is attached and should be returned to me with your cheque by Monday, 30th April 2018.  Cheques will be banked on Thursday, 3rd May.   No refunds will be given after this date.  The cost per head for members is £12.00 or £25.00 per head for non-members.  The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.

Please also let me know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy. Please collect your menu choices form from me and place on your chosen table by 12.40pm.  Please do not move them after this time.

Future dates for your diary   Thursday, 21st June 2018 free Cream Tea (scone, jam, cream, tea/coffee), King’s Garden Centre, Higher Hulham Road, Exmouth  EX8 5DZ (new venue – designated area) 3.00pm-4.30pm  Number attending is required. Please advise me by Thursday, 7th June  if you intend to come.

Directions – if you know a better way, please use it!:  From Sidmouth, A3052 to Halfway Inn, turn left onto B3180, follow road until branching right (signposted Exmouth) into Higher Hulham Road.  From Exeter (Sandygate) A3052 Sidmouth road to Clyst St Mary roundabout, follow A376 Exmouth road to Clyst St George roundabout, branch left onto B3179, through Woodbury village, turn right to meet B3180, then follow road until branching right (signposted Exmouth) into Higher Hulham Road.

Further details of the following events will be included in future Newsletters.

Tuesday, 4th September 2018 free Cream Tea (scone, jam, cream, tea/coffee), Hartnoll Hotel, Bolham, Tiverton  EX16 7RA  3.15-4.30pm

Tuesday, 16th October 2018 Lunch at Tiverton Hotel, Blundells Road, Tiverton  EX16 4DB  1pm

Thursday, 8th November 2018 free Coffee Morning at the White Horse Inn, Sidmouth Road (A3052), Woodbury Salterton  EX5 1EP  10.1512 noon.

Thursday, 6th December 2018 Christmas Lunch, Victoria Hotel, The Esplanade, Sidmouth

Thursday, 7th March 2019 AGM and Lunch, Exeter Golf & Country Club

Lynne Ring, Committee Member 01392 879446   lynne_ring@hotmail.com [Please note my email address has an underscore between Lynne and Ring]


Claiming a Power of Attorney refund

It hasn’t been widely advertised but the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) will consider making a part refund of the OPG fee(s) paid for those who registered their Lasting or Enduring Power(s) of Attorney during the period 1st April 2003 to 31st March 2017.  The government website www.gov.uk/power-of-attorney-refund explains both the potential refund and includes an on-line portal to make the application.  Amounts range from £34 to £54 depending on the date of registration.

Postal address: PO Box 16185    Birmingham    B2 2WH

Email address: customerservices@publicguardian.gsi.gov.uk

Telephone:  0300 456 0300