April 2016 Newsletter

AGM 2015

Attendees at the recent Club AGM saw Garry Adams furiously jumping up and down, whilst putting-on and taking-off colourful baseball caps in rapid succession. What was going on?

Members will be well aware that Chris Moss has given the Club many years of loyal service, most recently as Chairman. Now, the time had come for him to stand down. But who was to succeed him? The proposal from the Committee was that his well-qualified deputy, Garry, should take on the job, provided he also retained his role as Treasurer! Members in attendance unanimously agreed with this, and then Garry humorously illustrated his two Club roles with the aforementioned baseball caps.

Other items from the AGM, including the need for new Committee members and the all-important Club Finance update, are therefore covered in this Newsletter by ” Two Hats” Adams !

If you missed the business side of the day, you also missed a most entertaining and informative guest speaker, Chris Hampton, from Bearnes, Hampton and Littlewood, the local Auctioneers and Valuers. Your Committee are resolved to find a speaker of similar calibre for next year, making our AGM a “not to be missed” event for members.

You will remember that Les Rendell recently raised funds for charity with a self-penned quiz. Such talents should not go to waste, and so we have asked Les to create another Quiz, just for Exeter Spread Eagle Club members. The Quiz is also to be found attached to this Newsletter, together with details of the generous prize for the winner!

All that remains is for me to remind you of our upcoming social events. I hope to see you then.

Andrew Green, Hon Secretary

A view from the Chair

I am pleased to take on this role, although it means that we have only 7 people left on our governing committee. Is there anyone out there who would like to join us? Chris Moss has stood down after 7 sterling years in the chair, way beyond his original remit, and we thanked him most profusely at our March AGM, including the presentation of a modern glass decanter. We all wish him well and a speedy return to full health.

Looking forward to 2016, I hope our programme of 4 lunches, 2 free coffee mornings and a free afternoon cream tea will keep you all satisfied. If you want anything else, or something new; then please get in touch. We (the committee) would love to hear from you and look forward to seeing you at one or more of our events. With best wishes for the year ahead.

Garry Adams, Chairman


With my other hat on, I am pleased to report that once again it was a positive year with a surplus of £450 made, as against a projected deficit of £400. Three main reasons for this variation:- (1) the H.O. grant was increased by 5% yielding us an extra £250 , (2) we had lower numbers than expected at 2 of our lunches, which saved £300 from the budget, and (3) your frugal committee saved £250 in expenses compared to 2014. At the same time we still paid out an average lunch subsidy of 49% to members.

For 2016, I am again budgeting for a £450 deficit to use up some of our £3090 funds and will run a lunch subsidy of 50% across the year for members. On that basis, if you attend all 4 lunches planned for 2016, members will enjoy a subsidy of £57 — very good value for your Subscription of £5 each. On top of that the coffee mornings and planned cream tea will be free. Can you beat that for value?!!
I hope you enjoy our planned events and support us when you can. See you there.

Garry Adams, Hon Treasurer


New Welfare Team Members!

As you will see from the new Contact List, David & Eleanor Jenkins have taken on the responsibility for the Sidmouth area. I am delighted to welcome them to our team.


Please do not hesitate to speak with one of us, or the alternative contacts at both, The Bank Workers Charity, or Willis Towers Watson.

Full details are now on our website.

Ray Cavill, Welfare Co-ordinator


Our next function is a free Coffee Morning on Wednesday, 13th April 2016 at Froginwell Vineyard, Sidmouth Road, Woodbury Salterton EX5 1EP on the A3052 Exeter to Sidmouth Road, 10am–12 noon. This a very pleasant venue we have used before. It is on the level with plenty of car parking space. The Vineyard has a small menu for those wishing to stay on for lunch (at your own cost of course). We hope to see you there.

Following the coffee morning is our next lunch which is on Thursday, 26th May 2016 at the Sidmouth Harbour Hotel, Manor Road, Sidmouth EX10 8RU.

Menu/booking form is enclosed and should be returned to me with your cheque by Monday, 16th May 2016. Cheques will be banked on Thursday, 19th May. No refunds will be given after this date. The cost per head for members is £15.00 or £30.00 per head for non-members. The cost includes a glass and a half of wine OR a glass of orange, apple or grapefruit juice.

Please also let me know when replying of any special dietary requirements you may have, e.g. if you do not want sauces or gravy.

For those who like to make this event more of an occasion, you can arrive from 11.00am to purchase tea/coffee and the bar will be open from 12 noon.

Please collect your menu choices form from me and place on your chosen table by 12.40pm. Please do not move them after this time.

Future dates for your diary

Tuesday, 28th June 2016 free Afternoon Cream Tea
(scones, jam, cream and tea)
Froginwell Vineyard, Woodbury Salterton
Numbers attending are required for this event. Please let me know by Tuesday, 21st June if you intend to come.

Tuesday, 13th September 2016 Lunch at Best Western Tiverton Hotel

Tuesday, 18th October 2016 free Coffee Morning
Venue to be advised

Thursday, 1st December 2016 Christmas lunch at Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth

Do please try to come to at least one event in the year. If getting to an event is difficult for you, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Committee and we will do our best to arrange transport for you. We would like to see you – and it helps our finances!

Lynne Ring, Functions Co-ordinator
(email: lynne_ring@hotmail.com telephone: 01392 879446)

For information:
Pension Fund Advisory Committee (PFAC)

This Committee that included pensioner representation has been disbanded. Pension administration and reviews are being undertaken through Willis Towers Watson and the Pensions and Benefits Team.