Annual General Meeting, Speaker and Lunch 2018

AGM group

The connection between nursing and the National Gardens Scheme (NGS) would appear to be tenuous but, in fact, one emanated from the other.

At our AGM at the Exeter Golf and Country Club on March 8th, Julia Tremlett  provided an illuminating, informative and entertaining presentation, laced with humour, on the NGS and augmented by an excellent visual program.

The origins of the scheme date back to 1859 when a benefactor, William Rathbone, asked his former wife’s nurse, Mary Robinson, to find a suitable beneficiary for his largesse. Unsurprisingly, Mary nominated a need for the training of District Nurses, so that Rathbone built a training school for that purpose. Eventually the need to raise funds to maintain nursing training was recognised by Elsie Wagg who, in 1927, recommended fundraising via the opening to the public, on one day a year, of suitable gardens for which a charge would be made. With Royal approval and support this blossomed into the NGS we have today.

The NGS now donates to a range of charities with four prime beneficiaries being Macmillan Cancer Support, Marie Curie, Hospice UK and Carers Trust.

Julia illustrated her talk with many photographs of the Devon gardens within the scheme and members were able to take away the NGS 2018 booklet.

Julia was thanked by Chairman Garry for a first-class presentation which had been hugely enjoyed by members. The photo shows Julia (second from left) flanked by Peter and Barbara Johnson, who organised the speaker, and Chairman Garry Adams.

At the formal AGM, there were no changes to the officers or committee.  Garry, who is also the Treasurer, stressed the benefits of Club membership with the subsidies  on lunch functions plus free coffee mornings and cream teas.

Any member requiring a copy of the full AGM minutes should email Les Rendell  on or phone 01884 254375