Annual General Meeting and Speaker March 2019

Garry's Hat Trick

Garry Adams achieved a hat trick! No, he was not on the cricket field nor did he turn out for Exeter City but simply carried out his dual duties as Chairman and Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting of the Club at the Exeter Golf and Country Club recently wearing a different hat for each office.

There were no changes to the Committee nor to the annual subscription  of £5 and members heard of a planned 10 events in the forthcoming months some free and others heavily subsidised.

The full minutes of the meeting may be obtained by emailing Les Rendell on

Following the formal business, members were treated to an excellent presentation by Andrew Millington, former Organist and Director of the Choir at Exeter Cathedral.

Andrew  (see below) gave an informative, interesting and illuminating talk on his career as a professional musician for over 40 years. From his early days in Malvern, Worcestershire, his work in Worcester Cathedral, his scholarship to Cambridge, his role as Organist in Gloucester Cathedral and then at Guildford through to his 17 or so years at Exeter Cathedral, Andrew illustrated his enjoyable life with recordings of some of the music and choirs with which he had been involved and with humorous anecdotes of his experiences. He took great joy from being able to train youngsters in choirs in wonderful buildings in the art of teamwork and in striving for professional standards.

Members then adjourned to an enjoyable (and subsidised) lunch at the Club.